[3.21] Cold Conversion Summoner | Build guides for all budgets | (Ghazzy Zoomancer)
Just wanted to post an appreciation post - transitioned straight to medium budget version from phys golems elementalist and i'm having a blast!
Current gear for reference:
with golem jewels in place, working on getting proper clusters One small nitpick is that due to current prices i'm left with 4k hp which is somewhat risky, especially for stupid circles ultimatums, but other than that its a smooth cruise! I know for sure one of my issues is lacking added + fire dmg to spells (just lightning on wand) but don't really know what's the easiest/cheapest way to fix that. Current plan is to get 21/0 carrion golem, 21/20 spectre, 21/0 AG, divergent hypothermia and save up for remaining cluster jewels, then slowly upgrade the rest of the gear |
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[3.14] Ultimatum update:
Hi everyone, hope you're all having a good league start! I figured I would write an ultimatum update, how my progress has been going and how your upgrade paths should look like. Lets start talking about the league mechanic and how this build fares. Ultimatum is one of the best and funniest league mechanics we've gotten in quite some time. It's also a very overtuned mechanic compared to the rest of the game. But this is probably all intentional. Once you get to level 10 Ultimatums in T16 maps the encounter actually gets harder than 100% delirium maps. Most people don't across the whole PoE playerbase can't seem to grasp this difficulty and are preplexed when they fail late Ultimatums. With that being said, I urge you to not expect being able to clear all ultimatums in high tier red maps without proper investment. Ultimatum is HARD. I can tell you though, that many other builds seem to struggle with ultimatums alot compared to us. Our build is actually a very strong build for ultimatumm from my experience thus far. I'm able to consistently clear all waves except for the very high tier level 10 waves with the Ultimatum boss which is impossible without dozens of exalted orbs invested. Certain ultimatums are harder than other thoughs and layouts play a very important role in how well we can push them. How to play ultimatums:
Our playstyle is very straight forward and extremely effective against Ultimatums. We simply focus on constantly running in a circle along the outer edges until we're done. Do this while keeping 100% uptime on flasks and Phase Run. If you're not BV yet, cast Storm Brand in the middle every now and then. Doing this strategy we're basically never getting hit by a fatal blow and with proper gear for the map difficulty our minions will keep clearing everything in the middle preventing us from being overrun. Cast Flame Dash/Dash whenever there's a large cluster of mobs ahead of you and make sure to convocate your minions after the blink. Layouts:
Ultimatum Layouts are a huge factor in how far you can push the league mechanic. Open layouts play to our advantage, closed of layouts with alot of doors/walls and things blocking our kiting possibilities make ultimatums hard for us. You should be taking 99% of your ultimatums in open layouts all the way if you play properly and don't do mistakes like blinking in the middle of a pack. Obstructed layouts where you have to kite through doors and can't kite the mobs effectively will be harder unless you kill everything so don't expect to always hit max waves on these ones. Types of Ultimatums:
There are 4 different types of ultimatums we can do. 3 of them are easy, 1 is annoying and will be the result of majority of our rips. The survive, kill and protect the middle thing are all played exactly the same and they're very easy. Just run around in a large circle and collect the loot in the end. You should have no problems with these unless you're severely undergeared meaning you get overrun by the monsters. The Stone circles thing however, can be extremely hard, especially if you're running map tiers above your gear level. The problem with this mechanic is that our survival is predicated on constantly running like headless chickens. The stonecircles prevent us from exploiting this strategy as it forces us to kite the mobs in enclosed areas of the circles. The proper way to do this mechanic is by filling up each circle a little bit, 30-50% everytime. If you stand still in one circle from 0-100% there's a big risk that you're gonna get overrun. So what you want to do is: - Move to the circles furthest away with very few mobs in it. Convocate your minions and stand in the circles until mobs start spawning close to it. Make constant small movements inside the circle to avoid getting hit. If you can fill out the entire bar to 100%, great! If all mobs are starting to congregate close to the circle -> Move to a second one. Rinse and repeat until you've succesfully cleared the encounter. The hardest part are the circles in the middle of the encounter area, especially during later levels of the ultimatum. These stone circles will usually be extremely overcrowded with monsters you can't clear fast enough. To fill out this circle you will have to fill it out with extremely small increments each time. You do this by phase running into the circle, filling it 10-20% and then dashing out. Keep doing this until the circle is full. That being said, these are still the hardest ones to do and if you're going to fail any Ultimatums it's definitely these ones. Mods:
