[3.19] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything

Sad to read all these posts. Why did they do this to us! I still feel like going all in for it, just because I love the skill and respect Kelv for doing these amazing guides.
Yeah...it's still viable but i little bit envy to others build with less inv and easy cleaning or oneshoting content =/
I just corrupted my Astramentis. 6% Int, 5% Str. The game really wants me to play WI haha.
Any suggestions for another build in which we could use some of our gear?

I really like the playstyle of this build but the damage is really starting to drop off and with this kind of investment other builds are doing more damage and clearing faster.
i just tried A9 sirus it was the most painfull exprince i have ever had

it took me like 15min to kill him maybe more phase after phase after phase just not enuf dps he kept moveing and it was just painfull

i love this build really i play it every league but atm i feel like its just bad
20/20 delirium....korsis so looong dying and yeah not enought even on aoe dmg :/ GGG should revert icestorm changes, return no cap!
with such investment really low dmg in compare with other build...hm about 20+ ex already me spended (9 ex wathcers for es on hit,still 11 ex enought budget for some build to pwn)

Eh can we somehow up our boss dmg?or only by going insane gear?

and yeah unlucky...2 hunters orb failed...just -4ex ;/

edited:after killing shaper )
from 3rd orb.now harvest to roll to 10%

2221 int...but dmg feeling still not enough..
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย archwerewolf#0781 เมื่อ 21 ม.ค. 2021 15:57:43
I've been watching all of this unfold and slowly leveling as I work a lot. I am just hitting maps and wondering when this DPS 'drop off' occurs?

Build seems strong still and I am thinking to use it to farm lower tier maps b4 switching either by changing into another skill or a full re-roll of a different character. In the meantime it is still working for basic stuff just fine.

I have no idea what to try next and love this build, devastated to hear it can't handle later boss life pools! Noooo!
ok i failed cortex map-( last of 4 boss just too long dying and so too much his combo when he disappear just melting me with his skills :/
i really hate GGG for what they did with our boss dmg
I'm also pretty disappointed with our boss dmg =( looking for currency to change builds
Well killed elder and after it shaper....with 2076 int so lame boss dmg....
ok who know build similar to whispering ice about tanking but with better boss dmg? xD



