[3.12] Solo Aurastack Guardian - 70m sDPS with ~90k ehp (3.13 manifesto addressed)

With the new changes i made im now able to basically run thru maps while everything arround dies in T14-15 yellows.
However, i find that in some maps, even as a low as T10 or Delve 50, i suddenly die at those stupid guys that look like small ghosts with funny faces and to some purple random mobs.
I don't seem to find a way to keep myself alive except for killing them before any attack touches me, because if one does, then i'm suddenly dead. Any clue?
Damide เขียน:
With the new changes i made im now able to basically run thru maps while everything arround dies in T14-15 yellows.
However, i find that in some maps, even as a low as T10 or Delve 50, i suddenly die at those stupid guys that look like small ghosts with funny faces and to some purple random mobs.
I don't seem to find a way to keep myself alive except for killing them before any attack touches me, because if one does, then i'm suddenly dead. Any clue?

Lack of chaos resist is what I'm guessing... without presence of chayula, capping chaos resist requires a lot of focus on your medium clusters.

Not sure how hard it is to get 25% effect and 5 chaos resist with either first among or purposeful harbringer on standard is...


You are gonna have to roll them yourself it seems, or be really rich.
I made a mid-budget PoB of this build, total cost is about 55ex.

about 5.5k ES, 10m Sirus dps with vaal haste
Might of the meek on jewel socket near scion is really helpful with -2% mana reserved.
and Determination corrupted shield as well, only 2ex for 1 skill gem slot and ton of str requirement.

xxxasss เขียน:
I made a mid-budget PoB of this build, total cost is about 55ex.

about 5.5k ES, 10m Sirus dps with vaal haste
Might of the meek on jewel socket near scion is really helpful with -2% mana reserved.
and Determination corrupted shield as well, only 2ex for 1 skill gem slot and ton of str requirement.

Vaal Haste isn't up for Sirus, but its still 10m shaper dps which is the recognised metric and not bad at all.

If you are using heralds (2 or 3) you should look at getting 2 Purposeful Harbinger medium clusters (6% increased aura effect each vs first among us)

You can eventually skip the Might of the Meek if you get the RMR elsewhere, you gain 3% increased aura effect and 6% cast speed (and a free jewel socket) but lose 1 skill point and 6% spell damage

Your POB has 3 of the same rare jewel, non of which give RMR (they have ES and lightning damage)... a Watchers Eye will get you a bunch of damage, Conqueror's Potency gives 3% inc aura effect (which is more dps than you would think)

Strength is obtainable with t1 str on a belt (or HH) and str on medium clusters...
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Snellious#5506 เมื่อ 3 พ.ย. 2020 07:45:41
What are the 2 most liked rolls on watchers eye for this build, there are no crit chance and wrath rolls for trade at the moment. I assume wrath is pretty important.
SirLegit เขียน:
What are the 2 most liked rolls on watchers eye for this build, there are no crit chance and wrath rolls for trade at the moment. I assume wrath is pretty important.

For EK, you need the wrath phys converted to lightning. If you are playing arc I used https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Heist/lymXErVHV as they are the mods that are useful, you can copy an item from the trade site and paste them into POB to see what is best for you.

the first one is a big dmg buff .. with it i will have 5k ES at level 100

the second is huge ES at 100 i will be around 5.4k ES.. it has suffix for spider too

Which one i should go for ?
I play in CI. And I need some help with my build. I have problems with dmg, especially on Bosses (Sirius shot me and i do little dmg..) I'm bad with POB :c
My pob: https://pastebin.com/KinCfg3a
I have x3.55 aura effect, but my purity of *** give only 89% resistance, not 90%... Why?
So.. next question, how i can progression with my build?
I have 20ex (I play on PS4) right now and i think what i can:
1) Improve my shield (Redeemer + Shaper) give +10% aura effect (cost ~8ex)
2) Buy Anomalous Inspiration Support (cost ~2-3ex)
3) Buy Awaken Controlled Destruction (1 lvl cost ~5ex)
4) ReCraft my amulet. Delete "Vitality", add "+1 all dex skills" (cost ~9ex, but not problem, i think, i can sell my amulet) and Remove 1 of Herald (Which one? Herald of Ice in "PoB" grants least of all dmg) or Vaal RF? (Cause i can't use Vaal on Sirius and can't use RF in CI, cause i have 1hp)
5) Remove Vaal RF or 1 of Herald and add Anger? (I saw some people use it) But in PoB, Anger give me only 1.5% of dps.
6) Remove Vaal RF or 1 of Herald and link Arcane Surge with Flame Dash
6) If solve the problem with resistances (With Purity of ***), i can buy Divirgent Purity of Ice, move Purity from Helmet to Bots for example, remove Vaal RF or Herald and link with 4lvl Enhance Support (cost ~20ex)

