[3.19] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything

Hi, and first thanks for both guides Kelvynn (Ascendant/Occultist) awesome work! I play maybe today this build to start... so, in summary the build are the same, only change the ascendancy (Class) and the jewel (Pure Talent) it's true?

Same tree (aprox), same gear and same gems...
hey, Kelvynn, looking forward for occu version of the build :) running with it from the times when we were selfcast, and still have 100% conversion pyre from SR version :D I just wanted to ask - every league you finish with %attrib, %int and damage per int ammy. Just how? Never was able to get one, and really wanted to know - are you crafting them yourself, or buying them?
sufferot เขียน:
hey, Kelvynn, looking forward for occu version of the build :) running with it from the times when we were selfcast, and still have 100% conversion pyre from SR version :D I just wanted to ask - every league you finish with %attrib, %int and damage per int ammy. Just how? Never was able to get one, and really wanted to know - are you crafting them yourself, or buying them?

there are lucky ppl out there who craft them and sell them

i got mine for around 70ex and it was pretty cheap,thats after giveing up on trying to craft one :P

i never played harvest but i hope that with harvest it will be esaier to craft

sufferot เขียน:
hey, Kelvynn, looking forward for occu version of the build :) running with it from the times when we were selfcast, and still have 100% conversion pyre from SR version :D I just wanted to ask - every league you finish with %attrib, %int and damage per int ammy. Just how? Never was able to get one, and really wanted to know - are you crafting them yourself, or buying them?

I tried 4 times to craft one. It was ALLWAYS much cheaper to buy one. I bought the one i now have for 30 ex. All i tried to craft was over 50 ex with weeker stats.

sure if youre really lucky as lilianmarius shows sometimes you can get it really cheap. And perhaps with harvest its a lot easyer to craft. We will see.
ichbinwerichbi เขียน:

I tried 4 times to craft one. It was ALLWAYS much cheaper to buy one. I bought the one i now have for 30 ex. All i tried to craft was over 50 ex with weeker stats.

sure if youre really lucky as lilianmarius shows sometimes you can get it really cheap. And perhaps with harvest its a lot easyer to craft. We will see.

It won't be much easier to craft, unless they added a attribute seed. Harvest crafting (while nice for fixing resistances, removing bad affixes etc) didn't really help us make perfect items for this build since attributes can't be targeted.
Hey, looking forward to league starting with this build.
For someone not so experienced, that never went too deep in maps and endgame, its better to go with the occultist or ascendant version?
andrellm เขียน:
Hey, looking forward to league starting with this build.
For someone not so experienced, that never went too deep in maps and endgame, its better to go with the occultist or ascendant version?

As you are someone not as experienced...I highly suggest the proven and tested Ascendant version.
Ziiyo เขียน:
Quick question:

POB shows a damage number for icestorm i.e. 20k (for example)

Is that damage PER each blanket of icestorms and we are now capped to 5 i.e. 20*5=100k total for full overlaps


is that the damage per a single ice shard in a blanket. so say each blanket has 4 shards it would be more like [(20*4)*5)]=400K

Sorry for the silly question but just trying to calculate total effectiveness of dps.


PoB shows Average Hit. 1 hit = 1 icicle hitting the target. If you stack the max allowed 5 storms on the same target, each storm will be hitting it 5 times per second. Therefore, if the average hit is 20k then you will be doing about 20 * 5 * 5 = 500K dps
Jfranxisk เขียน:
Hi, and first thanks for both guides Kelvynn (Ascendant/Occultist) awesome work! I play maybe today this build to start... so, in summary the build are the same, only change the ascendancy (Class) and the jewel (Pure Talent) it's true?

Same tree (aprox), same gear and same gems...

The build principles are the same. The trees are different, obviously. Although they share some general structure and aim to take the same notables that define the build.

I don't have time (or feel the need) to duplicate the entire guide in 2 different threads right now. And then people will be asking, 'What's the difference between the 2 versions?' :) So for now the Occultist guide only shows what's different from the Ascendant.
sufferot เขียน:
hey, Kelvynn, looking forward for occu version of the build :) running with it from the times when we were selfcast, and still have 100% conversion pyre from SR version :D I just wanted to ask - every league you finish with %attrib, %int and damage per int ammy. Just how? Never was able to get one, and really wanted to know - are you crafting them yourself, or buying them?

Not every league. I've finished some leagues with the good old Astramentis. Upgrading to the rare amulet is usually one of the final touches. That amulet needs to be really good to be worth all the trouble with the lost Str and Dex.

I've never been lucky to craft one of those amulets myself. It takes some serious luck to hit not just the right mods but also the right stats. It's much easier to just farm up enough currency to buy one.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Kelvynn#6607 เมื่อ 15 ม.ค. 2021 11:54:55



