[Phrecia]The Arachnophobia Allstars|CI Cyclone-Guardian|The dirty Scorpion-Tail|Herald of Agony 590M

Chromino เขียน:
Viscar เขียน:

I am pretty much out of my currency at this point so getting upgrades are going to be rough unless I cannibalize my first character. Which I am using right now to jump in to kill harder bosses when this character just can't do it with the low damage.

Right now trying to get the clusters to help out with the damage. Also, trying to pop those stupid worms with low damage ball lightning is a massive PITA most of the time.

Aaah, okay, sorry about.

But take a basalt flask for more ar or other guided flasks (see spoiler "flasks" and the pob for more damage instead your not fitting life- and sulphur-flasks, it will help you a lot.

Es on your ring is fine, sorry, I overlooked it. But in your set-up rainbowstrideboots for 1 chaos and rare gloves or even the unique gloves kalisa's grace, for 1 alchemy orb, will help your es a lot. You need a fundament of es or will be too often oneshotted in t15/ t16.

HoAg skilllevels scale up heavy your damage, also +1 awakened gems, it's guided in checklist damage and tl;dr. Get a HoAg skillgem lvl 21, 3 chaos, for a lot added damage.

Anoint your amulet of course.

Take also the recommended cast when stunned set-up and your withering touch in the boots don't deal anything and anomalous reckoning is only a weaker alternative when you are already well geared.

These 7 chaos will improve your damage and tankynessfast, cheap and much.

Awakened Minion Damage Support doesn't provide +1 skill level until it is a level 5 gem, which requires level 80 character level to slot. My character is not 80 yet. Also, the damage a lower than level 5 awakened minion damage provides is less than the level 20/23 normal one I got slotted currently.

I have more armor than the guide if I uncheck the level 23 determination corruption off from the Path of Building. Sorry, don't have 40ex to dump into getting that corruption on an item. Without that, my armor value is actually far higher than the build given in the PoB.

A basalt flask doesn't add that much armor overall. It is like 2K extra armor which is about 2% phys reduction at this point for me. Again, the combo of Sorrow + Life flask is tankier than a basalt.

As far as annoiting my amulet goes... the only notable worth getting would be Charisma, but that is a bit pricier than what I currently have. I can get it though in a day or so worth of playing at least. Also it would remove some of my mana reservation which would lower my ES.

Was mainly trying to figure out what would be the cheapest upgrade path goals to go for at this point. I already have the large and medium clusters for this build ready. I know that levels on gems and character will add some as well as the clusters. After that, nothing jumps out at me for the cheapest path to go for optimizing the build further in the most efficient manner.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Viscar#3519 เมื่อ 24 มี.ค. 2022 16:02:24
Viscar เขียน:

Awakened Minion Damage Support doesn't provide +1 skill level until it is a level 5 gem, which requires level 80 character level to slot. My character is not 80 yet. Also, the damage a lower than level 5 awakened minion damage provides is less than the level 20/23 normal one I got slotted currently.

I have more armor than the guide if I uncheck the level 23 determination corruption off from the Path of Building. Sorry, don't have 40ex to dump into getting that corruption on an item. Without that, my armor value is actually far higher than the build given in the PoB.

A basalt flask doesn't add that much armor overall. It is like 2K extra armor which is about 2% phys reduction at this point for me. Again, the combo of Sorrow + Life flask is tankier than a basalt.

As far as annoiting my amulet goes... the only notable worth getting would be Charisma, but that is a bit pricier than what I currently have. I can get it though in a day or so worth of playing at least. Also it would remove some of my mana reservation which would lower my ES.

Was mainly trying to figure out what would be the cheapest upgrade path goals to go for at this point. I already have the large and medium clusters for this build ready. I know that levels on gems and character will add some as well as the clusters. After that, nothing jumps out at me for the cheapest path to go for optimizing the build further in the most efficient manner.

Start as adviced above with HoAg lvl 21, gloves, boots and flasks.

Determination lvl 20 is enough if course, you don't need the corruption.

Of course you can start with other anoints.
But the way you skill and gear, you loose much too much stats and skills without reason.

Sol raises socketed gems +2, so awakened gems are always a strong upgrade. But you get in the moment more results with cheap 3 chaos HoAg lvl 21 as I posted already before.

