[3.12] Radiating Carrion Golems. 90% resistances + 10-20 Mil DPS
" Thanks for mentioning those boots they were able to bring me to a nice 1.6k ES regen, currently using a vitality regen discipline regen watchers eye and plan on swapping to a purity phys and was worried about losing a good chunk of my regen. I also want to say thank you OP for this build and making my league fun, I'm having so much fun with the build. It's cost and simplicity without being un-upgradeable while also not being so drastically upgradeable that I have no idea what to do makes playing this build incredibly enjoyable. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย coolzombiesg#5560 เมื่อ 5 ก.ค. 2020 12:58:30
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" If you cannot afford a minion jewel with 8-10 passives, you can simply find a jewel of a different base with 8 passives. My reason for this is because if you roll 3 notables on an 8 passive, it means you can get to both sockets on a large cluster by only spending 5 skill points which can be used elsewhere. https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Harvest/dkog8e3fJ As you can see, they are very cheap, going for around 1 chaos. You could even go look for ones with 3 notables so you don't have to craft it yourself. 3 Notables: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Harvest/Y9Oajb7uY So when creating our clusters we can use this website as a reference: https://poedb.tw/us/mod.php?cn=BaseItemTypes&an=Large+Cluster+Jewel By selecting our base, we can see which keywords match with the modifiers that we want. ![]() As you can see, this is a list of modifiers we could potentially have for our minion jewel. Weight indicating how hard it is to roll; a lower number being a less of a chance to roll. Level being the ilvl requirement a jewel has to be to roll it and suffix/prefix (Max 2 Suffix and 2 Prefix on a Jewel) With harvest seeds, we reveal a random craft which it indicates, e.g: revealing a random defense craft could net you a craft of "{Reforge} a {Normal} or {Magic} item as a Rare item with random modifiers, including a {Defence} modifier" You can take a look at all of them from this website: https://poedb.tw/us/HarvestSeed if you look under the harvest seed mod tab. So basically, you can target pick notables and modifiers by correctly using crafts from harvest which make crafting our jewels a lot easier. For example, if we wanted a vicious bites; the chance that we roll it by using currency is extremely low but if u were to create a jewel with other notables you need and use the craft: "{Augment} an item with a new {Critical} modifier", Vicious Bites is the only critical modifier of a minion jewel, it's the only thing that can roll as you can see in the image above. Other than that, the other way to craft jewels is to simply alteration and regal spam a jewel until you get the modifiers you want. Alteration spam until you get one or two mods you prefer, if you get one you can use an augmentation orb to gain a second mod hoping you get what you need and then you regal it. If it turns out to be not what you want, you scour and redo until you get what you want. ========= For colouring Sin Trek's, you can look into socket crafting with jewellers. You basically set your boots to 2 sockets and then recolour them using chromatics til they're both red. Next go into the crafting bench and bench craft them into three sockets, if they land anything other than red, you bench craft it back into two sockets. Then the 4th socket craft will most likely be green. If my explaination was bad, you can google it and watch a video. Darkness Enthroned with Abyss Jewels is quite inexpensive, you should put it as the first step in your list. You can gain a good amount of ES from it as well as minion damage/attributes and some defensive mechanics(blind and hinder from minions). Other than that, you've got it. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Nuboo#4493 เมื่อ 5 ก.ค. 2020 13:35:43
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hi, is greta build, but have a little question... my carrions golems is of paper, theyr deads very easy... is only my problem?
