[3.15]Expedition PENANCE/ SPARK Aura Stack, 50M+ DPS, BEST BUILD IN GAME | 20-30 EX BUDGET VIDEO

RRAnARR เขียน:
Hello, so far I am enjoying this build, however I feel still little squishy and not much dmg on bosses. I still miss one cluster jewel. And still I cant reserve more auras.

Could u please check what is wrong on my build ? thanks.

POB : https://pastebin.com/uddDWZGQ

Update: Managed to change the setup a bit. Now i can run 12 auras with 3 herald. Bought shield with grace lvl 23 and Blood magic with lvl 21. POB shows 5m dps. But i Still die often.
And one Question now I see I have only 31% phys dmg reduction. How can i reach more?
Any recommendation, what should I focus next ? Thanks

new POB: https://pastebin.com/JafjTzfX

To answer your question directly;
1. Aura effectiveness, try to hit the 300% breakpoints for additional phys reduction
2. 90% all res, you need 21 purities socketed in your helm to get you that extra resistance
3. Watcher's Eye has alot of preference you can roll. You can roll phys dmg reduction taken as elemental damage, or increased damage overall; take a look at the options you have for Watcher's. I have multiple ones; for speed, for extra damage, for extra defense. An example of a purely defensive watchers eye can be phys damage taken as ele damage and chance to blind enemies who hit you. The blind & phys dmg conversion is pretty huge so dont knock it if your struggle is survivability right now.
4. Eventually when you can get Hatred/Wrath on your call of the brotherhood; can allow you to stack on more defensive auras like Determination & Dread Banner. Determination is additional armor and Dread banner is disgusting in the terms that it lowers enemies accuracy that gets scaled off aura effectiveness.

Also You're only 85, so you have alot of potential to get more aura effectiveness through 5p & 6p medium clusters;

As a general thought, at the start of aura stacking, phys damage will always be a problem until you start entering mid-high tier gear where you have over 350% aura effectiveness, and rare helm/shield that'll allow you to get ES on as well. Keep the grind goin' and you'll get there!

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย LysolSD#7886 เมื่อ 8 มี.ค. 2021 13:01:08
IGN Beastiary AwGeezRick
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย vileArchon#6238 เมื่อ 9 มี.ค. 2021 21:13:50
thx all, great build lots of fun. Thanks to you Kobe for all your help and advice on stream. Done for the league.

Been playing since closed beta and this is my first ever league ive been able to invest 2 mirrors in my gear, remain interested, and play enough to have one left over :-)

IGN Beastiary AwGeezRick
Finally guys level 99 with 401% aura effect with 4 heralds, vanity jewel and 12 auras. It is great!
In hideout with nothing active:
1.000.030 DPS tooltip
1.500ES regen /2.400 when guardian thing kicks in
90% res
57% physical reduction
56% chance to evade attacks
22% chance to block attack damage
62% speed
-6% chaos
My next goal is to min/max the fak out of it. Like remove/add chaos in clusters to get 4% chaos res.Also looking for animate guardian corrupted with grace 23 + 2 levels to aoe or auras and voidwalker with +2 aoe/+2auras or +2auras(or aoe)/ +1 level sockets.
Also tried Sirus A9. Did it deathless without using potions, but I used smite.
The first 3 phases were slow, for some reason I wasnt doing much damage I dont know why. I am used with my summoner to insta-phase him there. But at the final phase, the moment he touched down, I smited and spammed spark his life bar emptied in 3 fast steps it was so funny. I was expecting the reverse.
You thing I khare, but I realy dond.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Spacecom#5362 เมื่อ 17 มี.ค. 2021 13:38:28
Why you don't stream anymore?
You thing I khare, but I realy dond.
Finally picked up my last RMR jewel and finishing divining my gear, so outside of a huge neb and rmr clusters i feel pretty done. I'm not sure if i configured it correct, but pob has me at ~50m shaper dps.

Huge shout out to Kobe for the stream and all the help.

I've been playing PoE for many, many years and never played a spark build so for 3.14 I really want to try it. I also want to play Scion again as for the last couple of leagues it's always been Shadow or Templar.

So I want to play a Scion spark build next league and I think this is the one with the most potential but I'm a bit scared about the requirements in terms of gear and therefore currency. I've seen the suggested "budget" items and those should not be a problem to get but I wonder how strong the build is with those items. Is it strong enough for most content so I can built up currency for the more expensive items or is it just meh and you really need all the fancy items I see people post here?
You don’t stop playing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop playing.
honestly this guide is kinda garbage (u have better trading links for 1 items as budget , then in "guide" other , no transition explaining more like a blog of ur league progress than a guide

but build on other hand seems pretty solid

i only played my scion for 12 hours yet made it just to try aura stacker currently at lvl 91 and cand some deli maps and stuff

buying gear at dead end league is a struggle if it doesn't get nerfed might try again next league

Well the build is weird and needs a lot of money.But it can do a lot of content even in the budget version and still be fast (but you will die a lot).
A few things to remember are:
1)you have to find a way to level up to 80 if you are very experienced, or 90 if you know what you are doing or just join rotation untill 99 and then say "ok time to be aurastacker".
2)There are no smooth or piece by piece transtition for this buiild. You buy for each version and each level all the gear and just slam them on and see if you can turn on all auras. First thing to buy is all the uniques with regular gems + clusters. Then you need the corrupted uniques with rmr jewels and 3voices.Then The super rares with the super corrupted uniques + 3p-3voices + alt quality corrupted gems. Then is the min-max beyond mirrors plane. You will never be able to say :" ok I will buy for now 1 call of the brother hood with 1 corrupted aura, and put it on and later some rmr jewel of the shield with grce lvl 23". No that doesnt work, no way. You will always have to rearrange rmr jewels/items, rearrange sockets+colours and the positions of the gems in your gear. You cannot do minor tweaks, no smooth transitions.
The gears for this build are like 3 different "suits". You can either put the budget gear on or the middle budget, or the full expensive, you have no middle ground between them. But a lot of items are core for all the "suits".
You will be walys figting with how much rmr you have to turn on all auras and how much aura effect you have 300%, (350%), 375% and 400% are the milestones.
You thing I khare, but I realy dond.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Spacecom#5362 เมื่อ 26 มี.ค. 2021 09:26:28
damn just the voices jewel (3 nodes) cost more then i ever found in this game...



