Mines vs Traps
Hello everyone,
sorry to bother you with what could be a dumb question, but next league i'm going to play in SSF and many persons are putting the saboteur as one of the strongest ascendancy in the game for this type of league. My main problem is mines. I don't want to spend my time pressing D, i know it can be really rewarding but not for me. That's why i'm here asking, are traps good enough to be played/mained in SSF ? Best regards and good evening lads. ขุดครั้งสุดท้าย เมื่อ 15 มิ.ย. 2020 14:05:36
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" Yeah, they are plenty good. To be honnest, this league doesn't look too demending character wise. Even if you end up with a janky setup, it'll be fine, you'll be able to enjoy most content without mising out on too much (delirium was pretty bad for subpar builds, especially in ssf). They are plenty of traps that are played, but the main ones are lightning trap and arc. Flamethrower trap also still deal beyond broken singletarget, it's beyond me why people don't use that more often. Just like mines, they don't really require specific gearing, which makes them great for ssf. As a sabo, you'll also have easy access to accro/phase accro (and maybe wind dancer?), plus an aoe blind for sick avoidance. That said, I strongly advise you yo make intermediate PoBs to have a goal to work towards. Know how much dps a tabula with level 19 gems will do, and know what to look for to push your character further. SSF is a game about knowledge and preparation. |
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" Heya, many thanks for your well written answer. For the goals i was thinking to maybe league start keeping this build in mind : https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/lightning-trapper-saboteur-build-guide Nothing too ambitious i would say. And then, if the flow isn't making me drop the game, maybe a transition into this one : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2661748. I really like the concept of SSF but to be honest it's a bit complicated after many years playing only trade-leagues, to take a step back and judge what could be fine and not, obviously the engine is steaming with loot so it's a great part of rng, anyway we'll see, i just need to play and see for myself after all. Thanks again dood, Stay safe. |
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I don't have as much experience with traps, but i've played mines a few times. If I may offer at least one pro of mines, especially glacial cascade and ball lightning mines, is that you throw them ahead of you and then trigger them so that they auto-target the monsters ahead of you rather than having to be triggered. This is nice, because it gives you a bit more breathing room. I also believes mines do more damage than traps due to the support gems, but i could be mistaken there.
As for not wanting to hold 'D' the entire time, that's understandable. I bound my detonate button to my middle scroll wheel 'click' button and my throw-mines on my right click. Then while mapping i just hold them both down basically the entire time and use dash to move, the mines do everything else. It's a pretty easy play style when you do it like that b/c all the monsters are usually dead before you get a good look at them. Just my 2 cents; i'm sure a trapper will be fine as well. |
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" Another interesting opinion and cool tips, ty man. Not a bad idea to re-bind detonate to another button, and yeah you're totally right and i'm clearly aware that mines are better than traps by just looking the frontpage of the saboteur. I'll make up my mind til the end of the week ! |
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