[3.12] Solo Aurastack Guardian - 70m sDPS with ~90k ehp (3.13 manifesto addressed)
Snellious เขียน:
Tismatan เขียน:
first of all, thanks for creating this guide! I always wanted to play an aurastacker and this league I finally had the currency to give it a try.
I respecced from aurabot to this build at lvl 99 and unfortunately my char feels kinda "weak" (please dont get me wrong here), in terms of damage and survivability. Maybe i expected too much here with that investment (250ex+)
If im correct, Pob says ~12mio dps. I have 4.8k Es and chaos res is not maxed out. I guess thats why i die from time to time. With all auras active, i have enough mana to cast all the time.
Could you please have a look into my pob / character? Maybe you can help
identifying mistakes or things to improve.
personally i would try to get:
- a bottle faith
- call of brotherhood with frostbite
- choas res max
- gems to lvl 21.
- Why do we skill arcane vision?
- Do you have RF activated all the time or just use vaal RF while boss fights / hard encounters?
My Pob: https://pastebin.com/Dn28iZbU
Character should also be open
Thank you so much in advance.
I see no major mistakes, your POB seems solid...
Small things to point out are Divergent Vitality does nothing (we aren't at full life but CI is) but we are often at full ES (even with RF degen) for Anomalous Discipline.
The other minor issue is determination, swap determination for grace (and the uncompromising cluster for a sublime form cluster) as you have 90% pdr in POB with just unwavering faith, endurance charges and what little armour from radiant faith.
For your questions:
Arcane vison isnt needed, its just QOL as low life have zero light radius without so in dark maps its rather hard to see...
RF is on all the time with the exception of -fire res or -regen map mods with high woke bonus.
Your potential upgrades are solid though selfcast frostbite is for poeninja/POB warriors... you wont use it much in the actual game.
Level 21 auras are important, and you have a lot of the important ones already... you also have a lot of the good corruptions...
I guess what would be more helpful is identifying the differences between your POB and my current POB... Biggest Differences are Awakened Support Gems, Aspect of the Spider and Enhanced Alt Qual Auras...
Hi :),
i got hands on a bottled faith, also switched a cluster jewel for more chaos res. As you suggested i switched to grace and i got a better nebulis:
"Small" changes, big impact. It feels so much smoother.
I want to change the boots to aspect of the spider and enhance setup but:
I did not had the time to check in Pob, but maybe someone of you already double checked this: is it "ok" to have 1-2 auras less but better boots and enhance setup?
(i would loose Purity of Ice from doryani's boots and 1 gem slot to place enhance)
Thank you again @Snellious for your fast help! You made this awesome build work much better. This will be my first lvl 100 :)
Hi :),
i got hands on a bottled faith, also switched a cluster jewel for more chaos res. As you suggested i switched to grace and i got a better nebulis:
"Small" changes, big impact. It feels so much smoother.
I want to change the boots to aspect of the spider and enhance setup but:
I did not had the time to check in Pob, but maybe someone of you already double checked this: is it "ok" to have 1-2 auras less but better boots and enhance setup?
(i would loose Purity of Ice from doryani's boots and 1 gem slot to place enhance)
Thank you again @Snellious for your fast help! You made this awesome build work much better. This will be my first lvl 100 :)
To fit spider boots and enhance I needed to get 2 grant aura corruptions (grace on shield and zealotry on ring) though they are rather expensive... the cheaper (but less tanky option) is to put spider on a grant clarity or vitality amulet.
I'm very curious how this build will work in POE2 as you can have a lot more auras due to meta gems and putting up to 5 auras in a single socket... one of the biggest limiting factors is you run out of gem sockets...
Great guide, thank you, I enjoying playing it. But I never get close to your dps (in poe and game), also my Energyshild still a bit low. Damage I guess is because of playing CI doing a lot less damage and not the best enchant on gloves. Also I am playing legendary Styx to get enough mana reduce for the shild and to reduce 3 small clusters.
I am not sure if I should go voices with 5 notes. At the moment I am playing with 3 large clusters. What do you think is better?
If I was playing CI, I would be a scion and have 2 voices and a rare large for 8 mediums at end game.
I'm not a huge fan of guardian CI although you have managed to achieve the 75% rmr so you can use prism guardian which is nice.
Anomalous Zealotry does nothing with Maligaro's Virtuosity, get a Divergent Purity of Ice or Elements for that enhance setup
Determination does very little for you, though its on a double corrupt Prism so getting grace and +2 on one is a very expensive sidegrade... however replacing determination corruption for grace, swapping grace for divergent purity of elements and getting a divergent purity of ice, putting both those and the anomalous discipline (though divergent vitality is better) with the enhance is a TON of dps (6m to 10m shaper dps)... you are also missing a vaal haste which is a cheap upgrade.
