[3.14] Dejuvenate's Flameslinger Elementalist. Best League starter and unethical clear speed
The Primodial Chains has been changed in the last patch, doesn't give extra golems. So no longer worth taking. probably recommend to go for another jewel to effectivly use Anima stone. What do you think?
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" Source? I've got one right now that gives +3 in ritual |
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" Looked it up on Poe Trade where it says it does this: Regenerate 2.9 Life per second When you Kill a Rare monster, you gain its mods for 3 seconds You cannot have non-Golem Minions 25% reduced Golem Size Golems Deal 41% less Damage Golems have 44% less Life Golems have 88% increased Movement Speed Primordial |
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" I am running Primordial chain, and it gives +3 to max golems. I also checked the patch notes in 3.11.0 and 3.12.0 and couldn't find any changes relating to anima stone or primordial chains. EDIT: +3 to max golems is in the item description on the official poetrade website, that line is missing on poe.trade. Just checked. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย HappyWatermelon#4508 เมื่อ 17 ม.ค. 2021 15:27:26
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" Check your stormbrands tooltip, if it mentions fire damage itll likely be applying +25% fire res to the target instead. The fire damage source would be from your +flat fire damage to spells. |
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Have you thought of using herald of thunder in the ring instead? then you can slot the 4 nodes on the top of the witch area and get 25% increased damage while affected by heralds
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" How is Herald of thunder applied? Does it apply EE when a storm is created from killing a shocked enemy, or does its added lightning damage to attacks and spells apply it on KB/PS hits? I think that Herald of thunder is too expensive mana wise, when precision mana reservation are more important to hit that 95-100% hit chance. And further down the line, malevolence will need that extra mana too :P EDIT: did some digging and only the hits from the Herald of thunders Storm hits apply EE. And in that case, its unreliable in that you need to have killed something in order to apply EE, especially on bossing. And for map clear, EE is overkill, you don't need it. Only for ST and bossing. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย HappyWatermelon#4508 เมื่อ 17 ม.ค. 2021 16:25:04
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in pob link i cant see body armour or gloves or shoes. why?
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" Old mate Dejuvenate is finishing the pob in a few days. The POB currently is mainly the required uniques and gem setups to get the build rolling. More to come later dawg. |
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So I've been playing this build as my league starter and it breezed through the acts. Loving it so far. Looks like Ill be able to modify this to achieve some very nice clearspeed with some zoom zoom gear.
Also, Shaper of Storms + Inpulsas is dumb. You should do it for sure. Flasks are temp, no need for freeze immunity with ascendancy. Will probs go rumis, witchfire, cinderswallow, etc. Links are also a bit messy atm due to corrupted gear. Heres a quick no effort T2 clear from yesterday, feel free to add to OP. https://youtu.be/0BUlvAgjquA |
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