[3.14] Dejuvenate's Flameslinger Elementalist. Best League starter and unethical clear speed
Heyho, had a huge Break with PoE, kinda overwhelmed rn.
Can any1 just give me a few pointers what to focus atm? I know flasks are off, also i dont have Stun Immunity this i dont want to skill till ive got flasks running. I got Controlled Destr. as 6th Link instead of Swift Acc. i some how forgot to swap em and now iam leveling it otherwise it's dps loss. Also i somehow cant sustain my map "pool"? did stuff change, cant even get to yellow maps, white->transmute&augment->run. i dont remember alching before late yellow/red maps. Dmg wise its fine cant say much since i havent run any juiced maps cuz map pool. Thanks in advance your overwhelmed returny :D POB: https://pastebin.com/yJzEZQ55 แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย marcel2142#6303 เมื่อ 31 พ.ค. 2021 14:21:09
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" I tried BA again, and i didnt like it at all. İ am using my medium jewels with blowback and cooked alive for this char. İt looks good atm. |
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" Get 5 new flasks. Get a jewel with minions deal x cold/lightning damage, else, your malachai ring does nothing. If you do so, then you can tick "Enemy was hit by cold/lightning damage" in the configuration. Get a +1 to fire skills wand with spell/fire damage and/or fire damage over time multiplier. Set in poe trade a weighted search, give spell/fire damage a weight of 1, fire damage over time a weight of 4 or 5, and buy the one with the biggest number that you can afford (and it should have +1 to fire skill gems). Get a Tabula Rasa with +2 duration gems implicit, they are cheap. Replace Second Wind with Steelskin, to get Flame Dash - Steelskin - Arcane Surge for nice surge generation. Also, stop branching to the right in the tree after Heart and Soul. Get a large cluster jewel with 8 passives and with Burning Bright and another good passive (check pob for the biggest dps boosts). |
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Love the build. The clear speed is outstanding and managing all end-game bosses with ease, minus Sirus 8+ (still working the mechanics, and not quite enough DPS to survive them all)
With that said, I have about 30EX to improve. Curious for thoughts. Current build is https://pastebin.com/bbjkXzYS Questions - - My wand is nothing special, but I'm struggling to understand the value of spell damage here with SpellSlinger; what to prioritize here? I assume +1 spells, then Fire DOT Multi, then Spell damage? - How much difference does the Shadowstitch relaly make? Is it more about the sustain? Or am I missing a mechanic that gives it extra damage vs. a +2 gems Skin? - Comparing the Primordial Chain to the +1/+1 amulet, I don't see a huge difference in POB; am I just missing something? Or is this more of a last piece? - Help me with Transcendent Mind...Replacing my Intuitive Leap with that will save me a couple points, but cut my mana even lower (change to K Bolt?) and hurt defenses a bit. Worth it? - I've been using WOC + Hextouch + Flammability; is it better QOL to move to triggered spell or Arcanist Brand (WOC/Flammability/Void Sphere)? Appreciate the tips! |
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" WOC + Hextouch + Flammability doesn't work in a triggered wand. You can test it out for yourself but as far as I can tell in trying this league it doesn't work. It was mentioned way back in the thread but it comes down to something that's triggered (WoC in this case) can't be used to trigger something else (Flammability via Hextouch). Save yourself a couple points by taking the int nodes at the start instead of the spell damage. Better to use those elsewhere. Other than that, the tree you have is pretty good. Have you tried things out without the Quick Recovery and Tireless nodes as well as the nodes leading up to those? Your unreserved mana and cost of KB seem like it might be just fine without those - might want to give it a try. If mana is an issue using an Enduring mana flask in place of the Basalt flask is an option if it feels comfortable. Increasing Flame Wall's level via gear is a huge boost in damage. So getting that wherever you're able to such at the ammy, chest, wand, shield really adds up. IMO, and from what I've PoB'd this league, using rare gear and jewels instead of the golem specific uniques is the better option. More damage, more ehp, etc. - at least from what PoB shows. Here's an extreme PoB of where it can go without the golem stuff: PoB: https://pastebin.com/EFZPgHFG (PoB Party Link) It's very close to the tree you have but with more rare items. Not all the gear is BiS but some of it is quite pricey. Not only is the damage insane but the defenses are great as well. Just an example although maybe not obtainable in league very easily. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย RJonesUSC#7364 เมื่อ 4 มิ.ย. 2021 13:48:40
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WOC + Hextouch + curse: won't work, you can't double trigger. What people do and is a bit similar is WoC + Combustion and a separate Flammability in a trigger wand. That works.
Here is how I searched for wands, after checking in pob the dps increases from fire/spell damage and fire damage multi: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Ultimatum/dqqWqroFJ (Sometimes fire dot multi needs a weight of 4 for me, based on the gear changes.) You can also count on crafted mods: you can craft not only the trigger affix, but the others (e.g., fire dot multi) to the wand, if you want to browse wands in details. I use Arcanist Brand for triggering Void Sphere, Flammability and WOC. For bosses, I tend to swap Void Sphere for Despair (have +1 curse amulet anointment). I like it very much, give it a try. > Comparing the Primordial Chain to the +1/+1 amulet, I don't see a huge difference in POB; am I just missing something? It was about a +17.5% dps increase for me when I changed, and it also gave me life and resists. I too use +2 duration Shadowstitch, and I like the extra life the most. You can easily get a few corrupted items and stack some nice extra life, most notably, corrupt a high resist roll Malachai ring. |
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For interested people, how do you craft shadowstsitch chest? What is the best formula that I couldnt find anywhere?
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" https://pathofexile.fandom.com/wiki/Shadowstitch Shadowstitch can only be obtained from the Altar of Corruption at Locus of Corruption, by double corrupting Sacrificial Garb. There is around 25%[speculation?] chance to obtain the Shadowstitch. It also can come from the Vaal Reliquary since this league. Mine is one from there and it is animated to change its colors constantly so it is very fancy. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Eti88#6983 เมื่อ 3 มิ.ย. 2021 11:44:51
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" Thank you for your kind answer. Onie more question. That chest should be six linked or not? İ will try if is feasible. |
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" Thanks man, doing 1.1m DMG now, couldnt get an 8 passives cluster jewel rn cuz theyre kinda pricey so i took a 10 one for now, respecced a bit life and also the right side, looked at your char a bit to get some inspiration. |
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