[Phrecia]The Arachnophobia Allstars|CI Cyclone-Guardian|The dirty Scorpion-Tail|Herald of Agony 590M

Dark_Admin_42 เขียน:
Hi Chromino !

Didn't say anything, I've checked my eyes and it was there.

I just need to figure out which gem to set out.

Thanks for all you rock Chromino :)

Thank you Admin!
Let it sting!
How was the clearspeed in 3.20? In videos sadly it looks to be pretty slow. Also is the clearspeed on guardian better than on Necro?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย majkon#5727 เมื่อ 23 มี.ค. 2023 07:33:03
majkon เขียน:
How was the clearspeed in 3.20? In videos sadly it looks to be pretty slow. Also is the clearspeed on guardian better than on Necro?

Hi majkon,

no, clearspeed is awesome for minion-builds.
HoA hits with awakened fork with up to 35 projectiles (or with anomalous pierce 30) and has far offscreen range and clears in maps much fasters e.g. as srs with their slow small melee splash.

And with tempestshield + cwdt lvl 1-storm brands - void sphere or reckoning etc. almost enough HoA-damage is autotriggered for map-clearing.

But of course you can reach with aoe-focussed skills, with headhunter-optimized builds and profane bloom a bit faster clearspeed. HoA is an Allrounder for the mix of all content and best in open designed content and when high tankyness is needed, like in simulacrums, deliriums, full juiced maps, delve and also against sirus as CI, exarch etc.

In the ascendancies Necro is better for bossing and ubers, on top you can also build in forbidden flame and flesh-jewels with profane bloom when you focus on clearspeed.

Guardian is a little bit better for tankyness.

You find the rankings in the spoiler "Why guardian? Why HoA?"

Take look in the videos for examples.

Ordinary juiced red t16 1 crawling in one min (guardian, not b.i.s. geared)


Pinnacle bosses in 5 seconds (necro, almost b.i.s. geared)

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Chromino#4813 เมื่อ 29 มี.ค. 2023 19:12:56
In every end of the league I try to summarize the aspects of the Arachnophobia and the Arachnophilia Allstars. Let's start again.


The allstars in [3.20] Sanctum

The Sanctum of Arachnophilia


Sanctum mechanics


With firestorms or winterorb and when wanted predator the singletarget-focus of sanctums were easy adjustable.

The ups of Herald of Agony are with ranged attacks and with storm brands, phantasmal void spheres and predator automatical triggered (and/ or feeding frenzy) one of the best ranged minionskills.

The build is easy to vary at some point. It can offscreen handle a lot.
I myself farmed often red vaal temples and I guess it's a bit the same that the mix of movement and damage fits.

The downs are that the build focus on global basic defences and maxed tankyness and they are not needed that much in sanctum, so balancings into damage are recommended.

Many said that freezings or damage dealt around corners have advantages in sanctum. Ranged also offscreen damage is great to generate with HoA and when choosed the spiders attack everything beautiful consequente aggressive.

Again phantasms in the HoA supports are an interesting variation - as meatshields they block attacks and traps and have long damage-uptimes.

Freezings are also not hard to max. The frostshield is too slow to selfcast in my experience and cast while channeled not nice to target.

But .... We can fast build in chilling presence on a cluster, anomalous hypothermia supports for freezes into the HoA-supports with one green socket in the triad grips, with cast while channeled coldsnap, or other frost skills like frostblink, frostbite, aquamarine-flask etc., then already many fine freezes are triggered.

Overall the HoA is most fast in open designed maps - but here in sanctums as ranged immortal minion also much better than most other melee-ranged-skills.

Beside the sanctum-relics enabled best valuable using keystones, ailment-avoidances and +max-resis.

Poison HoA vs. Poison SRS


This league was dominated by the most strongest meta ever seen in all minion builds. 95% (!) played poisonscaled summon raging spirits, and all streamers promoted the skill and skulls.

Against ubers the srs-builds have some bigger ups - more freedom in movement and more automatic targeting. The raging spirits are also tanking as meatshields hundred of attack-hits and in sanctums they fight more aggressive around walls and corners and have easy wither-uptimes.

