[Phrecia]The Arachnophobia Allstars|CI Cyclone-Guardian|The dirty Scorpion-Tail|Herald of Agony 590M

GriswoldsGames เขียน:
Hey! Very nice build. I'm in the middle of leveling this character and I was wondering one thing :

How do you deal with stuns? Not sure how it's going to go for later, but as far as I know, while leveling I keep dying because of stuns...

What's going to fix this later?

If you have an energy shield you automatically have 50% stun avoidance. So, CI kinda solves the stun problem cuz you have 50% always shield immunity +20% stun threshold from small clusters.

Also, for the stunning, you have to take a decent hit (more than 50% of max life). Therefore, the more damage reduction you have the less you're stunnble.

Till you get all those defenses you could use for example Kiara's Determination
flask or new Corundum Flask
grimjack68 เขียน:
sidp2201 เขียน:
I am close to getting all the items, but I had a question regarding Skin of the Lords. Why are we focused on Iron reflex? I have like 40 evasion, wouldn't some other node give better result ?
In the endgame tree, we run Grace, which combined with a jade flask gives us ~12k evasion. IR converts that to Armour, and because we have so much armour stacking, it boosts us from 70k to 110k. The difference between 70 and 110 is very notable... if you take a 10k hit:

110k armour = 4800 damage to you
70k armour = 5900 damage to you

Wow...I really did not that about that as I did not have grace active yet. Thank you so much for explaining it. I am really enjoying this build. Even with basic essentials and no expensive items I can take red maps easily without even coming close to dying.
sidp2201 เขียน:

Wow...I really did not that about that as I did not have grace active yet. Thank you so much for explaining it. I am really enjoying this build. Even with basic essentials and no expensive items I can take red maps easily without even coming close to dying.
Yes, this build is literally *THE* tank. Other builds that are tanks should be compared to this build. I've played most of the other tank builds, and some of them are nearly as good as this, but nothing quite measures up.

On the down side, after playing this, everything you'll play will feel like a glass cannon! :)
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.
Just a shame it's 250ex just for iron reflexes chest piece with them colours, seems like a good build
Eag1e เขียน:
Just a shame it's 250ex just for iron reflexes chest piece with them colours, seems like a good build

Yes, the best in slot - armours are often high traded, but 250 ex is extreme and probably changes fast. Ordinary prices are around 10-20 exalts.

You can easy take other socketcolours, take a look into " The dirty scorpion-tail" or other keynotes are strong also, in "gear, links, skills" in the section bodyarmour they are ranked.

2 green sockets are needed for HoA and pierce for mapping, all other colourcombinations are usable and you get nice armours for 5 exalts and even cheaper often. For starting also a Skin of the loyals, 13 chaos, takes you safe in high levels.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Chromino#4813 เมื่อ 4 ส.ค. 2021 15:15:41
Hello, very nice build. What I dont understand is how golden rule jewel currently works. wether I use it or not I have the same number of max virulence stacks (45) and in POB it also doesnt seem to make a difference. Please expalin.

babutian เขียน:
Hello, very nice build. What I dont understand is how golden rule jewel currently works. wether I use it or not I have the same number of max virulence stacks (45) and in POB it also doesnt seem to make a difference. Please expalin.


Hi babutian,

thank you very much!

The golden rule reflects and doubles your poisons and with them your virulences and damage.

In maps you will have always max virulence-stacks, but singletarget without added mobs it offers also maximal 50-60 virulences.
It's bis for these singletarget-damage, or you need a lot cast speed and max chance to poison to reach 55-60 virulences singletarget.

Also in map mods like temporal chains or enemies have chance to avoid poison it offers more damage while mapping.

In "jewels and clusters" is a spoiler about it, "the golden rule", and on page 50 detailed explanations.
YaphetSVnzla เขียน:
Hello friend this is the pob of my character currently, It does not matter how much damage I have since for now I am in the Heist mechanic

I wanted some advice on mana reserve as currently I can only use HoA and Determination

and I wanted to know how to improve said reservation
Maybe they are dumb questions
but I don't have much experience in these builds

Hey YaphetSVnzla,

hehe, here are no dumb questions, only shortlegged arachnophil maniacs! Hehe! Just ask!

For mana: when you scroll down in the spoiler "poe-trade-links", at the bottom you arrive at the "clusters". There you need 2x small clusters with "uncompromising" or medium clusers with both "uncompromising" and "self-control". Exactly like grimjack wrote.

For damage take an arakaali's fang, but it's still expensive, your iron point dagger combined with phantasms is good starter, and on medium clusters "pure agony".
Razzenit เขียน:
grimjack68 เขียน:
Razzenit เขียน:

Hello guys. Having some fun with the spiders but I'm not sure how to improve from this point forward. There's tons of upgrades to do but I'm not sure what to get first...

One thing that bothers me is that I'm still running into random one-shots. Pretty weird but it seems to happen frequently. I can actually reserve HoA + Determination + Defiance Banner right now. No grace yet.

Some advice would be nice!

What level content are you running? Are you keeping your armour flasks up?

You're sitting at a little less ES than I am, and a little less armour as well - if your flasks are up, otherwise, a fair bit less. I can't run T15+ juiced content yet, need a few more upgrades before I get there. I'm planning on a couple Split personality jewels in a second jewel cluster myself, then get grace and Iron Reflexes up and running.

My latest death was on a heist level 80 and the one before that I think was a T14 poorjoy's. No idea what killed me in both actually. It was a one shot kind of death... no slow degen or anything like that.

Half of the flasks are auto on different conditions but I do not have a "salvage hit" one yet.

yes, you need some more mana, armour, es and you will get it with gear, grace, etc. While levelling you get a lot of upgrades for the defences. Grimjack explains it very, very good - thank you grimdawn!!- as CI you rely a lot in this build on es/ block and you will get later double or even tripple substain and defences.

Check also the spoiler "checklist defences" - sometimes stuff like upgrading the pantheon or using often molten shell and vaal skills is missing.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Chromino#4813 เมื่อ 4 ส.ค. 2021 13:23:41
babutian เขียน:
Hello, very nice build. What I dont understand is how golden rule jewel currently works. wether I use it or not I have the same number of max virulence stacks (45) and in POB it also doesnt seem to make a difference. Please expalin.

It doesn't change the max damage. What it does is cut the time in half that it takes to get there.

Because we "stack" virulences, it takes time to get to the max stack. The golden rule applies poisons to both monsters and our character, which means double the amount applied, which means half the poison needed to hit max stacks.

In practice, it means that instead of taking a few seconds to ramp up to max damage output with the crawler, we go from 0 to max instantly.
Current league IGN: Teldra_Anc_LAD
Feel free to message me in game if I'm on.



