[Ritual 3.13] TotemPuller's Ice Trap Saboteur - Ultimate Boss Killer - The Feared 6-man solo carry

jumpingsnorlax เขียน:
TotemPuller เขียน:
ThomasHawl เขียน:

1) How is this as a league starter? Meaning, what is the minimum budget to get it rolling?
2) Min budget to farm guardians (talking about white maps, no rare/corrupted)
5) If viable at league start, probably lots of alt qual gems won't be immediately available at day 2/3. Is that a big loss in terms of dps/survivability?

1. Although I didn't start this league with this build, it's a perfect league starter. It can still clear all endgame contents without divergent berserk (if they nerf it in the future).

2. Probably easily doable even on SSF so 0 budget. In trade league, very minimal, just shop for level 21 and high % gems early on for more damage.

5. You don't need any anomalous/divergent skill gems to farm guardians with this build.

So would you recommend this build for pushing guardians + shaper/elder within the first few days? I'm looking to start getting some practice on builds for next league.

Also, how much gear should I expect to have/need by the time I wanna do those bosses? i.e. lvl 4 enlighten, properly rolled clusters, etc.

I've answered already but this build will do fine against guardians and shaper/elder without all the jewels and divergent berserk.
jumpingsnorlax เขียน:

So would you recommend this build for pushing guardians + shaper/elder within the first few days? I'm looking to start getting some practice on builds for next league.

Also, how much gear should I expect to have/need by the time I wanna do those bosses? i.e. lvl 4 enlighten, properly rolled clusters, etc.

you can check my profile for poor man's items. i'm exping right now but it's really good on bosses. they literally crushing. plus: shatter sound :p here's the cost of my items:

10c large cluster
50c medium cluster
80c medium cluster
1ex tinkerskin
15c wand
50c gloves
60c shield
50c ring
40c ring
40c lethal jewel
24c amulet
belt own
boots own


totempuller, could we have lvl90 version of pob?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย freakydouche#2276 เมื่อ 21 มี.ค. 2021 08:03:45
freakydouche เขียน:
totempuller, could we have lvl90 version of pob?

just have one large cluster jewel branch instead of two (at level 90 or below) and take trap and mine damage nodes at starting area for shadow
Torn between this build and one other - This one is definately EXTREMELY strong on cheap gear, made a run in under 4 hours to maps and basically oneshotting everything. Just depends if I will go for a bossing (this build) or a mapping strat (the other one). Definately a very nice build, thx Totem :)
Vennto เขียน:
Torn between this build and one other - This one is definately EXTREMELY strong on cheap gear, made a run in under 4 hours to maps and basically oneshotting everything. Just depends if I will go for a bossing (this build) or a mapping strat (the other one). Definately a very nice build, thx Totem :)

Thanks! Gear and PoB have been updated.

EDIT: still working on the jewel implicits
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย TotemPuller#0078 เมื่อ 26 มี.ค. 2021 08:54:35
I am really interested in this build. I am already practicing league starts for 3.14

I can't decide between Ice Trap and Explosive Trap.
I like the shatter's from ice trap, but had great experiences with explosive trap in past leagues.

Did anybody also try both? Which one would be better for bossing?
rupture55 เขียน:
I am really interested in this build. I am already practicing league starts for 3.14

I can't decide between Ice Trap and Explosive Trap.
I like the shatter's from ice trap, but had great experiences with explosive trap in past leagues.

Did anybody also try both? Which one would be better for bossing?

Chilling is the best offensive and defensive ailment against not only trash mobs but also bosses.
tree without cluster please for start league and leveling gems
rupture55 เขียน:
I am really interested in this build. I am already practicing league starts for 3.14

I can't decide between Ice Trap and Explosive Trap.
I like the shatter's from ice trap, but had great experiences with explosive trap in past leagues.

Did anybody also try both? Which one would be better for bossing?

I did an Explosive Trap build a few leagues back and while the numbers on PoB were busted (I had 20m DPS with so-so gear), it's really hard to deal that much damage against moving enemies. Explosive Traps take too long to hit with all the explosions and the spread of the explosions can make it hard to hit smaller enemies (humanoids were already pretty hard to hit).

I'd recommend going for Ice Trap.
How would you level this build? You start with traps or stormblast mine oos and take ice trap at 28? Never played traps and don't know gem links while leveling for it