I feel like you have put a lot of ex into this build, with your rmr small clusters and your double corrupts but even so this shows the investment needed for CI to beat lowlife, and I think it also needs to be scion for the free extra 8 passive skill points and all the extra cast speed. I have like 25% more inc aura effect than you and 7x the damage (if you change what was suggested, 10x the dps if you don't).
When you have free skill points swap one of the large clusters for a voices.
Thank you for answering, still enjoying the build. I changed the CI-build now to a "Non-Ci" Version, tooked some time and trading. To be honest it feels not more dangerous than before, but needed some chaos resistent on clusters.
I guess it is more than enough damage to play, and nethertheless with only 5k ES deaths are from beeing stupid like go in a elemental reflekt map or using rf with bad mods... -. so all working great. But I am still far away from your numbers.
I miss lvl 21 vaal haste, maybe a watchers with 3 offensive mods. Grace with 2 auras on shild is not in range. Anything I miss?
Thank you for answering, still enjoying the build. I changed the CI-build now to a "Non-Ci" Version, tooked some time and trading. To be honest it feels not more dangerous than before, but needed some chaos resistent on clusters.
I guess it is more than enough damage to play, and nethertheless with only 5k ES deaths are from beeing stupid like go in a elemental reflekt map or using rf with bad mods... -. so all working great. But I am still far away from your numbers.
I miss lvl 21 vaal haste, maybe a watchers with 3 offensive mods. Grace with 2 auras on shild is not in range. Anything I miss?
Damage numbers like mine are not required... upgrade what you can afford as you can afford it until you are satisfied, then you are either done (like me) or saving for a new build.
I am back again! Still loving this build! And was saving up for a HH, but I know that there can be a lot more upgraded in my current setup.
I am just having a lot of trouble to decide where to start. If I want to add an aura (through a corrupted item) I would need the RMR corrupted jewels. And that is a lot more currency than I have at the moment (around 50 exa).
Anybody here that is willing to give me some advice on next steps? My PoB is: https://pastebin.com/yDQ9arHF
I am back again! Still loving this build! And was saving up for a HH, but I know that there can be a lot more upgraded in my current setup.
I am just having a lot of trouble to decide where to start. If I want to add an aura (through a corrupted item) I would need the RMR corrupted jewels. And that is a lot more currency than I have at the moment (around 50 exa).
Anybody here that is willing to give me some advice on next steps? My PoB is: https://pastebin.com/yDQ9arHF
Recommended next steps would be:
1. Move stuff around to fit a 5th medium cluster. (https://pastebin.com/BBW563MH as an example)
2. Get a Vaal Haste (big dps boost).
3. If you get a grant aura corruption you can fit a few options into your blood magic support setup without extra rmr (you can de level precision if needed).
4. Try to get 275% increased aura effect (260% according to the above POB) as this would allow you to move your purities out your helmet which would allow you to get +2 on better auras and 90% reserved on more expensive auras.
1. Move stuff around to fit a 5th medium cluster. (https://pastebin.com/BBW563MH as an example)
2. Get a Vaal Haste (big dps boost).
3. If you get a grant aura corruption you can fit a few options into your blood magic support setup without extra rmr (you can de level precision if needed).
4. Try to get 275% increased aura effect (260% according to the above POB) as this would allow you to move your purities out your helmet which would allow you to get +2 on better auras and 90% reserved on more expensive auras.
Thank you!
Added the vaal haste and realized I could switch up my bandit choice so I could add a 5th medium cluster.
Will see what I can do about the aura corruption. The 275% will be a bit difficult I reckon, but will work towards that
hey mate.. is there a reason why you are not using corrupted shav. with +2 duration?
Because duration does nothing for arc (but does for spark and ek), if i got a corrupted shavs it would want to be a +1. This is covered in the gear section of the guide, it tells which corruptions are good.
MarcusMcBride เขียน:
Thank you!
Added the vaal haste and realized I could switch up my bandit choice so I could add a 5th medium cluster.
Will see what I can do about the aura corruption. The 275% will be a bit difficult I reckon, but will work towards that
275% requires a 2nd herald with 2 purposeful harbinger nodes (+6% each over first among equals) and removal of the might of the meek (+ take Leadership) for another 3%, 15% total... or a 6th medium cluster.
Because duration does nothing for arc (but does for spark and ek), if i got a corrupted shavs it would want to be a +1. This is covered in the gear section of the guide, it tells which corruptions are good.
i simulated it on POB and it added around 6mil total dmg, is there anything i am missing here?