Can someone say me the problem? https://pastebin.com/rKFEtUa8 thanks. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Nefhithion#6675 เมื่อ 5 ก.ค. 2020 13:12:59
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" My guess: Your using primordial might, they run out of your aura range, lose all the ES and resistances you give to them and die. Take of Primordial Might and replace it with any of the other two. Keep them close to you. My golems have NEVER died once. The only time I feel you could use might is in a blight map to AFK or when you manage to get 20% qualiy on every single aura increasing aura range. There is also a corrupt on 1H mace to increase AOE range. You are also missing your 4th ascendancy, giving you the bone armour s kill in which you can place in your left click and it will keep on casting off cooldown as you walk. It also gives you personal physical damage reduction, recovery rate of life and energy shield as well as the minions more life. Irrelevant to the build but you use two life flasks on a Low Life build. Not the best option. Get them replaced ASAP. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Nuboo#4493 เมื่อ 5 ก.ค. 2020 13:24:02
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" I've written several build guides and re-answering questions is part of maintaining. Often they indicate I should reword or add something in the FAQ but sometimes the best answer is them going back to reread I recommend looking at the "leveling" section of the guide as I've got a recommended upgrade order at the bottom of that section. The aura cluster jewels eventually become the best option with well rolled jewels but they have less impact then getting enough jewel sockets to run all the primordial jewels and get up to the 5 golem count. Extra passive points can always be spent on ES nodes and either Rightious Army or Alligned Spirits are minion damage nodes that are totally solid and free allowing your budget to work on getting other bits in the build if you have more points then clusters to allocate My garden is horribly inefficient, I didn't want to think I wanted to spend the smallest time in the garden and get back to mapping. I just used the autoplant button for 2 fields of all coloured T1 seeds and everytime a full bed was ready to harvest I would socket the jewel i was trying to roll into something good and spam all the "Reroll with X mod more likely" crafts on it until they were all used until I hit something good Certain named blue seeds with "lightning" in their description do offer the reroll that guarantees a lightning mod which is better chance for crafting your pure aptitude jewel but the desired combinations are not very uncommon so you could hit it with any seed reroll. Quantity can beat quality unless there is something else that you want to use your random seeds on more. For crafting a perfect large minion jewel you want very specific crafting seeds. Nuboo has written some good breakdowns on creating a good base jewel and then using target Augment crafting to guarantee results. This is great when you have the time and budget but again its not bad to get just a "good" jewel by spamming 'chaos' equivalent seeds until you hit something good enough for now. Going from a good to perfect jewel is good but may only be the difference of +5-10% more DPS. Getting the 5th golem, buying a lvl 20 or 21 golem skill gem, anointing the amulet to free up 8 skill points, even some awakened support gems will give more damage then that for cheaper |
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The hardest part of the large cluster jewel craft is getting the base. Renewal and Rotten are very easy to hit with add/remove augments (I believe it was attack for Rotten and life for Renewal), and then the crit augment for Vicious Bites may take two or three harvests with tier 2 seeds. Cost for me was 2 exalts for an over Ilvl 75 8 passive base. Took me 20 minutes to farm up the augments. I wouldn't be shocked if it was faster with alts.
The medium jewels are even easier. Alt spam for increased effect, regal and hope for something good. If not wipe it and try again. When you have two stats augment chaos for chaos res (because who doesn't need more chaos res, and it also takes up the last suffix spot) finally augment life, and then add/remove for RP if you hit +life on small passives. it is guaranteed with one add/remove slam as RP is the only other life mod). Sorry if I just ruined someones side hustle. |
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Additional INFO
For anyone who is considering using primordial might, you can visualize how far your auras go on PoB ![]() Then you can judge whether you want to try it or not. If you have 20% quality on aura's your most likely able to run it. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Nuboo#4493 เมื่อ 5 ก.ค. 2020 14:16:19
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I tried tweaking my character on pob and played around the large clusters
L1 renewal vicious bite eva L2 Renewal feasting call to slaughter(not allocated) L3 renewal rotten vicious l4 renewal rotten vicious L1+L2= 3.3m dps still using impale L3+L4= 3.9 dps replaced impale with damage on full life support Cant really feel any difference when running boss/shaper/sirus feels like both set finishes at the same. |
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Ooh now I really want to do an aggro version and get maxed aura aoe qual and the aoe implicit you mentioned for the mace
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Hello guys any can give a advice for sirus fight?, is the only boss that kill me, but only in last phase with the "DIE" really i dont see it.
Thanks for the build, conquerors die in like 10 seconds. |
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