But further I am not sure about the real buff-uptime of it's support-animate-guardians and spectres of the srs-builds. Their envy-aura works only when the srs are nearby, not far ranged. Malevolence-blessing-setup has not that perfect uptime too. When you don't invest into full defences of the srs-minions their summoned number is only average around 14 realistic, not 20. You need mandatory to permamament resummon the spirits.

Bossing with the Allstars with void sphere or storm brand you reach 90% uptime of 35 virulences.
That is equal to a not too bad dot-damage of around 8M or with Uul Netol's amulet and some phantasms nice 12M.

The 3 firestorms with 21 seconds generate 80% uptime of 50-60 HoA virulences, that's already average damage easy around 25M dot.

Then beside you get very often the full-peak-damage of 40-50M with storm burst.

In multitarget-content you have 90% uptime of 40M always with storm brands alone fullgeared with Uul-Netol's.

Instead srs' small melee splash in multitarget high density content the HoA is definitive much faster clearing with the 35-40 projectiles of awakened fork and sniper's mark and it's unique range of tail.

So, when I try to compare defences of HoA with the [3.20] meta minion srs builds, I would first note that the Allstars are builded to be much tankier. 87% resis, CI, watcher's eye, 1k/es on hit/sec, more defensive auras, double armour, high evasion, ghost dance or iron reflexes possible, 100% ailment-immunities, lethe shade etc. 1M-infinitive ehp, to compared squishy 120k-200k ehp of srs-builds.

But also our CI only help against Sirus and our evasion only against uber-eater.

Both concepts works great.

When you don't know the hard to detect best 10-20 seconds to deal the 500-1000M against Ubers with max HoA-virulences, a darkness enthroned belt with ghastly jewels minion chance to poison are better and you could add also a feeding frenzy buff with supports. Then take more resis also on the belt jewels and when needed with bandit alira /practical application /holy dominion.


Improvements of the build




After once more testing hundred of skills the channelling of 2-3x firestorms, each impacting 7x each second, is the perfect addition for uber-bosses and damage while moving. With the short and simply beautiful perfect fitting delay of 0.3 sec after stormburst's 80 virulences and following 2 seconds uptime of 60 virulences singletarget the meteors offers beside storm brand or phantasmal void sphere optimal damage-uptime while moving.

It's the long most wanted mix of damage and flexibility in movement. And it's also easy scaleable with increased duration or spell cascade or more alternatives in the supports when prefered.

Celestial mtx turn the visual design less ugly when you ask me personally. ;-)



The pob's were symplified and got a better structure too. The levelling pob-trees were balanced a bit (around 9 passives) from tankyness into damage especially for early bossing.

More early medium clusters pure agony and large clusters veteran defender with resis for more early inserting melding of the flesh were pathed.
More early the +1 chaos mastery "corruption" and slots for ghastly jewels "15% minion chance to poison on hit" are chosen.



Great crafting guides were added and updated - thank you again a lot VahnNoa!

The Guide


I optimized again the order of thematics and spoilers.

The guidings and explanations in the spoilers the "melding of the flesh", "the composition of agony", "checklist defences", "the ubers" and "the keystones" were fundamentally improved.
I am still not sure if it's the best in the dfault set-up to pob' the Uul-Netol's vow amulet for the ubers-content or aul's uprising for tanky 100 levels. Because tankyness means always more HoA-virulences and more damage-uptime I keep Aul's uprising in and Uul-Netol's is really only needed for the Ubers.

The now new separated spoiler "skills and trigger" expanded a lot. It grants now new max individualization and flexibility, but lacks consecrated effects and newbie-service of shorter rankings. It will be more developed in 3.21.

Many poe-trade-links were better organized and optimized. The category "b.i.s.-upgrades" was added for many implicits in the tradelinks.



