[3.??] juju's exBest CoC'k Ice Nova Build ||| CI / GB / Max Block ||| exGOD TIER BUILD...!!!

Hey, what version of this build should I look into if I'm on a 20ex budget. Is it impossible to do CI? Should I refer to Kami's guide and just do LL or is that too expensive as well?
AutoCarry เขียน:
Hey, what version of this build should I look into if I'm on a 20ex budget. Is it impossible to do CI? Should I refer to Kami's guide and just do LL or is that too expensive as well?

Coc in general is pretty expensive.
You can farm maps on a 20ex maybe but you will struggle to kill any bosses a lot.
You can do a low budget CI variant that can comfortable farm t16 maps with a 20 ex budget with the majority of the budget being your 6 link chest.

You just need to know what stats to prioritize when looking for gear pieces and how to pick and choose which slots need to have the most currency thrown at.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย ayerun#2199 เมื่อ 4 พ.ค. 2021 07:22:20
Hi I really appreciate your effort and this is so far the best build I followed. Kept dying when I was playing as LL COC, sold my 6L shavs and went for this build, and I must say I have no regrets doing so.

I still have trouble with stuns ever since I am not on presence of chayula. Need some work over there.

Is there anything that I should prioritize in upgrading/changing? Because I still get 1-shotted by T15 bosses, and sometimes ultimatums, making my leveling progress painfully slow and demotivating.

Will appreciate any of your inputs. Thanks!
It is possible to transfer LL occultist to this version, or I should make assasin?

Can someone give me any tips? Struggling at t15-16 and endgame bosses... Awakened gems and explode chest are out of budget got about 20ex to spend
thanks in advance
nasko94444444 เขียน:

Can someone give me any tips? Struggling at t15-16 and endgame bosses... Awakened gems and explode chest are out of budget got about 20ex to spend
thanks in advance

You dont have enough accuracy. Although your pob is missing gloves. So that could be why. Get cobalt jewels with global crit multi/elemental crit multi/cold crit multi/spell crit multi/energy shield... atleast 2 of those 3 or 4 is ideal.

you are missing the vortex/bone chill/hex touch/frost bite curse setup.
how to be low life without blood magic in passive skill tree, now im lvl 67 and prepare to buy one of cospri
kabin123 เขียน:
how to be low life without blood magic in passive skill tree, now im lvl 67 and prepare to buy one of cospri

Tbh I personally wouldn’t go LL till around level 80 -85.I would stay life based for now. As you need the passive points to
Allocate the correct nodes to make it feel smooth.
now my skill passive look like


if i want to play lowlife i have to re my skill with refund point after lvl 80-85, that right ?