Yes, the clusters multiply your damage much further too, like written in the faq and tl;dr.

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Chromino#4813 เมื่อ 24 มี.ค. 2022 16:37:01
Fukurokage เขียน:
Love this.

Thanks to EoW and SE implicits I could get 100% immunity without anoint.

Interesting node for Megalomaniac: Disease Vector (Enemies Poisoned by you cannot Regenerate Life).

Thank you for this build. At last I got to 38/40 since Harbringer.

Sirius down, Uber Atziri down (first time!), Uber Elder down (first time!), new bosses down (deathless), Simulacrum 30 done, uber Chayula down (first time, deathless, and with 6-players party standing outside), Feared down (first time), each Maven crucible fights done deathless (not Feared...).

Maven - still trying, I can't dps her down + I lose memory game all the time.

In the end I could learn the fights, go around my colour-blindness and end the league with satisfaction that I did not need to buy most challenges (only Maven).

The most problematic fight? Uber Elder. A lot of dots and beam.
Easiest? Uber Chayula (I went to get coffee mid-fight xD).

Thank you a lot Fukurokage!
Maven down. Needed 60 Virulence, -chaos rez when poisoned node.

Also: Vaal Molten Shell let us survive memory-game bomb even when Solaris Pantheon dmg reduction does not kick in.

If you like playing "poe-piano" it is possible to tank memory explosions when you manualy activate Molten Shell, Frost Shield and potions (without alchemist's are fine).

In the end we die from DoT (all the focus during this fight should be on placing them in the middle of arena) and well telegraphed Maven/Nucleus attacks ("Death Made Real" beam and big slam).

If you focus your game on running Guardians (Shaper, Elder), Conquerors and then Maven Invitations you will get a lot splinters to try this fight and figure it out.

- Remnants of the Past (chance for guardian maps to drop) -> maps
- Guardian's Aid (chance for guardian map, double guardians) -> maps + more shaper/elder keys
- Gaze into the Abyss (chance for guardian maps, Wather's eye chance)
- Conquered Conquerors (loot, Conquerors maps drop)
- Martial Forces (Elder drops maps, more juicy conquerors map)
- The Most Toys (chance for double progress in maven)
- Captivating Interest (more cplinters, better loot)
- Pay to Play (Maven and Maven's invitations better drop)

- T14+ maps -> you gain Guardians maps + maven 10-boss fight progress + invitations
- Shaper / Elder guardians witness -> fragments + invitations + progress for 4-way with guardians + Conquerors maps
- Shaper / Elder guardians 4-way -> splinters
- if you have all 4 conquerors -> run + witness -> Conquerors Witness
- Conquerors 4-way -> splinters
- if not enought conquerors maps -> Elder
- if you have all Guardians maps -> repeat
- if not, run 14+ maps
- when maven witnessed 10 bosses -> invite -> splinters

With this rota you get fragments (Shaper, Elder, Uber Elder), conquerors orbs, orbs of conflict, awakened gems and Splinters. A lot of Splinters. You can use them for profit (don't sell entry, buy or find free maven service with loot for you) or run them to learn the fight.

Best of luck Exiles!

More "guide-like" description:

Maven fight:
- Vaal Molten Shell can save you from memory game explosion,
- self-casted Molten Shell and Frost Shield with Ruby+Saphir+Topaz buffs can save you from memory game
- focus on placing DoT's in the middle of arena (this kills us in the final stage)
- avoid Nucleus Beam / Maven Slam (only truly deadly skills)
Chromino เขียน:

Thank you Takinator!

Begin with a better amulet: aul's uprising, grace reserve no mana, 2 exalts, better rare unset ring or a second circle of nostalgia, and better flasks.

Thank you :)! Luckily i found 2 doctors and some worthy harvest crafts.

The ring is a thing i will change, a ring with despair would be nice i think.
But i have a question, im about to buy 2 another clusters with pure agony and cult leader. My problem is i dunno how to get that much virulence on the enemy at the boss fight. I did the searing and eater of worlds very easyily but my dmg is not that much. Certainly because i only get about 40 stacks, is there anything i can do to get more?

2.question, i dunno which second large cluster i should take, is riot queller rly worthy? Or should i take the other one?