The elixier of the unbroken circle stepped up into the default set-up for nice 400 ward filling gaps in early low geared set-ups, easy overcapped resis and perfect pdr of endurance charges.
The Stone of Lazwhar amulet was moved up to the cheap starting alternative beside the cheap aul's or cheap rares.
I optimized the easy obtainable 100% spell suppression set-up for high levels/ mageblood (quartzflask, rare eldritch gloves, Inveterate on tree, elegant form).

So definitive the build is in the best shape ever.

New showcases of the build


I added two more youtube-showcases like "some ubers" and "exarch in 5 seconds, eater in 5 seconds".

Facetanking some bosses - Exarch in 5 seconds, Eater in 5 seconds, Facetanking Shaper's Beam


PlayL proudly presents another new showcase - the Ubers

Some Ubers - U-Shaper - U-Exarch - UU-Elder

Last phase shaper, second phase exarch.

Recorded with around 40M, 87% resis, keystone Iron reflexes on SoL, Lethe shade, no Ghost dance, Uul-Netol's amulet, selfcasted frostshield, selfcasted molten shell

Recorded as necro, without sanctum-relic, without balance of terror, witherings with glorious vanity / ritual of shadows - so it could have been easy optimized 10M further more.

For HoA-virulences choosed:
storm burst - faster casting - cwc - firestorm
and divergent storm brand - hextouch - despair - temporal chains


Leaderboards and Leaguestart


Congrats to chaho / 아고니조아요 and also to I7apaHouK / MrPrincipleSan for the extreme speedful kickstart in first days into leaguestart-leaderboards!

Totally awesome climbed into the Necro- and Guardian- and also Occu-Leaderboards into best positions! Great skilled!

Congratulations to Dakota_sky and to Oscar_sanTank, to mAnzsAntum and ARESTEMPLARARES !

Best crawled too! Well stinged the Boards!

It was a beautiful leaderboard of Arachnophilia again! With only a few, but very successful Arachnophobiatics!



After 5 days in league most prices were lower as in last leagues.

Arakaali's 90 chaos, aegis aurora 3 div, aul's 2 div. Clusters nice 10 chaos, severed in sleep 2 chaos.

Overall Sanctum was probably the best league ever (or together in line with Scourge 3.16) to gear perfect best in slot. Many great b.i.s. implicits on the helmet like the 90% manamultiplier or on circle of nostalgia and aegis aurora were cheap available on the market, great small rare and unique medium clusterjewels were early cheap in good numbers in trade. Uul Netov's Vow amulet was extreme cheap or also the squire when wanted.

Only the belt mageblood was more expensive as in last leagues.

Popularity of the build


In the guardian forum the allstars were like in all last leagues the far most viewed build again.

In [3.20] in the necro-forum the build was great rank 2 in views again like in last league.

It's still the fresh second league guiding the optimizations for necros, because the build started in may 2022 in the Occultist-ascendancy, and I never finished it as Occu because of maxing in defences and castspeed/ HoA-virulences is very expensive and hard and much easier as guardian and since 3.19 also as necro.

In the poe-forums kaygaming stopped her great threads about srs and other killable minions in the typical spectre/animate guardian-set-ups and so all the popular srs builds were only guided in youtube-videos. I miss her and hope to see her again in poe 2!

Poebuilds.cc recommended again the Arachnophobia and Arachnophilia Allstars in both the ascendancies guardian and necro and both as budgetstarter as well as higher budget in variations.

GhazzyTV again mentioned and adviced to the HoA-Allstars-builds in his streams. Thank you Ghazzy! Arachnophilia!

PoE-Veteran Luetjeminze tried out some Palsteron-builds in leaguestart. But beeing not convinced in their tankyness and qol in endgame he continued again with an loud "Arachnophilia forever!" and maxed out the HoA build one more time again.

BalorMage used some older mechanics and optimizations of [3.13 The Arachnophobia-Allstars] in his new [3.20] poison-srs and -spark-build.

Betta-ah created again totally great beginner-budget-video-guides.

Starter Guardian:

Starter necro

But: overall in the dominating 95% srs-meta much, much less Arachnophilias as in former leagues stinged the sanctums.