And yea, about improve my clusters i know, but i think i need first of all do something from the list above

If there are other ideas, I would also be glad to hear
Thanks for help! :)
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย relizx#5474 เมื่อ 4 พ.ย. 2020 11:45:31
iamDoudar เขียน:

the first one is a big dmg buff .. with it i will have 5k ES at level 100

the second is huge ES at 100 i will be around 5.4k ES.. it has suffix for spider too

Which one i should go for ?

tailwind + elusive or ES...

POB can tell you if elusive or 400 extra ES is more ehp, but tailwind is clear speed and most people value clear speed really highly.
relizx เขียน:
I play in CI. And I need some help with my build. I have problems with dmg, especially on Bosses (Sirius shot me and i do little dmg..) I'm bad with POB :c
My pob: https://pastebin.com/KinCfg3a
I have x3.55 aura effect, but my purity of *** give only 89% resistance, not 90%... Why?
So.. next question, how i can progression with my build?
I have 20ex (I play on PS4) right now and i think what i can:
1) Improve my shield (Redeemer + Shaper) give +10% aura effect (cost ~8ex)
2) Buy Anomalous Inspiration Support (cost ~2-3ex)
3) Buy Awaken Controlled Destruction (1 lvl cost ~5ex)
4) ReCraft my amulet. Delete "Vitality", add "+1 all dex skills" (cost ~9ex, but not problem, i think, i can sell my amulet) and Remove 1 of Herald (Which one? Herald of Ice in "PoB" grants least of all dmg) or Vaal RF? (Cause i can't use Vaal on Sirius and can't use RF in CI, cause i have 1hp)
5) Remove Vaal RF or 1 of Herald and add Anger? (I saw some people use it) But in PoB, Anger give me only 1.5% of dps.
6) Remove Vaal RF or 1 of Herald and link Arcane Surge with Flame Dash
6) If solve the problem with resistances (With Purity of ***), i can buy Divirgent Purity of Ice, move Purity from Helmet to Bots for example, remove Vaal RF or Herald and link with 4lvl Enhance Support (cost ~20ex)

And yea, about improve my clusters i know, but i think i need first of all do something from the list above
If there are other ideas, I would also be glad to hear
Thanks for help! :)

4% x 3.55 = 14.2% 75+14 = 89. You need 275% increased aura effect to reach 90%. 300% is very, very highly recommended for the physical defence it grants you.

You can use RF with CI. I have never considered using vaal RF of even looked what it does, so i can't comment on that. Normal RF is a huge damage boost and can be used with CI.

Anger is for fire damage. You are using a cold/light build. Anger has no place here.

Arcane surge might be a very good "investment". I havent put any thought into it yet and i dont know if you have to give up anything for it in your version of the build.

I am too lazy to download and open your PoB to watchs your herald situation. Your goal there is to optimize use of purposeful harbinger passive on cluster jewels. This is best done by having 2 heralds (ice and lightning obviously since that is what the build is about) and 2 purposeful harbinger passives on your clusters.

The rest looks like a lot of talk about exalts, but honestly, buying your way out of difficulties is not where you need to go now. You need to make sure you understand what you are doing and start with the low hanging but most tasty fruits i mentioned above. I have made lots of posts and uploaded several PoBs both with and without CI in this thread and the other thread about a 17 aura tanky build here on the top of this forum section. I have extensively gone into the CI or not to CI issue and you can read all about it.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย NonExistingName#1567 เมื่อ 4 พ.ย. 2020 18:57:18



