[Outdated] Lancing Steel Raider | SoftCore | Not league starter viable anymore
Pompeoo เขียน:
Hello. At start i would like to say there is so much fun with that build. 6 Linked perfect form in second day of league. Got saviour and crown with added projectile. Can you please check my gear and tell what should I focus. Overall i am killing everything, have verry fast clear speed. But also got issue that sometimes i am getting one shooted but this is poe :D. All I cant handle is rituals on maps t14+ and some bosses. Can you rate my gear and tell what should i focus next on.Also if you would like to check my tree becose Ive made some changes in there to get some life.
Heya! Unfortunatelly I had to write this really quickly, so I'll be brief.
Swap your flasks and drop the frenzy charges nodes on the passive tree.
Get a new large cluster because the one you have is Reeeally bad.
Get any generic watcher's eye with intimidate while using pride.
Here is the PoB file of your character with all adjustments I made respecting your character level.
There are new gem setups for improved damage and survivability and new itens and jewels there to optimize your build. Check everything carefully and try to upgrade into that stuff. Regarding your rings and amulets. For the time being just try to cap your resistances, don't fret too much about chaos res at this point, to cap your chaos res alongside all other with the amount of unique items in this build is really expensive, so set that aside for now and label it as a end-game set after you get to the dps and clear speed you're happy with. Besides, most enemies that deal chaos damage deal as a DoT, few deal hit chaos damage, so it's easy to outregen the dot.
Really hope that helps! Have a great one and take it easy! And as always, feel free to ask any further questions! :)
Hey I'm loving yoru build, i'm running it with the cast when damage taken 4 links on ice golem/ancestral and steelskin/haste and precision. My gems were level 20 but just upgraded them to 20%, but i can't seem to notice any casts. My ice golem is never up and I dont seem to get otehr buffs when i tank a big hit.
Heya! Thanks for the reply!
I see you're trying the enhance setup with the ice golem and ancestral protector, but that setup only works for a end-game min-maxed setup with Anomalous Summon Ice Golem and Phantasmal Ancestral protector since enhance will buff tha alternate qualities that increase the skills effect, so don't do that with regular gems. Don't really recommend following blindly the eng-game min-maxed PoBs because a lot of stuff there only works because of specific interactions. Focus on getting to the mid-budget setup before moving onto the high-end min-maxed ones and when you get there, follow the gear progression section in the guide to get your upgrades from the mid to high-budget(despite it being a bit outdated and me planning on updating the whole guide as soon as I get a day of from work).
Saw that @Pruney answered your questions, and its just like that. You need the golem to be linked to your CWDT in order for it to be autocast, CWDT can't support totems, so your Ancestral Protector will always have to be manually cast by yourself. Regarding the Vaal Haste, CDWT doesn't trigger Vaal skills, only regular ones. All Vaal skills in this build are there for you to manually cast when needed, Vall Haste, for example, is supposed to be cast to give you a nice dps boost against bosses and stronk enemies. Vaal Grace should be cast when there is a really high monster density on screen, sucha as in Ultimatums.
Hope that answer your question and helps! Have a great one.
First of all i'm Xbox Player. I have switched from Toxic Rain to this build, since i wasn't able to spam piano flasks on xbox controller.
There is serious gear issues on xbox as we all know, because trade is crazy overpriced.
Following that reason i'm using 2x scaeva, and i started mapping. t3 bosses dies really slowly, could anyone please review my profile and tell me what can i upgrade? Considering the trade is really weak on XBOX.
Best Regards
Heya! Thanks for replying!
Since I wasn't able to open PoB I used your character profiel and Passive tree on the site. I recommend getting a d=regular diamond flask since coralito will negate your crit multi because it makes your critical strikes not deal extra damage. Also it grants perfect agony during flask effect, which lowers your damage by extra 30%(makes your hits deal 30% less damage). Get a Sulphur flask of heat to give you freeze immunity and drop your mana flask. Get a Hybrid flask of Stauching and drop your life flask. Swap your current hybrid flask for a quartz flask to improve survivability.