Budget right now is ~20 ex
Hi all,

I don't understand why I have 300k effective hit pool compared to 184M on your POB.

When i import my items and skill on your POB, effective hit pool is low and i don't understand why ...

If someone can help me plz ?
My minions (both spiders and cralwer) seems to miss with most of their hits. Am I missing something? I dont see you having minion accuracy on jewels or anything like that.
Tackinator เขียน:

The ring is a thing i will change, a ring with despair would be nice i think.
But i have a question, im about to buy 2 another clusters with pure agony and cult leader. My problem is i dunno how to get that much virulence on the enemy at the boss fight. I did the searing and eater of worlds very easyily but my dmg is not that much. Certainly because i only get about 40 stacks, is there anything i can do to get more?

2.question, i dunno which second large cluster i should take, is riot queller rly worthy? Or should i take the other one?

Budget right now is ~20 ex

It depends if you need more defense or more dps.

- one large cluster with minion nodes,
- one large cluster with spell block / block (I prefere spell block to block),
- if you need points to put into reservation nodes, block nods, poison chance or es nodes you can skip (for now) going 3x or 4x Agony Medium Clusters until you get stats from other places / level up
- small cluster with %reservation and Determination reservation reduction node (best reservation-wise, we have a lot different ways to reduce clarity / discipline, an non to decrease determination)

- 2x large clusters with minion nodes,
- 3x medium clusters with agony + disciples
- 1x megalomaniac with agaony + disciples + any interesting node that will work for you
- mind that dmg scales easier with higher lvl support gems in body then if you go for 2nd large minion cluster

In general: you get max stacks by geting Pure Agony on Medium Cluster (if you have currency, buy Pure Agony + Disciples.

Check out my character https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Fukurokage/characters - AbsenceOfExaltsAndChaos

Comments regarding my eq:
- Circle of Agony: +40% reservation efficiency booted to +48% using catalyst,
- Unset Ring: +3 lvl of gems - defensive-wise it is nice boost (lvl 24 Determination) on the budget -> a lot cheaper then Aegis Aurora with corrupt
- Gloves with +10% poison and +% minion damage implicits (easier to get then gloves with right stats and bonus support gems)
- Eber's: max quality, high ES base, high ES roll and - most important - +% agony reservation eff
- Aegis Shield: high base ES roll, quality and (was trying to get, let it go after 30 divination orbs) high +% armour and es
- Boots: absolutly amazing boots defense-wise, maybe it is not 200+ES, but give me tone of ailments protection
- G-G-G-G-R-B Skin of the Lords with Iron Reflexes -> +2 socketed gems level and God-like armour; if you are RICH, go for it. Better then Aegis Aurora with Determination 23 Corrupion
- 3x medium clusters with Pure Agony + 1x Megalomaniac unique medium cluster with Pure Agony (+20 stacks to Herald of Agony) -> this can be pretty cheap in currency, but gives you less points on the tree for defence
- corrupted implicits on gems -> ignite avoidance to hit 100%
- flasks -> masochist's for charges gain and uptime in boss-fights; bleeding flask

If you look at helmet gems - I use Cast When Channeling to ignore cast speed. I am less mobile, but with high block, flasks and tones of reduction I can tank everything besides DoT (shaper beam, ground effects) and hits with block reduction (Maven slam and Exarchs explosion).
I've been slowly working out the best way to do this on my own just based on how the build is, and wham, there it all is, nice and neat! Thanks for laying it out.
I am currently enjoying this build quite a lot. I am min maxing it and struggled mostly with getting Dex and Str until I figured out that I can just get Dex on a split personality and it solved all my problems.

This build is like a small community within the game, which is just awesome.

I think I want to Leaguestart with this next league, but I am not sure if there is a good early game currency start.

- How much currency do you need in the first week to transition to this build and do some meaningful farm? Maybe Logbooks.
- What is your preferred early game start if you start this build or another Guardian (or just Templar) build? I just don't like running a second times through the acts without a few weeks time between each run, so I am looking for a starter build to change it into this one.
- What do you think about endless heist or regular heist for the first week?
- How much currency do you need to start simulacrums?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย iuiz#1125 เมื่อ 29 มี.ค. 2022 08:23:41



