[3.19] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything
" ROFL. I'm the poster boy for a player that (a) generally never has more than 7 days played in any league (b) has no real idea how to farm currency (c) found exactly zero exalts from level 1 to 95 (d) am generally always quite poor. I think I did well this league so far. The extra drops from the sentinels were a big help, and so was the atlas tree (I focused on harvest, harbinger, ritual, and expedition.) I don't consider myself having been all that lucky. My significant upgrades now are reduced to 2 7% synth rings and a 10%/14% amulet. The first are just too expensive to buy, and my two attempts at the amulet both failed and now I am down to my last couple of exalts. So, back to running maps and maybe some more heist blueprints, and hopefully someone buys my failed crafts so I have some funds back to try again. This is a great effing build, and the loop of getting enough gear to collect chaos to craft more gear to collect more chaos, etc., works for me from maps T1 to T16 sentinel-buffed bosses. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Graiaule#7461 เมื่อ 14 มิ.ย. 2022 22:15:05
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" Seems like I've entered this post at the perfect time to rant - dude, Kelvynn is 100% right. 1. PoE is NOT about luck. Sure, u can get lucky and drop something good, but while that is required in other games you don't need to be lucky in PoE to be successful. 2. "invest a lot of time" U wanna know my time investment for the league? I've not taken a day off of work on leaguestart, not one. I have taken off 4 days in the past 4 weeks in total, 2 of which I spent with my GF so only 2 of them went fully into PoE. On three out of the 5 weekends I didn't play once due to my new flat being worked on, so my time investment was during the weekdays from 7pm to 11pm, and more on only 2 out of 5 weekends. My challenges are nearly done and here's my current standing currency-wise: If you can't farm 30ex to get this build going that is TOTALLY on you and I completely understand when build creators are getting sick and tired of the same old lame excuses. This game is complex, it's difficult to learn but that's why it pays off so well - there is not a single other game I've ever played with such a close correlation between knowledge and progression/currency like poe and the fact that there are still people that blame it on LUCK is a complete joke - u don't need to invest tons of time, but u need to be effective in what you're doing. It always baffles me that people still reject this simple reality and blame their shortcomings on missing luck, streamer RNG and what other excuses u guys find. My first season I made 3 ex total and played a lot more than this one. Next one 20, then 50, then 150. From that on I always had gear+currency worth around 2-3 mirrors by the time I've ended the challenges, constantly. If this constant development is not proof that luck has nothing to do with currency-potential in PoE then I don't know what is. Last point: you get everything spoonfed here - what else do you need to be satisfied? I wish u (and frankly myself, cause I suck at creating builds) luck in this game when people who write guides stop doing so cause they are sick and tired. The fact that people like u always look for the mistakes in someone else speaks a lot about the decline in personal responsibility overall and I totally get when guide creators start getting frustrated after helping with such a good amount of tips and tricks. I mean, I've played other builds before. People can't even follow guides, they make adjustments, buy inferior stuff and then say "build sucks". It's time you start taking a good look in the mirror in terms of your gaming performance and think long and hard before u go off like that again - if I was a build creator I wouldn't answer a single question from u ever again after your ignorant statement. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Vennto#1610 เมื่อ 15 มิ.ย. 2022 03:10:57
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@vennto and kelvyn
Ok. I will not write anything again in this thread. IF you see poe in that way you do ok. I am with you. But perhaps you ask some new players or also some experienced players how many currency they make in a league. [Removed by Support] You wrote youre playtime. I thing i have half of yours. So i must miss some really really good currency making things as i have only 20 ex made this league. I see often people writing thats the way to make currency in poe. I tried a lot of them but i had not one time really that amount of currency you write you have every league. So perhaps you have the golden way of making currency in poe. It would help a lot of players here if you tell us, how you made it. @kelvin. I cant understand why you so pissed of if someone who likes youre build verry much since years write the problems he has. I have absolut no understanding that you see it as whining. YOU show what is posible with youre build. BUT not all people see poe as a study to learn all the shit and a lot of people are not perfect like you. If i had the understanding like mathil to make builds or his playstyle i dont need any guide to be effective and good. You have one of the best guides in poe. [Removed by Support] Its possible but far from no problem. A time bevor it was. Then it wasnt a problem to do ALL contend with that build without investing a lot of time and without having a lot of boss mechanics to learn. And that with a small amount of currency. The time changed. I am really impressed that you get the build working for such a long time. But if you see not fun boy comments as whining i am done. Then you need people like vennto. So was a nice time with you. Bye that was my last comment แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Nichelle_GGG#0000 เมื่อ 15 มิ.ย. 2022 11:01:18
