[3.11] Barrage CoC Ice Nova – All Content, Fast, Cheap, SSF Viable (Craft all your own gear!)
If you want something fast and you want to be able to seed-craft all your own GG gear, this build is for you!
The premise of this build is simple: You shoot things with barrage and your crits trigger Ice Novas. This build scales Ice Nova to extremely high damage, so everything either dies in one hit or is frozen until you kill it. PROS * Extremely high clear speed – Tailwind and high movement speed make this build great for clearing content as quickly as possible. You can farm 40/40 challenges very efficiently. * Extremely high damage – With 14+ million Sirus/Shaper DPS, everything dies right away. * Freeze everything – Anything that doesn't get one-shot gets frozen. * Create your own gear – Literally everything except my helmet is seed-crafted using crafts that I harvested myself. * Cheap – There are no expensive requirements to get started with this build. * Two Button Build – Just Frost Bomb and Barrage. CONS * Dirty clears – Barrage + ice nova tends to leave mobs behind. * Not a tank – The build has good survivability, but it's not HC viable. THE BASICS
The one thing that's nearly required is Asenath's Chant: Putting a Frostbolt in this doubles Ice Nova's damage and gives it actual range as Ice Nova is then cast from up to 2 Frostbolts instead of you. I wouldn't quite say it's required though as until you get an Asenath's Chant, you can use Spellslinger with a wand. If you're not able to buy an Asenath's Chant, put Leo in Transportation for Silver Coins and farm prophecies until you get Song of the Sekhema. The basic mechanics are: * Trigger Frostbolt when you attack * Get 100% crit chance for both spells and attacks * Hit things with barrage to trigger Ice Novas from your Frostbolts GEAR BREAKDOWN
BOW Ice Nova - Barrage - Hypothermia - Cold Penetration - Concentrated Effect - Added Cold Damage For bosses I swap in Awakened Elemental Focus since they can't be frozen anyway. HELMET Frostbolt - Blind - Culling Strike - Onslaught Just packing as much utility into Frostbolt as possible. BODY ARMOR Flame Dash - Arcane Surge - Frost Bomb - Increased Duration - Faster Casting Make sure you don't level Arcane Surge too high for Frost Bomb to trigger it. In the sixth, unlinked socket you can use Precision. Gloves & Boots Cast When Damage Taken - Increased Duration - Immortal Call - Vaal Summon Skeletons Make sure Immortal Call isn't too high level for Cast When Damage Taken. Hatred - Bonechill - Summon Skitterbots - Enlighten PASSIVES & PATH OF BUILDING
Passive Tree: https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAYBAAQHBUIFtQceCPQN0Q5ID8QQWBCSEZYWvxewGo0byCBuIuoj9iT9JpUngyoLLJwtHzBxMHwyATIyNj031DpCOlg7fEGWSVFKi0t4TLNNklAwUUdRdFVLVcZbJl2OXfJh4mKsY0NqQ2yMbWxwUnBuf8Z_-4PbidOMC4w2jX2Nv47plPGVIJUunaqio6QFpHimmaf4qM-us6-bshm0OLVIuMq5Arl8vG-86sHVwfPN6s96z93Q9dQj2YbbXt2o3vjjhOUZ51TndOjW7LDtP_DV8Yr4l_v1_94=?accountName=rz2yoj&characterName=Ned_Duval Bandits: Help Alira Path of Building: https://pastebin.com/LXdvniCQ COOLDOWN RECOVERY AND DPS CALCULATION
To calculate your Ice Nova DPS, you need to multiply Ice Nova's average hit by double the number of triggers per second you get. The number of triggers per second you get is based off of Cast on Crit's cooldown and your attack speed. Cast on Crit has a cooldown of 150 milliseconds, but the PoE servers advance time in "ticks" of 33 milliseconds. Therefore, with no cooldown recovery on your gear, Cast on Crit's cooldown is effectively 165 milliseconds. With 14% cooldown recovery on gear, its cooldown is effectively 132 milliseconds. And with 52% cooldown recovery, its cooldown is effectively 99 milliseconds. These are known as your cooldown recovery "breakpoints". For this reason, 14% cooldown recovery gives you a huge multiplicative boost in DPS. But having cooldown recovery greater than 14% is pointless until you get to 52%, which is only possible using Awakened Cast on Crit. When you attack with Barrage, you spend the first 40% of the attack winding up, and the last 60% firing projectiles. This means you hit things in bursts rather than a steady stream of hits. When you have low attack speed, each burst might trigger 3 off-cooldown casts. But once you reach a certain attack speed, those bursts will only be able to trigger 2 off-cooldown casts. This means there are some points where you can lose DPS by gaining attack speed. You can use these graphs to see how many off-cooldown crits per second you get at your cooldown recovery and attack speed levels: ![]() For example, I have >14% cooldown recovery and 3 attacks per second. My barrages have a tendency to trigger two casts each and I get 6 triggers per second. Each trigger casts Ice Nova on two Frostbolts, so my DPS is 12 times my average hit. If my average hit is 1 million, that makes my DPS 12 million. VIDEOS
Uber Elder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=le2cR0cXQZY A8 Sirus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHVSmhwPb3s FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS
Why get Wicked Ward? Between my helmet, gloves, and boots, I found myself at 700 energy shield, which is pretty significant. Since we go right by Wicked Ward anyway, I think it's worth the skill point to make that extra effective health more reliable. When should I get Awakened Cast on Crit? Personally I don't think Awakened CoC is worth the cost unless all your other gear is perfect and you're really just min-maxing for the fun of it. In addition to the level 1 gem not being super cheap, you have to get boots with cooldown recovery speed and a good synthesized bow to really benefit from it. What helmet enchant should I use? I like Barrage attack speed because it's fairly cheap and even if you get a little more DPS out of Ice Nova damage, the attack speed just feels better since it increases your mobility. What annointment should I use? If you have access to golden oils, it's probably best to get Whispers of Doom (and add increased life or something else to your chest). If you're not in a trade league or you're on a budget, Eagle Eye is probably the most bang for your buck. Stay up-to-date: gggtracker.com แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย rz2yoj#0689 เมื่อ 10 ส.ค. 2020 22:24:00 ขุดครั้งสุดท้าย เมื่อ 14 ก.ย. 2020 22:11:19
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Man, this is looking really spicy! I'd love to try this for 3.12 league start, but I'm not super familiar with how Spellslinger works. In the Basics section you say:
"I wouldn't quite say [Asenath's Chant/mark is] required though as until you get an Asenath's Chant, you can use Spellslinger with a wand." I'm just a bit confused because I'm not sure about spellslinger. Do you use two wands with a specific, 3-link setup for each? Thanks (: | |
Do you remove the CoC on the bow if you get ACoc to reach the 52% AS break point?
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