Outlook: Diablo 4, Last Epoch, and more


Diablo 4

Beeing in love with in real life creature named Lilith and remembering the fun of Diablo 1 (climbing down the stairs and levels of the dungeon + these nightmare fire-immune bats against my flamewall-sorcerer on my first win95 Laptop lol) & 2 (I loved raiding slowly the tombs as necro with my raised army of giant bone-apes in the sunny deserts maps and in the colorful temple-decorations), and also some of 3 (in the monk-style fighting down Belial and slowly stinkty Ghom and the drop of my first Echoing Fury farming in the Zoltun Kulles' Archives and my first witch hour trading in the middle of the night X-) ) I tried out the Beta of Diablo 4.

Getting into the fun for completing challenges and the aspects, loving the burning of new-tristram and the nice (but in beta-tiers too easy) boss-fights I am keen of the next acts and the paragon-tree.

Overall I prophecy that d4 will be again a short 1x or 2x playthrough-wonder, the casual burger among arpg's for the fast and short hunger.

Like in d3 almost all impactfull individualizations and optimizations are done solely by too limited stats on gear and the only so-called skill tree is a bad joke again - that is simply too simpel for lategame and not longer fun. E.g. Path of Exile is containing much more factors of character- and skill-upbuilding with thousands more combinations and mechanics in the endgame.

Last Epoch

In Last Epoch I had fun rolling as a Primalist, Totems & Druid Forms with the best Palladino Luetjeminze after trying out already the alpha before some years.

Already in early access it's an interesting game with much fun about skills and crafting, but miss much mechanics in endgame.


Are there plans beside for serious Titan Quest or Grim Dawn 2, a new Sacred or follower of Dungeon Siege 1/2 already leaked - hehehehe? And MMXI awaits us soooon? Yeaah!

After all again I am focussing on the news of PoE [3.21] crucible Crawlcible - and am quite sure Poe II will be the upcoming meta for bitches, gourmets and maniacs like us in the whole Arpg-genre after PoE I.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Chromino#4813 เมื่อ 30 มี.ค. 2023 06:12:27
Looks like United in Dream is heavily nerfed. Are there any other nerfs or any buffs? How do you think the build will perform in 3.21?
majkon เขียน:
Looks like United in Dream is heavily nerfed. Are there any other nerfs or any buffs? How do you think the build will perform in 3.21?

Hi majkon!

Sorry for long wall of text incoming!

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Chromino#4813 เมื่อ 1 เม.ย. 2023 11:32:52
Arachnophilia [3.21] !

Only around equal 5% damage is nerfed in united in dreams and the much more scaled minion poisonchance remains. It's also craftable with the cruicible league-mechanic further. And Severed in sleep is useable now to apply withers with HoA+phantasms e.g.

But minion chance to poison is from now on probably best with 100% effect of ghastly jewels in the heavy buffed darkness enthroned belt. Perhaps the build moves as a result to 100% spell suppression (pathing 61% with inveterate and instinct, then further perhaps magebane on SoL, watcher's eye-mod, or rare eldritch gloves, etc.) instead 87% all maxresis (or 100% spell suppression + around 82-85% max-resis) and combinate a new cruicible-crafted weapon or again arakaali's fang and the HoA-poisonchance on ghastly jewels.

New darkness enthroned belt 100% effect = that's already 60% poisonchance with 2 ghastly jewels inserted, and the possible resis on ghastly jewels (or recouped mana, spellblock, es, etc.) are buffed too to around awesome 40-60%!

