Harvest Fan Art Competition

Looks like the high-tier Atlas endgame is not the only endgame I'm definitely missing this league.
Said it before and gonna say it again. Oshabi is proper hot.
IGN: GoldenPepe
First : I LOVE the Bahuuba'S ART !!! o m g <3


My little idea... :)

hmm : Wild Shaper Pwned Grain ? :


Pls dont be lazy this time lol. I think I have a decent idea. Not sure if I have the disciplin and drive to complete it in time though.

I was years whitout drawing anything so I'm sorry if you eyes bleed out with my fanart xD
I had to draw with my mouse as well I wanted to do somenthing digital lol.

Hi this is my first submition, i aways love this weapon and builds whit it, so i try to make him in 3d game asset, thanks alot and keep going the hardwork!

Better Resolution and more images here:


My all-time favorite boss.
well, im in 0___0
Still no hideout competition... No love for hideout creatores....
Started playing Blade Vortex Fire Jugg in Blight, ran him again in Metamorph, then Delirium and now in Harvest. Despite heavy ricochet nerfs he has been hit with, I love how adaptive he is and how rewarding it feels to find a way around.

Hopefully recognizable MTX I use on him: Doomguard Helmet, Delirium Cloak and Insatiable Malice Body Armour / Infernal Body Armour (I like them both, so 'melted' them together). Aspect of Spider is something I always craft on him, so included that too.

Scarf is a personal item. Maybe in store soon?