Get a CWDT lvl 10 + Ice Golem lvl 12 Setup. And a CWDT lvl 1 + Immortal lvl 3 setup in separate sockets.
When it comes to your passive tree, try getting gladiator's perseverance before going for constitution to get a dmg boost. Try annoiting Marked for Death in your amulet for a nice dmg boost.
That's what I could quickly see without simulating your character on PoB.
Hope that helps! have a great one and take it easy!
Thank you for your reply !
1) I'm not using the coralito's, i'm only using 2 flasks currently, no chances to use more than 2 on console :
a) Blood of the Karui
b) Diamond Flask with immunity to bleeding
I'm really happy, since i have searched over 400 pages and there was only 1 helmet at XBOX trade with lance enchant, i managed to get it ^^
Also i have upgraded my gear to 2 beltimbers and clearing t7 maps is very smooth right now.
Also i upgraded tabula to better armor with resists, so i was able to switch res ring for praxis ( mana issues ) how does the build handle spam of the skill without praxis?
Please check my profile for details, also right now it's not private anymore, so you can import it to PoB.
First of all i'm Xbox Player. I have switched from Toxic Rain to this build, since i wasn't able to spam piano flasks on xbox controller.
There is serious gear issues on xbox as we all know, because trade is crazy overpriced.
Following that reason i'm using 2x scaeva, and i started mapping. t3 bosses dies really slowly, could anyone please review my profile and tell me what can i upgrade? Considering the trade is really weak on XBOX.
Best Regards
Heya! Thanks for replying!
Since I wasn't able to open PoB I used your character profiel and Passive tree on the site. I recommend getting a d=regular diamond flask since coralito will negate your crit multi because it makes your critical strikes not deal extra damage. Also it grants perfect agony during flask effect, which lowers your damage by extra 30%(makes your hits deal 30% less damage). Get a Sulphur flask of heat to give you freeze immunity and drop your mana flask. Get a Hybrid flask of Stauching and drop your life flask. Swap your current hybrid flask for a quartz flask to improve survivability.
Get a CWDT lvl 10 + Ice Golem lvl 12 Setup. And a CWDT lvl 1 + Immortal lvl 3 setup in separate sockets.
When it comes to your passive tree, try getting gladiator's perseverance before going for constitution to get a dmg boost. Try annoiting Marked for Death in your amulet for a nice dmg boost.
That's what I could quickly see without simulating your character on PoB.
Hope that helps! have a great one and take it easy!
Thank you for your reply !
1) I'm not using the coralito's, i'm only using 2 flasks currently, no chances to use more than 2 on console :
a) Blood of the Karui
b) Diamond Flask with immunity to bleeding
I'm really happy, since i have searched over 400 pages and there was only 1 helmet at XBOX trade with lance enchant, i managed to get it ^^
Also i have upgraded my gear to 2 beltimbers and clearing t7 maps is very smooth right now.
Also i upgraded tabula to better armor with resists, so i was able to switch res ring for praxis ( mana issues ) how does the build handle spam of the skill without praxis?
Please check my profile for details, also right now it's not private anymore, so you can import it to PoB.
Thanks mate !
Heya! I never went past lioney's watch on console cuz I was already used to PC and could not get into console PoE. But isn't it even possibel to plug a keyboard into the console and bind the flasks to keyboard? That sounds so crazy to me, lol.
Regarding the paxis thing. You can get rings with the betrayal craft/veiled mod -x to non-channeling skills total mana cost or you can, as a Raider, swap Maim support for Lifetap support to spend life instead of mana without losing so much damage. You can also try to get mana gain on hit effects, they will keep your mana up and running with a single item with this kind of mod.
Hey I'm loving yoru build, i'm running it with the cast when damage taken 4 links on ice golem/ancestral and steelskin/haste and precision. My gems were level 20 but just upgraded them to 20%, but i can't seem to notice any casts. My ice golem is never up and I dont seem to get otehr buffs when i tank a big hit.