■ I can tell already in 99%: the former stygian belt will be exchanged to darkness enthroned. ⊙ added into the default set-up

■ CI seems to be very, very valuable in Crucible for many new damage-mods in all content (see all the new chaos "profane" modifiers)

■ The Buffed Poison mastery makes crit-immunity possible and frees up the major pantheon ⊙ added into the default set-up

■ Vaal firestorm looks interesting of course. ⊙ added into the default set-up

■ 5% to apply full withers chaos-mastery seems interesting, but "corruption" is nerfed, probably pathing instead to another jewel-slot (on the tree across foresight to Lethe Shade / CI, upper witch area regretted, or in the southern templar area) or also "steeped in the profane" will be more valuable. ⊙ added into the variations

■ The added Es-mastery: 100% increased Energy Shield from Equipped Helmet! Woooow, beautiful buff! ⊙ added into the default set-up

■ Still needs to confirm: with changes/ buffs to projectiles-behaviour the anomalous faster projectiles is perhaps 60% able to let return HoA projectiles! ⊙ added into the variations

■ The new amulet "tainted pact" really allows poison leeching uncapped?

■ The Pathfinder is buffed to a very valuable new HoA-ascendancy. Still under construction and will reach after rework of the ascendancy in the pob around 30 M. ⊙ published a build in the pathfinder-ascendancy

Visit also our new neighbour: Go for a walk in the Pathfinder-ascendancy, 30M, inbuilt Mageblood at home:


■ To check further:

HoA-Scion raises? ⊙ sorry, no
Check variation mana-mastery with increased skill-efficiencies ⊙ added into the default set-up
Check anomalous faster projectiles
Check buffed Bubonic trail
Check new vaal absolution ⊙ added into the default set-up, vaal lightning arrow
Check Cyclone with prismatic burst-support for HoA-virulences
Check new triggerbots of saboteur for triggering double HoA-virulences, probably best as trickster with forbidden flame/ flesh
Check Crit-HoA (again lol)
Check new amulet tainted pact
Check new snowboard grace armour (arctic armour)
Nimis ring seems to be buffed for doubling the generating of HoA-virulences with projectile-skills

On page 50 in the second post I edit the patchnotes which affects us most and looks most interesting to me (in "updates /changelog", spoiler "soon" - looks all like big buffs until now.)

It's an massive patch with impactful new masteries and combinations - I will need some days for the most important changes and will do before this overview.


To summarize:

■ No feared nerfs to the hexes temporal chains or despair or minion-poison. But molten shell is not nice nerfed.

■ The build and CI keystone are heavy valuable and buffed in Crucible!

HoA fits also very fine for the buffed breaches and abysses.

■ Weapon slot is freed / exempted to craft with Crucible rare weapons!

Example: HoA 40M leeching 400k es/ sec for you is possible - that's a new quality of immortality for this build. Comparable to the immortal legendary legacy baron-zombies-builds in poe [3.08]
Keystones or Aura-effects or supportskills are possible too.

United in dreams, CIP, Arakaali's fang and severed in sleep remain great options.

Looks on first view like a great league for Herald of agony!

Crawl it!
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Chromino#4813 เมื่อ 6 เม.ย. 2023 20:04:50
hi Chromino,

Has Arcane Surge become an option for cast speed?
Since The Arcane Sanctuary Notable Passive Skill no longer has 25% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments while holding a Shield, what's the best way to get 100% avoid elemental ailments?

Only thing I can think of is swapping out Impossible escape to another based on Elemental Equilibrium to get Crystal Skin + Avoid Status Ailments for 30%. But then we lose 2% max res.
radius540 เขียน:
hi Chromino,

Has Arcane Surge become an option for cast speed?

Hi Radius!

Arachnophilia 3.21! Great to see you again!

Arcane Surge is in low levels, as long as your own spells deal a part of the damage beside minions, a great option with the added castspeed which generates HoA-virulences too and manareg, yes.

Later simply faster casting-support is faster.

Overall the pathfinder-ascendancy will be probably the best HoA-ascendancy in 3.21 because you get early & easy an inbuilt mageblood (90-100% flask-uptime), 100% spell suppression (instead melding of the flesh) and increased wither-effects. But when you prefer to go with arakaali's fang, spiders and guardian remain great.

Check out our new sisterbuild:


When you focus on Ubers or farm so much that you will get a mageblood, Necro remain the best scaleable HoA-ascendancy

Of course take simply first the ascendancy you like the most!

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Chromino#4813 เมื่อ 4 เม.ย. 2023 07:53:22



