[3.13] Hemz [CI] Carrion Me Daddy Golems with 83/88/84/100 resistances 10M DPS
edit: brain isn't working properly right now
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Hi All just rerolled to this build. Can you give any suggestions for me to get more ES. Currently running this build. Can only hit about 5.2k ES on my own.
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" Ok so firstly your boot, need to be ES based. They do exist with purity of ice. Next if you choose to use a Saqawal nest, then you are expected to have lower ES. If you use it then you need to maximize it's potential by reaching 400% aura effect for better survival and dmg. (If you want to see how this can be done you can take a look at Valk_D) This is his POB and video demonstration of his build
" " Or else its better to go for an ES chest and move your RMR from saq onto your medium cluster jewels. These ES chests you can choose to go with a 6 medium route with no %aura on chest, and just use the biggest ES chest you can get. Or a ES chest with 25% aura effect and go for a 5 medium cluster tree. Main difference in them would be the freedom to use those extra points into something else you like, But at the same time a good ES chest with redeemer %aura effect is harder to make. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Turbo32#5327 เมื่อ 1 ม.ค. 2021 06:25:47
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Crap thanks for pointing the boots out. Still trying to work out the aura effect currently hitting 300%. My character is on public. If you see anything that can optimize my tree. Happy New Years
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" heeeey lots of stuff to work on, tyvm again sir ^^ will make some changes |
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" If you use a double 5p voices setup like seen in Valk_D, then you can save enough skill points to path your way to golem commander. This can free your gloves for another ES boost. You can also try get a pair of gloves with an aura implicit too like |
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" Hey Turbo, made some gem changes and ended up like this: Div clarity, div vit and anomalous dread banner on bow, anger and hatred with generosity on helm, moved out haste to quiver for some mov speed and socketed in skitterbots linked with bonechill on quiver also what do u think? Also got the +1 triad gloves Still need to get the alt quality anger which im looking up for rn but thats about it with gem changes you suggested i think แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Knitemare#0130 เมื่อ 1 ม.ค. 2021 16:36:21
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Ok some final tweaks to my cold version SO necro after absorbing some of Turbo’s recommendations:
1) Got a minion life leech ghastly eye jewel and put in my belt to help with minion survivability and and uptime on dmg buff from divergent vitality 2) Wanting to squeeze every last ounce of juice out of this build, I kept thinking how can I get rid of this might of the meek jewel and save a few more passive skill points? Accomplished this by getting 1 more RMR corruption on a jewel (9 total in passive tree, 2 in my belt), then buying a +1 socketed gems corrupted triads and a 20/22 anomalous precision which reserves 1% less mana than the 20/20 version. Coupled with now lvl 5 enhance the anomalous precision reserves 27% less mana. That along with the last RMR jewel got me to the point where I could take out might of the meek, and have 13 mana left to spare. This allows me to take leadership again, then swap in a vicious bite/renewal/feasting fiends cluster and take all 3 notables on that one compared to only 2 on the other two large clusters. Again taking the feasting fiends should help with minion survivability and uptime on divergent vitality. Since convocation/dash take 15-17 mana I had to swap my ES craft on my ring for a -mana craft. One final upgrade I could do is buy either an unending hunger with RMR or another cluster with RMR but those are insanely expensive and not really on the market, but if I get my hands on one then I could swap the -mana craft back out for ES. 3) Got my pimped out AG up and running (last video was just full budget gear like dying breath/bloodbond). Wanted to wait until I had life regen lab enchant on the boot but after seeing how tanky it is in the defensive hungry loop setup I said screw it and just put it together: kingmaker, garb of the ephemeral, ele weakness corrupted gloves, and -9 cold res to nearby enemies helm. With all these changes just did a t17 double beyond 100% deli map deathless fairly easily. Had 1 spectre die during the map at the very end to Cardinal Sanctus Vox on the gilded legion encounter, compared to multiple spectres dying twice in my last video. I think from the necro versions of spectres this is definitely by far the most powerful version i’ve played so far. A massive thank you to everyone ITT who has playtested and contributed to the knowledge sharing through this season, especially Turbo who has stuck around here till the end and gives great in-depth answers to everyone. He’s helped me out tremendously. This is by far the most currency I've ever invested into a build in my year or so of playing POE, and having so much min/maxing you can do kept me grinding continuously all the way through the league to keep getting upgrades. It's been a ton of fun. Question: can I stack my ele weakness on hit from my ring with my AG’s ele weakness on hit curse since it’s the same curse? Or do they cancel each other out? If they do I’m gonna swap my ring. Also if anyone has any suggestions on other upgrades I could do, feel free. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Mephisto415#3837 เมื่อ 1 ม.ค. 2021 17:59:42
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T17 100% Deli Double Beyond w/ conq influence - 3.12 Necro Syndicate Operatives spectres Cold Conversion Aurastacker
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2ozUT78p-E 0:03 gear setup 0:28 auras 0:55 map mods 5:24 map boss 7:09 Omniphobia fight 9:12 Kosis fight 10:57 gilded legion scarab fight 13:03 gem links 13:47 clusters T17 Zana Deli Beyond Tropical Island - 176 splinters https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vpskBK-vOI 2min deathless sirius https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSl7nQSChuk แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Mephisto415#3837 เมื่อ 2 ม.ค. 2021 21:15:58
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Is there an optimal hungry loop setup for divergent AG?
I see a couple of different variations. I'm thinking: Empower Maim Minion Life Support Feeding Frenzy Appreciate any advice. Cheers! แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย kidafrankenstein#7568 เมื่อ 1 ม.ค. 2021 18:12:53
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