So first your helmet is unlinked.
Your ice golem is a manual cast since you dont have it linked to cast on damage taken
and on your gloves, haste and precision are aura not active skills, the VAAL Haste is an active but cast on damage taken doesnt cast vaal skills
My head/gloves for example, not perfect but synergizes
I am laughing my ass off at how stupid I am, I've been thinking it was four linked for days now, thanks dude. As I understand it now cast on damage taken on my gloves is only used for steelskin and I haven't been using precision the whole friggin time. My stupidity exceeds my expectations. Thanks for pointing those out.
lol np dude, this game is crazy at times, i've had an account since 2011 and only just understanding the game in 2021 lmao
@Leckarion - found a good passive node to take from Thread of Hope, at the top of it, there is an 8% max HP and 24% evasion/armor node thats available thanks to the thread
hey feels abit week and dont know where i should go atm ? should i soon go for respec or what item to get or swap ?
Heya! Saw that @Pruney answered you and you already made some decisions! You're probably following the outdated Low-Budget with cluster PoB.
So I recommend ya taking a look at the new one for inspiration, such as with the end-game golem setup and steelskin as the guard skill taking the place of Immortal call.
This is a PoB of your character with the most of the changes mentioned bellow: https://pastebin.com/khbHp3yQ
As you mentioned you're going for a 6-link body armour, so I'll skip that.
You got a nice medium cluster, you may get a large cluster as well to get a nice damage boost while leeching life/mana. GO for axe and sword damage large clusters with 8 passives and 3 notables, try getting at least Feed the Fury, if possible Fuel the Fight as well. Then you'll socket the medium cluster in a socket inside the large cluster.
You can drop survivalist and the previous node to allocate the remaining nodes on thick skin's passive cluster and more the dex point use to get through that part of the tre down in order to be able to allocate Honed edge(you can easily unallocate Acuity to get Honed edge and you'll probably get a damage increase.
I see you have a lot of base jewels with melee bonuses, but they do not benefit Lancing steel at all, as it is a Proijectile ranged skill, not a melee one. You may get modifiers that affect one handed melee weapons and that will affect the damage, but modifiers that directly affect melee damage and melee skills are a No No.
Get a Dying sun to squeeze more damage from your setup. And swap some of your flasks for more useful ones for damage and survivability(swap the mana flask for a hybrid one, for example).
Try getting a watcher's eye with the intimidate while affected by pride mod and later upgrade to a WE with the impales last 2 additional hits while using pride.
Try getting new rings with phys damage to attacks, life, resists and if possible a open prefix slot to craft mana cost reduction to non-channeling skills. Same thing with the amulet.
Try either changing your Oskarm to one with +x% crit chane to attacks or +1 maximum frenzy or swapping the oskarm for a Offering to the Serpent and setting up Sniper's mark on your gems setups.
Hope that helps! Feel free to ask any further question! I probably missed something but that's about it for now.
Obs: Since when I imported your character you had no belt and offhand weapon, I had to copy the itens manually to do the dps check with proper setup.
Thx alot for the help! gona work on getting some more stuff going.- But what chest whould be best ?
hey feels abit week and dont know where i should go atm ? should i soon go for respec or what item to get or swap ?
Heya! Saw that @Pruney answered you and you already made some decisions! You're probably following the outdated Low-Budget with cluster PoB.
So I recommend ya taking a look at the new one for inspiration, such as with the end-game golem setup and steelskin as the guard skill taking the place of Immortal call.
This is a PoB of your character with the most of the changes mentioned bellow: https://pastebin.com/khbHp3yQ
As you mentioned you're going for a 6-link body armour, so I'll skip that.
You got a nice medium cluster, you may get a large cluster as well to get a nice damage boost while leeching life/mana. GO for axe and sword damage large clusters with 8 passives and 3 notables, try getting at least Feed the Fury, if possible Fuel the Fight as well. Then you'll socket the medium cluster in a socket inside the large cluster.
