
Viktranka เขียน:
If you use awakened swift affliction it provides 10% damage over time multiplier from quality, which is better than other gem.

PoB doesn't seem to confirm that staement. 28,573,093 combined dps with awakend swift affliction 6/20, 29,518,866 combined dps with awakend void manipulation 6/20
I am new so I apologize if I just don't understand. I grabbed your pastebin file for path of building but the final tree looks different than what is in the individual pictures in this guide. Has your use of the skill tree changed?
FatMaul เขียน:
I am new so I apologize if I just don't understand. I grabbed your pastebin file for path of building but the final tree looks different than what is in the individual pictures in this guide. Has your use of the skill tree changed?

PoB is the correct one, pictures in the guide still show Pathfinder tree, but remi switched the build to Deadeye as seen in the PoB
hi guys, i'm going crazy cause i can't understand why my damage is so low ... i probably miss something important but being my first season with this build i don't really know what i'm wrong ... something is wrong also in defense because the trial boss kills me in one shot ... thanks for your availability.

Remicaster1 เขียน:
tryzoloft เขียน:
Hey, thanks for insteresting build.
How can I get low cd for Immortal Call, so I can use veteran's awareness?
It's only possible with enchance lvl4?

High quality on immortal call and CDR belt, CDR boots also help but it's not necessary

So the duration nodes on the tree aren’t really important to 100% immortal call uptime?
IceColdPorkSoda เขียน:
Remicaster1 เขียน:
tryzoloft เขียน:
Hey, thanks for insteresting build.
How can I get low cd for Immortal Call, so I can use veteran's awareness?
It's only possible with enchance lvl4?

High quality on immortal call and CDR belt, CDR boots also help but it's not necessary

So the duration nodes on the tree aren’t really important to 100% immortal call uptime?

what? how did you reached this verdict?

You can never reach 100% immortal call uptime, there must be a cooldown timer in between because you would need infinite amount of CDR for that. Duration just extends the time before it runs out and that's it.

duration buff our damage and defenses at the same time, they are great but there are also limitations on themselves
I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1
FatMaul เขียน:
I am new so I apologize if I just don't understand. I grabbed your pastebin file for path of building but the final tree looks different than what is in the individual pictures in this guide. Has your use of the skill tree changed?

skill tree is the same, ascendancy is different and that's it
I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1
baguz เขียน:
hi guys, i'm going crazy cause i can't understand why my damage is so low ... i probably miss something important but being my first season with this build i don't really know what i'm wrong ... something is wrong also in defense because the trial boss kills me in one shot ... thanks for your availability.


Uhm, you need to double check your stuff, because I found this :

like dude seriously how did you managed to do that. Your ascendancy order is also wrong.

Also, my Maloney setup is for bosses, but your TR is on weapon swap, totally killed the purpose of Maloney for wither stacks on bosses.

Your gear in general is basically just life and res in general, follow the progression guide, it will give you some idea on where you should go.

Additionally, get more levels.

I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1
Remicaster1 เขียน:
baguz เขียน:
hi guys, i'm going crazy cause i can't understand why my damage is so low ... i probably miss something important but being my first season with this build i don't really know what i'm wrong ... something is wrong also in defense because the trial boss kills me in one shot ... thanks for your availability.


Uhm, you need to double check your stuff, because I found this :

like dude seriously how did you managed to do that. Your ascendancy order is also wrong.

Also, my Maloney setup is for bosses, but your TR is on weapon swap, totally killed the purpose of Maloney for wither stacks on bosses.

Your gear in general is basically just life and res in general, follow the progression guide, it will give you some idea on where you should go.

Additionally, get more levels.

ty for your time...the fact of fatal blade is brop a missclick ill try to follow the guide for equip
im having problem with this build on certain mods in map ... cant do unlucky evasion, high chance of getting 1 shotted .. reflect maps are pieces of cake. minus resists are also bad i only need the other large cluster and bow and im all set ... the way i see your POB vs mine is I have higher block and dodge but yes my damage is 10 times weaker(i only got 1-2m total DOT) my hp is 4.1k .. I'd like to know how you are fairing with all types of map mods and how you survive ultimatum trials(do you die a lot as well?