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" Why would I? There are plenty of people like u that are not getting tired of mentioning how little they make. And with my timestamps I can very easily determine how much someone should make. Like, I explained how much I played - lets cut this down to the core, shall we? 4 weeks, 5 weekends, 2 of which I´ve played. That´s 4x 5x 4.5 hours, + 2x 2x 12 hours. Totalling 90 + 48 = 138 hours. Let´s round up to 150 for a few additional hours spent here and there. The exalt sits at 182c, mirror sits at 66.4k chaos, equaling 364ex. My stuff should be worth all in all round about 2 mirrors, meaning I´ve made 728ex in 150 hours, coming down to 4.8ex an hour. That is literally below every pushed currency strategy right now, they claim 5, 6, 8, sometimes above 10ex an hour. But it gets worse. Let´s say you have half the time-investment of me, and only manage 65% of my performance, then yu should be STILL sitting at more than 150ex right now. And this is with barely more than 3 ex an hour. Tell me, how low does the bar need to be? How are you still defending the fact that you can´t produce currency if you say you follow strategies? " I do. In fact I did just a few days ago when someone asked me sincerely, instead of just blaming everything good players like Kelvynn and me do on luck. The problem with u is not that u have problems making currency, the problem is that you think you´re the best player under the sun and everyone who makes more MUST have more luck. If you would change your tune to be more in line with something like "listen guys, I´m struggling this season, this is what I do, this is what I get out of it, its not working, help me fix it",then I would have been the first to help you out. But u weren´t instead you blamed the build creator with presenting his progress as unachievable things that no one ever will be able to copy. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Vennto#1610 เมื่อ 15 มิ.ย. 2022 11:59:32
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This is, by far, the most fun build I have ever played in PoE (I got like 2k hours of casual playtime), freezing entire screens of mobs and exploding them with shatter/profane bloom, doesn't get better than this, thanks!
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I don't get some of the people here, this build doesn't have a SINGLE upgrade that requires dozens of exalts.
- 15 chaos + int essence - 1 ex for the base + essence - 1ex for the base + essence - essence until good ES and then HUNTER SLAM FOR GURANTEED INCREASED INT %. - 40-60C early league 6 Socket staff is 20-40c early league Astramentis - 40-80C early league based on roll Cluster jewel - 1-2ex Split Personality with Just int - 25 chaos early league Split Personality with Int + ES - 2.5ex early league 4/5L Chest with Int and ES MAX 50C for one with 500 ES. OPTIONAL WATCHERS EYE THAT ISN'T REALLY NEEDED WITH ES ON HIT - 4 EX EARLY LEAGUE (First 2 weeks) Like what the hell are you guys are even whining about, This build is stupid cheap and stupid strong, maybe Diablo Immortal is more fitting for your playstyle, you won't need to invest time or farm currency, you can just buy it. I was making so much money early on by just playing the build that I had to get a mage blood, because there was nothing else I considered worthy. I got 0 big drops this league, no ashes, no omni, no forbidden jewels, nada, this build gears itself theres no big upgrade gaps. I've had the pleasure of consulting Kelvynn this league about how to handle some of the mechanics and some of the Uber bosses, he was super welcoming and helpful despite me harassing him with questions he probably answered 5,000 times already. His dedication to this build is what made it survive all the nerfs and reworks and not only the build works it's also a sgreat league starter, it's cheap and it's super powerful, more than some of the hundred ex builds. Mad props Kelvynn, there is a reason me and many others come back to this build over and over, it always delivers and never requires a stupid amount of currency to get going. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Firestrike9#7135 เมื่อ 16 มิ.ย. 2022 05:18:08
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Well grats on getting the % int synth rings early on for 1 ex each. They're 14ex now. I did take advantage of the cheap 15% int belts and deafening spites at 2-3c each early league. Crafted a bunch, kept the best one and sold the others. I remember these rings being at least 5-6 ex each even in the first week of the league, so 1ex for them was a VERY good snipe. |
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" Thanks, thought so as well... And obviously some stuff gets more expensive when other int stackers come online but based on what I've tested so far and seen here this one lets you swap way earlier or even start it, so the stuff is not nearly as expensive as it is now. |
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" I bought them for 1ex at day 10 of the league, there was no snipe there were like 30 of them listed for 1ex. I think after 2-3 weeks they slowly go up to 4-5ex for ilvl 80+, I bought them earliest I could because I remembered they tend to go up later on. But come on, even if they are 5-6ex, I don't see how thats a big problem, you're not asked to grind 50ex for an omniscience/ashes to make the build work. They are 14ex now because the economy this league is pure shit as the pop dropped hardcore due to the crude Archnemesis mobs at launch, it won't be the case in a healthy normal league แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Firestrike9#7135 เมื่อ 16 มิ.ย. 2022 15:33:29
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Huh. I had a search tab active for these rings after about 5 days in the league, and I'm quite sure I did not see any at 1 ex. I had the funds to snap them up at that price by then. The corrupted rings, yes, there were a couple of nice high resist and int %int rings there, but I failed to get them. I'm not tracking the playing population at the moment, but I'm not having any trouble selling my alt gems, so hopefully there's still a nucleus of people playing. |
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