[3.15]Expedition PENANCE/ SPARK Aura Stack, 50M+ DPS, BEST BUILD IN GAME | 20-30 EX BUDGET VIDEO
Hello guys i was wondering which build works well with an aurabot ?
Thanks in advance |
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hello guys, this build is very fun and very strong! but i think i'm doing something wrong .. with my investment it was for me to have a much higher dps but i don't think i know how to manage my equipment, i would like to know if they could take a look at my pob and give me a light to fix where i am making mistakes, congratulations on the guide Kobe this is amazing.
my pob: https://pastebin.com/ybztCVhX |
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" Hey Dodowned, I am not very quialified for this matter but I'll try to help out Exhange your gloves to +2/3 Facebreaker, try to get your hands on an Amulet with reduced reservation and 20%+ Crit multi Exchange your rare RMR jewels to RMR jewels to Crit multi with lightning spells jewels (highest multi roll) Get a nebulis with Crit multi implicit With those changes you should get up to 360% Crit Multi, which is a really nice damage boost. There are probably more things that other people can help you with. Good luck :D แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย tradnats#7879 เมื่อ 21 พ.ค. 2021 08:26:25
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I started buying gear to switch from srs aurastacker to budget version of this build. Is the 20-30EX budget for standard or ultimatum league?
I ask because almost all items are much more expensive than in your video... Examples: 1. Cheapest +3 Facebreaker is 4.9ex now (15c in video) - I was lucky and bought it for 3.5ex yesterday... 2. Cheaper Large Cluster Jewel costs 60-90c, the one with Blast-Freeze is minimum 4 ex (60c for both in video) 3. Amulet (5% reservation + any crit multi) costs 70c (20c in video) P.S. I didn't mention about Medium Cluster Jewels which cost 12ex, not 4-5ex... แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย IsabelleX#1738 เมื่อ 22 พ.ค. 2021 05:02:32
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Hi, im testing the budget build, I love it, and I wanted to know which is the best pantheon.
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Hey Guys.
What would be a better upgrade? Explo or Double Damage Nebulis for Penance Brand? |
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first of all, thank you for getting me into trying out penance brand on my aura stacker. I've been playing aura stackers since right after delirium league (I'm a standard only player) and tinkered around with all sorts of skills within the aura framework, yet completely overlooked penance brand. It really is quite powerful and, most importantly, satisfying :-) I do, however, feel like there are still some misconceptions about how this skill actually works and how to optimize it. I'm now going to explain how I understood how this skill works in the hopes of getting misconceptions I have corrected by anybody willing to read through this wall of text (which would be much appreciated :-)). The energy explosions: Let's assume the explosion with just a single energy stack on the enemy deals X damage, which is 100% of the damage of the skill. Then the explosion with 1<=n<=20 energy stacks deals (1+(n-1)*1.5)*X explosion damage, or (1+(n-1)*1.5)/n*X damage per tick of the brand. This means that you're getting closer to a 1.5* multiplier the higher the number of stacks on the enemy while you start out with a 1.0* multiplier. There is no exponential growth in that (and I don't think I ever stumbled upon actual exponential growth in this game...) and the effective damage-per-tick increase from going from n=18 to n=20 is only 0.19%. The pulsing: Each pulse deals the base X damage +50% more. So after reaching final stacks, the damage per tick is still 1.5*X and deals the same amount of damage as the energy explosion (per tick), just not delayed. Consequences: If you're already one-shotting everything with the 20 energy explosion and really want to do just that, don't invest in skill duration, as the pulsing stage doesn't really matter and you're just delaying the one-shot from the explosion. If you don't, investing in skill duration is generally a good idea. The pulses don't deal less damage than the explosion and mapping feels quite a bit better as you don't have to recast your brands that often. Versus bosses, you'll lose some dps due to possibly "overkilling" more heavily, depending on the breakpoints of boss life vs. the damage dealt from one cycle of your brands. On the other hand, you'll have less brand downtime as you'll recast your brands less often (and don't tell me you time that perfectly...:-)). On a related note, always creating two brands per cast is much more important than it seems, as applying two brands at the exact same time is a much more "controlled" scenario you can balance your cast speed/duration around as compared to casting two brands (besides the QOL and better feel). Don't skip that like I did at first, it's huge! As I said, any input (additional things to consider, corrections,...) would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance asdfPiscator แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย dajaeger1#4347 เมื่อ 24 พ.ค. 2021 08:39:29
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Thanks Kobe for the effort to create a budget version with video, pob and shopping list.
One question in regards to the Glorious jewel: in your pob I've added in total 21% effect of non-curse auras, but pob shows under calcs only an 'aura effect mod' of 2.92. I thought we need to reach 3.0, or am I wrong? If I'm mistaken, what is the absolut minimum % we need to get with the Glorious using the rest of your cluster setup to reach which 'aura effect mod'? And one additional question: you are proposing to switch earliest with level 91, what are the 8 points in your pob you would save from the way from lvl91 to 99? Additionally the shopping card is missing the the large clusters. :) แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Prong007#0306 เมื่อ 25 พ.ค. 2021 17:08:24
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Hi folks! Thanks for this build - it's been a blast so far!
I've invested pretty heavily into it and I've reached decent ES (4.8k) with solid damage. Still nowhere near your endgame setup ofc, but hope to get there eventually. It's just hard for me to see what would be the most beneficial upgrade for me in terms of DPS. Does someone who knows this build very well please look at my char (Gerrid)? Should I just get better jewels with more crit multi? Shold I invest in a double damage nebulis? Also, is it viable to try push this to 300 aura efficiency? Thanks in advance! -shabanotti |
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Find out how to level up the aurastacker in no time. You can get from level 1-95 in 6 Hours if you have around 12 Exalts.
https://youtu.be/9ZmAMiz85Us |
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