You can drop survivalist and the previous node to allocate the remaining nodes on thick skin's passive cluster and more the dex point use to get through that part of the tre down in order to be able to allocate Honed edge(you can easily unallocate Acuity to get Honed edge and you'll probably get a damage increase.
I see you have a lot of base jewels with melee bonuses, but they do not benefit Lancing steel at all, as it is a Proijectile ranged skill, not a melee one. You may get modifiers that affect one handed melee weapons and that will affect the damage, but modifiers that directly affect melee damage and melee skills are a No No.
Get a Dying sun to squeeze more damage from your setup. And swap some of your flasks for more useful ones for damage and survivability(swap the mana flask for a hybrid one, for example).
Try getting a watcher's eye with the intimidate while affected by pride mod and later upgrade to a WE with the impales last 2 additional hits while using pride.
Try getting new rings with phys damage to attacks, life, resists and if possible a open prefix slot to craft mana cost reduction to non-channeling skills. Same thing with the amulet.
Try either changing your Oskarm to one with +x% crit chane to attacks or +1 maximum frenzy or swapping the oskarm for a Offering to the Serpent and setting up Sniper's mark on your gems setups.
Hope that helps! Feel free to ask any further question! I probably missed something but that's about it for now.
Obs: Since when I imported your character you had no belt and offhand weapon, I had to copy the itens manually to do the dps check with proper setup.
Thx alot for the help! gona work on getting some more stuff going.- But what chest whould be best ?
Heya! It depends on what kind of setup you want and how much currency you want to spend. A 6-link Lioney's Vision is kinda the default armour to get a free damage boost, but you may also get a Replica Perfect form and setup a FLesh and Stone + Maim with 0 reservation using that. Kintsugi also works as a way to get more damage mitigation. It's your choice.
Hey I'm loving yoru build, i'm running it with the cast when damage taken 4 links on ice golem/ancestral and steelskin/haste and precision. My gems were level 20 but just upgraded them to 20%, but i can't seem to notice any casts. My ice golem is never up and I dont seem to get otehr buffs when i tank a big hit.
Heya! Thanks for the reply!
I see you're trying the enhance setup with the ice golem and ancestral protector, but that setup only works for a end-game min-maxed setup with Anomalous Summon Ice Golem and Phantasmal Ancestral protector since enhance will buff tha alternate qualities that increase the skills effect, so don't do that with regular gems. Don't really recommend following blindly the eng-game min-maxed PoBs because a lot of stuff there only works because of specific interactions. Focus on getting to the mid-budget setup before moving onto the high-end min-maxed ones and when you get there, follow the gear progression section in the guide to get your upgrades from the mid to high-budget(despite it being a bit outdated and me planning on updating the whole guide as soon as I get a day of from work).
Saw that @Pruney answered your questions, and its just like that. You need the golem to be linked to your CWDT in order for it to be autocast, CWDT can't support totems, so your Ancestral Protector will always have to be manually cast by yourself. Regarding the Vaal Haste, CDWT doesn't trigger Vaal skills, only regular ones. All Vaal skills in this build are there for you to manually cast when needed, Vall Haste, for example, is supposed to be cast to give you a nice dps boost against bosses and stronk enemies. Vaal Grace should be cast when there is a really high monster density on screen, sucha as in Ultimatums.
Hope that answer your question and helps! Have a great one.
Thanks for your anwser, I have now upgraded almost all my gems to the high end version of the build. I finally feel a bit tankier and my dps got more insane. I do still feel too squishy to do tier 15 + maps consisently while gaining xp instead of losing it all the time. I am level 92, I thought my next buy would be a good paradoxica but I rather get a bit tankier first.
The belt has increased armour and evasion not elemental damage.
Maybe one of you could help me with getting a bit more hp. I want to push to level 93 to get the medium cluster jewels in my second large one.