[3.13] Hemz [CI] Carrion Me Daddy Golems with 83/88/84/100 resistances 10M DPS
" You can lock prefix, and annul and hope to annul off the dex |
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" I took a little look at your gem links and gems, they were all good. So this will mean the reason you are getting oneshot is because you need more ES. Unfortunately the way of getting more ES is going to be expensive. Other than getting more ES on a shield you have a few options. We can start by divining your watcher's eye. Then you can choose. -Get 2x5p voices and you can save skill points to path to golem commander this will allow you to use a big es glove. -Get more %aura effect to boost your Discipline. (as to how I would suggest you can look at how Valk_D achieved 400% aura effect) -Or change to a big ES chest, but you'll need to overhaul your mediums. Or a little trick I used before is to use bone offering and instead of bone armour, get the mistress of sacrifice ascendancy, this help a lot in survival of very hard 100% deli maps. |
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So I just wanted to share a little something I only recently found.
If you use it with enhance it and use it in sand mode. This will boost your aura aoe immensely and you won't ever need to worry about your AG going feedingfrenzy out of your aura range, Or if you just want to teamplay but don't want to have to always need to stay super close to a teammate. Over all the better way would be to get medium clusters with inc aura aoe. But if you want to get more aoe cheap this is a way. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Turbo32#5327 เมื่อ 22 ธ.ค. 2020 08:27:27
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Thanks alot for advice!
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" So I tried crafting redeemer+crusader ring (min dmg + max ES), burned a lot of fossils, gave up and yolo'ed on my ring (cos I like dex roll on gloves) and got that 50%. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Valk_d#5482 เมื่อ 22 ธ.ค. 2020 08:42:29
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Hi, For golem build why is necro better than elementalist?
Also i see a very nice 90% ele reducton but the physical reduction is only like 30%, isnt that a bit low? and hurts survability |
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Physical reduction 90 % with Divergent Determination and Anomalous Grace its the important in this build i think.
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" Physical reduction is also 90%, it comes from div determination, you may read page 1 to understand. Also as for why Necro is better, is because this build stacks auras and the necro ascendancy works better with it. This build also has a far higher min max ceiling. " You may take a look at what a complete maxed out build POB is like. Also I would highly suggest not to do this build in standard league unless you have access to the required defensive alternative quality gems. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Turbo32#5327 เมื่อ 22 ธ.ค. 2020 16:28:15
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Ok so I took my AG to a reflect map and now it's Resting In Pieces.
So I spent my last two days making up a new AG and this is the result. (Please note this was wrong and the boots annoint would not work) So the survival of the AG will be from the boots + helm combo with gems in the hungry loop. I spent about half a day trying to find a better option than the kingmaker but with no avail, it's just too good. Now the reason why it is using that Expedition Chest piece is because of the last line " Nearby enemies are chilled" This will count as Chilling area " Now this combo is very interesting because it will also work with The last line means all enemies around my AG will now also make nearby enemies take inc cold dmg. So why is this a big deal? The reason is simple, the inc dmg taken is a multiplier. Just like how a bottled faith works. A bottled faith makes enemies take 10% dmg and costs 15ex. but here you make enemies take 35% inc light and x% inc cold. Now the reason why I said x%inc cold is because I'm not too sure how the chill effect is calculated. I know the higher cold dmg you inflict then the higher chill effect it will have. So if anyone knows how this is calculated to get an exact number, please do share it. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Turbo32#5327 เมื่อ 24 ธ.ค. 2020 06:59:03
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My AG gears:
" So after I made this AG I wanted to capitalize on the inc lightdmg taken so I went looking for an alternative spectre, this led me to something called a Templar tactician. https://poedb.tw/us/Templar_Tactician I believe this spectre has been highly underrated and overlooked. Now what is very interesting is this mob is using a physical spell dmg with built in 80% phys convert to light. This means it will benefit from Zealotry, Hatred, Wrath, Anger and it crits. So this is now the result of my build. POB: https://pastebin.com/vXFRxpYe 549m sDPS , No vaal skill included and best part is the Fireworks ![]() More detail and explanation of the build and DPS calculations:
I lost 1% max res, which could be fixed if I decided to use boots with a +2 instead of haste, But I wanted a more reliable way to proc EE so I really wanted to add in the mirage archer.
EE is proc by me using a spell and firing off the bow skills in my quiver automatically and since I have avatar of fire this will proc EE. The EE and extra dps jewels actually gave more DPS than the harbinger belt and EE is more reliable and controllable than waiting for the Harbinger buff. Now for the 6 link, the bossing gem swap would be to change faster projectile to slower projectile. I tested and they Do NOT shotgun, so adding GMP was just nerfing them. Instead an empower gem was more beneficial for the build. To calculate the actual DPS of ball lightning we need to use the BL calculator which can be found in the wiki: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Ball_Lightning So with slower projectiles this build atm does: 11.44m sDPS with BL and when you plug it into the calculator ![]() (The spetres have built in -25% projectile speed + slower projectile -30%= -55%) This will then be multiplied by 4 spectres which results to 549m sDPS Oh and they storm call too which is like a little more dps on the side but I won't add that in cause I highly doubt they will hit anything they were aiming at. Also I don't know how to add in the AW spell echo's double dmg so thats like a multiplier which I didn't add into the build either. Since I did not understand how the game will calculate area chill effect so I used the minimum 10% into the calculation. So overall I believe this build easily goes over 600m sDPS, but its safe to say it does at least 549m reliably.
I congratulate you on getting this far exile.
If you leave a reply to this thread with "Merry Christmas", I will seek you out and give you 5ex. Only 4 sets will be given. Only 1 per account that is over 5 days old. (Profile cannot be private) Only replies before 12/26 will be counted. Also I wish you all the best and Merry Christmas แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Turbo32#5327 เมื่อ 24 ธ.ค. 2020 14:40:53
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