[3.11] Doryani's Brain Rattler Inquisitor | Stunning Lightning
Delaai the Shocker
Main idea
In 3.11 we can see some new unique items and some updated one. The most interesting item from my point of view is Doryani's Prototype. This item is a core of the build. ![]() So main idea is to use lightning damage with a lot of negative lightning res to make enemies exremely vulnarable to lightning. One more great change is Brain Rattler. ![]() With new stats it allows to convert all our damage to lightning using Physical to lightning gem and to easily shock bosses. This two items combined allow to create build with any physical melee skill gem. But do you know what is better then 2 unique items in the build? 3 unique items in the build! By using this "crappy" gloves and Conductivity curse we are able to get our lightning resistance to -100%. Even to Shaper, because Doryani's Prototype ignores initial resistances of enemies. Using this 3 items and some armor scaling you can use whatever class and melee skill you want.
+ Explosive damage + Need to scale only 2 elemental resistances. (More room to scale cahos res) + Fun oneshots of the bosses + Immune to curses, casted by monsters (can be replaced with our own conductivity) + Can run maps with Elemental Wickness + In optimal -150% to enemies lightning resistance (even to shaper) + Immune to Elemental Equilibrium + Low mana consumption (no need of mana leech or mana regen) + Cheap to start + Good scaling ability + Stun + Great support for all lightning classes
- Lightning damage is quite painfull, need a lot of armor
This guy is a nightmare
![]() - Slow gameplay - Can not run Elemental Reflect maps - Can not kill atziri due to her 2% passive damage reflect. (2% from our hit is a oneshot for us)
Leveling is easy. Just using Ice Crash will take us from the begining to the maps because of 100% Physical to Cold conversion. Or you can use Consecrated Path for more speeeed.
My variant
In 3.11 new mechanic was introduced, adding new gem tag SLAM. So I would like to use Earthquake with the slow gem setup. Gems: Earthquake, Physical to Lightning, Ruthless, Fist of War, Pulverise, Fortify. Due to the nature of Earthquake, it do not need almost any attack speed and benefits hugely of heavy strikes. ![]() Fist of War is shining with Earthquake as well, providing huge bust. Another new gem there is a new Warcry gem: Seismic Cry. ![]() Seismic Cry is adding massive damage for each our hit up to tremendous damage on 4th one.
Lightning damage is not as good at stunning an enemy as physical damage, but due to huge shock and recent stun immunity changes I am still using it. Lots of mace nodes at the tree have something related to stun. So we are getting both damage and some thicc stuns. Also, I am using Heavy Strike in another 6L gem setup for more STUN.
One punch
Not at all times, but some times, we can do undeal damage because of 1. High roll of base damage 2. Flasks active 3. 3rd hit with Ruthless 4. 4th hit with Seismic Cry 5. Fist of War ready 6. Critical strike 7. Double damage from weapon base and passive tree ![]()
![]() We do not want any +#% All resistances nodes on the tree, because it will increase our lightning res (enemies' lightning res as well), but in ascendancy tree we do not have much choice.
The Jinxed Juju
Amulet that covers our need in attributes + provides huge defence layer because of spectres. Yes, I am using spectres. ![]() This two big boys will cover our back. In case they die we can summon spectres from any corpse. But they are the toughest guys I could find. Also this amulet provides me some curse effectiveness, which allows to bust my negative lightning resistance. And it has some aura effectiveness, which busts my defences and crit.
The Defence
Using this keystone I can improve my defence for oneshots of physical/lightning nature. However I am weaker for smaller physical or lightning hits. ![]() Because we are scaling armour Molten Shell is the best guard skill. Timing well rolled Granite flask with Molten Shell we can get up to 10k shield on top of our defences. ![]()
Passive skill tree
Path of Building is currently not working with the latest slam gems so all I can add is my current tree. https://pastebin.com/WU76ADV2
Current equip
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย nihrom999#2487 เมื่อ 19 ก.ค. 2020 17:29:32 ขุดครั้งสุดท้าย เมื่อ 28 ม.ค. 2021 12:31:04
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Looking forward to it! :D
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very interested in! have u already kill some of endgame bosses? If yes, then how it was, i mean damage was great? and what about red maps clear speed?
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" Haven't got to red maps for now. Tier 6 bosses can be not noticed in a pack of monsters. I will record some video when I'll get to higher tiers. |
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I like this build Idea!! Its great, Also Imbalanced Gaurd doesnt affect your Resistances. It only affects things like Raw Physical damage reduction I.E. from endurance charges and basalt flask it will cap that out at 50% but Armor works weird in this game. its like for every 100 Armor it mitigates 10 damage i believe the ratio is. its not really a % damage reduction. So Imbalanced gaurd will be good for this build and your Lightning damage taken.You could also at some point try to affect yourself with Ele weakness since you have the room to Just max your other resistances
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Velemore#2461 เมื่อ 7 ก.ค. 2020 22:30:59
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By using this thing I can try to fit ele wickness in build, however it will be like -50 to all res, which is require top roll rings at least to be able to get to 50-75% fire and cold res.
![]() Armour is working this way: * To prevent one third of damage, you need armour 5 times the damage (e.g. 500 armour for 100 damage) * To prevent half of damage, you need armour 10 times the damage (e.g. 1000 armour for 100 damage) * To prevent two thirds of damage, you need armour 20 times the damage (e.g. 2000 armour for 100 damage) * To prevent three quarters of damage, you need armour 30 times the damage (e.g. 3000 armour for 100 damage) * To prevent 90% of damage, you need armour 90 times the damage (e.g. 9000 armour for 100 damage) * armour will never prevent more damage than its value divided by 10 (e.g. 1000 armour will never prevent more than 100 damage) So doubling the armour for hits calculation will allow to leave through one-shots. However small hits will be more painfull. |
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It might be nice to convert the incoming lightning damage to something else. This will not affect the negative lighting resistance for the character, and hopefully not mess up the Doryani Prototype benefits. Are these worth using?
For example, these two items together will convert incoming lightning damage: 1. Avian Twins Talisman - this says "from hits". So, maybe some non-hit lightning will get unconverted. 2. Second, the Divine Flesh keystone from Glorious Vanity timeless jewel - "50% of Elemental Damage taken as Chaos Damage" This should convert 50% from all incoming elemental sources. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Novgov#7533 เมื่อ 8 ก.ค. 2020 07:01:52
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" That's interesting, but mostly for minmaxing in end game, chaos res is hard to get. But this is how we can get rid of disadvantage of Doryani's Prototype. Doryani's Prototype itself only applys armor to lightning hits we take. However there is only 1 source of non-hit lightning damage - special degen ground made by influence of https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Baran,_the_Crusader |
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I am not able to see your skills tree, when I enter it was not possible to access this site, and when I copy the pastebin link and put it in the path of build program it appears couldn't resolve host name. Could you fix it?
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" Fixed |
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