Most ultimatum mods don't affect our gameplay at all. Your strategy against these mods is to always pick the easiest one and take it to level 3 before moving on with another mod. Good mods: - Miasma Cload: Always take this to level 3, just run around in a circle. Avoid getting this mod on stone circles, it can actually be dangerous then. - Cold thing: I don't know what this mod does. I just pick it everytime and never notice it. - Reduced buff effect: Doesn't affect us. - Random Projectile direction: Doesn't effect us. - Unlucky crits: Doesn't affect us. - Reduced encounter area: Doesn't affect us. - Mana -> Lightning dmg taken: Doesn't effect us. - Ruin: Doesn't effect us because we're kiting everything. Be careful on stonecircles though. - Less range and AoE: Doesn't effect us. - Power/Frenzy/Endurance charge thing: Doesn't effect us too much. - AoE slow on the ground: Doesn't effect us. - Storm Circles: Barely effects us. Since we're constantly running we're never triggering the explosion from the circles. I generally try to avoid getting more than 2 in this though. Once you get 3 there's literally circles around the whole area and one unlucky stun is a certain death. Medium mods: - 2 second Impotence: The 2 second where we can't do damage one is annoying but still playable. If you're overgeared it's easy and will clear everything eitherway. If you're undergeared you will be overrun and end up sad. Bad Mods: - Flame Skulls: I hate these ones. Sometimes I'm moving too fast when running around and accidently run into one of the casts. I always avoid this. - All monster buff effects: The monsters in Ultimatums are extremely overtuned, don't make them harder than they already are. - Reduced Recovery: I've always found stuff like this annoying and avoid it. - All Flask things: Flask stuff will kill you, NEVER pick the flask mods. They're build destroying to almost all characters. The slow one might not be a problem to most builds, but to us it's very dangerous as we're predicated on kiting. - Aura thing: Never picked it, sounds too dangerous. - Chaos dmg conversion: Never picked it, sounds extremely dangerous. Especially as we've got negative Chaos resistance during league start. My progression: I've had a pretty slow league start so far and haven't been able to play as much as I would like. The first day of the league was a complete disaster and I quit trying after reaching act 2 which slowed me down. I'm currently at T16 Red maps with 20/32 watchstones gathered. The map sustain has been heavily nerfed however and we I'm forced to be really efficient with how I run the t14+ maps I have. I respecced from the pure phys leveling version of the build yesterday when I first got to ~T13 maps. Everything prior to maps was a complete cakewalk, but once I got to red maps I noticed that the 10 chaos investment wasn't going to cut it. Things started to die slowly and our lack of defensive layers really started to become apparent as mobs staying up meant we randomly get hit and oneshot at times. T13+ Ultimatums were really a struggle in leveling gear aswell. During the early mapping all the way to red maps I bought my primordial Jewels, that's it. Once I leveled my gems to 20/20 allowing me to corrupt them I made the swap to Cold Conversion and Necromancer to boost minion survivability for Ultimatums. Here I invested ~200 chaos in gear and another 150 chaos orbs in skill gem upgrades. I decided to buy 21/0 Carrion Golem for 40 chaos, 21/23 Animate Guardian for 100 chaos and 21/0 Stone Golem for 15 chaos just to get it over with. I also spent 90 chaos on AG gear. I was extremely lucky and managed to hit x3 21/20 Raise Spectres in my offhand gems. My early leveling items from Act4 -> ~t13 maps:
Chest: Ambus Charge, 5-link, 3Red-2-blue Head: Wraithlord, 4-link, 2blue-1Red-1Green (I used brutality instead of VP because unlucky chroms) I litreally got these items right before Act5 and they carried me to red maps. My Physical Gem Links:
Helm: Spectre - GMP - Brutality - Minion Dmg Chest: Carrion Golem - Melee Phys - Multistrike - Brutality - Mininon Dmg - X Gloves: Vurnability - Convocation - Flame Dash - Vitality Boots: Raise Zombies - Feeding Frenzy - Stone Golem - X Weapon: Phase Run - Increased Duration - Steelskin Shield: Pride - Generosity - Dread Banner X means you can use whatever you like there. I had a free green slot to level Vicious Porjectiles in my chest and a blue one in boots to level Hextouch support. Items I bought during early mapping towards red maps: Cold Conversion and Necro swap at T13 Red Maps: Deep red maps started to become an issue because my damage was lacking and my minions started to die. So I decided to go full cold conversion and respecc to necro here because it allows for more consistent damage output as the damage isn't predicated on Frost Bomb any longer. And of course, it increases minion survivability by ~50% which makes sure we don't lose our army. (Zombies may die) I decided to buy:
My gear is still pretty bad overall, I got ~30 exalted Orbs that I'm going to invest later on. I want to see how far I can push this budget itteration though. I'm currently clearing most Ultimatums all the way, even in T16 but I still fail them sometimes because of the ridiuclous scaling. I'm certain they will be an absolute cakewalk in the future though once we get our clusters and trigger setup. With Headhunter thrown into the mix we'll be literally immortal too. Skin of the Loyal Pricing:
This has been an extremely slow league start overall and due to the nerf of 100% delirium farming there's no 0.1%ers flooding the market with early breachstones. This has made Chayula bossfarming scarce which is the reason why our Skin of the Loyal costs upwards 100 chaos orbs, which is very expensive in my opinion. There's a solution to this though. You can buy a Skin of the Lords instead, like I have done. These chests are much less expensive I bought mine for 15 chaos. However, they require you to only use Corrupted gems. This was one of the reasons I swapped to Cold Conversion so late, I needed all my gems to hit 20/20. If you're buying the skin of the lords chest: MAKE SURE YOU WATCH WHICH KEYSTONE NODE YOU GET. I can't stress this enough, certain keystone nodes will completely brick the build. Things like Eternal Youth, Ancestral Bond, Supreme Ego et.c. destroys the build so be careful if you're browsing for these cheap alternatives. |
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" Glad you're liking it! :-) Once you get your hands on the Cluster Jewels your damage will really start getting ridiculous. Make sure to read my cluster jewel section in the medium guide. There I also tell you how to craft the clusters to avoid wasting insane amounts of currency. This league I've already randomly crafted 4 Medium Clusters in my Harvest which I figured I would save for when I got deeper into the medium budget. But they're literally selling for 3 exalted orbs each so I sold all of them. I crafted them by buying the bases (Ilvl68+) for 10 chaos and using Reforge crit harvest crafts on them that I had saved up in my Hort Station. These Jewels should be worth MAX 30 chaos 4Head |
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" I did the move to cold conversion. I had a lack of damage in t14+ maps but now it's very smooth. How to craft a wand like that ? And I got this cluster: Is this more valuable with the +2% ? แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Konan92#6115 เมื่อ 21 เม.ย. 2021 08:28:21
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Hello. I'm completely new to PoE, and I'd like to get this build for my first character, from builds that I've already seen which includes cyclone(vortex??) + volatile dead and exploding SRS I seem to prefer this the most, but this idea seems to be dumb at the same time because I'm just going through Act 4. I have already checked out what Carrion Golem does, and for me, it seems to be better than SRS.
Yet another thing, when I'm opening any versions of this build with PoB fork, it shows the 3.13 version of the game. Can it provide any specific issues or version difference doesn't really matter? |
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Nice build =)
I'm just wondering what makes necro the end build choice? Is the +2 to all minion lvls that much better than +2 golems? |
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Deadandlivin, I was hoping you'd be so kind to check my build? I'm super squishy and I'm dying a lot in alched T8 maps (like not able to complete the map.) I still need to get some primordial jewels but they're so expensive I can't afford yet. I was able to buy 2 primordial eminence and 1 primordial might, but the other two... just... wow. Still using clayshaper, I'm guessing I wouldn't be able to change to the wand until I get the rest of the primordial jewels. I've 2 carrion golems and 1 stone (and 3 spectres.) Any pointers within budget would be appreciated! :) |
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" You are missing so much life (abyss jewel, ring, etc). And this is how to play the build : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=174cjGr1Fsc&t=1s |
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" Thanks :) Yeah I figured that's how you played, that's what I do as well, just run the outer ring... Thx |
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not sure if noob question but with primal might are we supposed to cast golems to get that benefit or no? also i just bought a might gem which should it replace out of : 3x eminence 2x harmony 1x fortress 1x quickening
thanks! |
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