3.11 Hybrid MOM Death's Oath Trickster
Hello Everyone so as harvest league is well underway I thought now was a good time to display my Hybrid MOM Death's Oath Trickster so i hope you all enjoy and leave any thoughts and opinions you have on improving the build or just if you like it thank you :) Gear: This is all the gear i am currently using but know that all you need for this build to be fully operational is the Death's Oath Chest Piece and the Essence Worm Ring absolutely everything else can be replaced with well crafted rares as long as you pick up the correct resists (high chaos res) and the correct stats (180 strength). Gem Links: Death Aura : arcane surge, efficacy, swift affliction, void manipulation, less duration, Conc Effect( 3 Blue, 2 Green, 1 red) Malovence:(should be placed inside our essence worm) (1 Blue) Defense : Cast When Damage taken, Arcane Cloak, Stone Golem (1 blue 2 Red) Wither: Wither, spell totem support, increased duration, efficacy( 2 blue, 2 Red) Bane: Bane, Swift Affliction, Efficacy, Despair (3 Blue, 1 Green) Vaal Blight: VB, Swift Affliction, Efficacy, Void Manipulation ( 2 Blue 2, Green Withering Step: Withering Step, Increased Area of Effect (1 Green, 1 Blue) Vaal Discipline: Pantheon And Bandit Choices: Major God: Soul of the Brine King Minor God: Soul of Shakari Path of Building: https://pastebin.com/3rMLSTep * note i am using poe fork* Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2nLNIlRmYc&t ขุดครั้งสุดท้าย เมื่อ 29 ส.ค. 2020 14:17:24
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From what I see there, I 'm really not thrilled.
Have you killed anything big with this? I completely fail to see how such a setup can be viable past t11 maps. I guess bane and blight are carrying you there... Death aura is a very low damage skill already, and I don't see how exactly you're scaling it. I think most of your item choices are really not skylined. Jinxed juju is meh, breath of the council is borderline terrible, your rares are very basic, and so is your tree. |
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" 1.as i stated within the video i posted i am scaling damage a couple of ways, non curse aura, chaos damage, damage over time multiplier and specifically within my build mana is also converted to both chaos damage and spell damage. 2. While i do agree that Death aura could use some buffs as it is by no means a top tier scale i think it is rather disingenuous to say " it is a very low damage skill considering it has been shown through numerous other interpretations to be able to clear end game content while suffering somewhat within boss fights which is exactly why i make use of both vaal blight and bane in order to help with this exact issue. 3.as i also stated within my video i am currently progressing my atlas and was at t11s when i posted the video that does not mean that is the upper limits that the build is able to clear it is simply where i am currently at as far as progress is concerned. 4. if you do not understand something may i suggest take a little bit more time to actually listen to my video as i take the time to explain my thought process in designing the build as well as my item choices and cluster gems all of which answer much of the questions you asked. |
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" Mic Drop! |
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Was looking for other death's oath builds to see if i could come up with any idea's, found this one by chance. Unfortunately, doesnt seem very good. ill link my current DO build here to see if you can take inspiration and hopefully take it even further than i did! I can currently run through t16's no problem and have done a t16 100% delirious map so far. haven't tried sirius as no corrupted blood jewel atm. Build is not a boss killer either way, would probably take awhile if it even could. it does however run through maps fast and is a good seed farmer!
https://pastebin.com/nx3fZjmX แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Supaspork#0294 เมื่อ 10 ส.ค. 2020 00:21:10
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" Thank you i will take a look and see if i can gain any ideas from yours as well as far as bossing i definitely agree their are some problems their but considering we rarely get new chaos skills as is gotta work with what we have ya know |
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