[3.21] Cold Conversion Summoner | Build guides for all budgets | (Ghazzy Zoomancer)

Deadandlivin เขียน:
Perce79 เขียน:
BTW, biggest "issue" with going Elementalist later is the Animate Guardian. My geared out level 24 AG just died against Sirus. Bleh. Going to switch to Necro now. The 2 levels on the AG is just worth too much. If I don't like it and switch back to Elementalist, I guess I'll have to force upgrade my +2 ring to +3 for the extra HP.

Yeah that hurts. What gear did you have on him?

Since you're running Indomitable Army he didn't die to corrupted blood stacks from the Die beam.

The only other reason he might've died is if he stood still in a red pool on the ground or was grilled by the quad laser thing when Sirus copies himself into 4 and focuses lasers in the middle.
Those things do Chaos damage and if he's not chaos res capped you MUST convocate him out of it.

My AG (lvl 26) hadn't come close to dying since I summoned him starting in maps. Tanking Sirus 9 and juiced T16 del maps easily, then I went into a double boss Burial Chambers map and he got deleted. He was equipped with a Kingmaker, Grutkuls and had max resistances across the board. Guessing double burial boss can be dicey?

Also heard that you should unsummon him before Acid Caverns as the storms the boss casts can do insane amount of damage and kill your AG if you aren't careful. Are there any other bosses/mechanics you should be careful of with your precious AG? :)
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Ridman#0986 เมื่อ 25 เม.ย. 2021 10:16:55
I am slowly approaching first Sirius encounter with this build. I only fought him once ever before, so I am not sure if it makes sense for my char (HaqimGolems). It is very prone to 1-hits in T14+ Ultimatums (but I managed to get down Phoenix/Chimera and Eradicator deathless), so I am a bit worried if going to Sirius will not be just a waste of XP. Would anyone be able to take a look at my char and let me know if my dps is up to the challenge?
Ridman เขียน:
Deadandlivin เขียน:
Perce79 เขียน:
BTW, biggest "issue" with going Elementalist later is the Animate Guardian. My geared out level 24 AG just died against Sirus. Bleh. Going to switch to Necro now. The 2 levels on the AG is just worth too much. If I don't like it and switch back to Elementalist, I guess I'll have to force upgrade my +2 ring to +3 for the extra HP.

Yeah that hurts. What gear did you have on him?

Since you're running Indomitable Army he didn't die to corrupted blood stacks from the Die beam.

The only other reason he might've died is if he stood still in a red pool on the ground or was grilled by the quad laser thing when Sirus copies himself into 4 and focuses lasers in the middle.
Those things do Chaos damage and if he's not chaos res capped you MUST convocate him out of it.

My AG (lvl 26) hadn't come close to dying since I summoned him starting in maps. Tanking Sirus 9 and juiced T16 del maps easily, then I went into a double boss Burial Chambers map and he got deleted. He was equipped with a Kingmaker, Grutkuls and had max resistances across the board. Guessing double burial boss can be dicey?

Also heard that you should unsummon him before Acid Caverns as the storms the boss casts can do insane amount of damage and kill your AG if you aren't careful. Are there any other bosses/mechanics you should be careful of with your precious AG? :)

I lost my AG once last league when I was running Elementalist to a giga juiced metamorph in Burial Chambers.
The metamorph did some aoe explosion when he died that killed all my spectres, zombies, myself and my AG. This was probably because of the 100% more damage multiplier the atlas had last league, which has been nerfed now.

Other than that I didn't lose it once, not even to 100% delirius 45% beyond Diplomatic escort packs that actually killed my Carrion Golems.

I've heard about Acid Caverns, have never experienced though.
Fortunately for us, our AG is pretty cheap and not that bad to replace.
It sucks, but could be worse. Having invested 3 ex into a Mask of the stitched demon and getting your AG oneshot probably feels worse :-)
Kaevar เขียน:
I am slowly approaching first Sirius encounter with this build. I only fought him once ever before, so I am not sure if it makes sense for my char (HaqimGolems). It is very prone to 1-hits in T14+ Ultimatums (but I managed to get down Phoenix/Chimera and Eradicator deathless), so I am a bit worried if going to Sirius will not be just a waste of XP. Would anyone be able to take a look at my char and let me know if my dps is up to the challenge?

If you know the fight you should be able to defeat him without any problem. If your mechanics are dicey, you might want to level up before. Your HP seems rather low so you're very prone to oneshots if you don't dodge all attacks properly.

The worst part about Sirus early is that we're lacking Chaos res so his Rain of Stars ability oneshots us. But that's usually easy to dodge.
Other than that, dodging his die beam is basically the only thing you need to care about in the last phase.

If you hit me up @Otroligdojps I can carry your Sirus.
Deadandlivin เขียน:
Perce79 เขียน:
BTW, biggest "issue" with going Elementalist later is the Animate Guardian. My geared out level 24 AG just died against Sirus. Bleh. Going to switch to Necro now. The 2 levels on the AG is just worth too much. If I don't like it and switch back to Elementalist, I guess I'll have to force upgrade my +2 ring to +3 for the extra HP.

Yeah that hurts. What gear did you have on him?

Since you're running Indomitable Army he didn't die to corrupted blood stacks from the Die beam.

The only other reason he might've died is if he stood still in a red pool on the ground or was grilled by the quad laser thing when Sirus copies himself into 4 and focuses lasers in the middle.
Those things do Chaos damage and if he's not chaos res capped you MUST convocate him out of it.

"The good stuff" such as Kingmaker and high chaos res / high life rare boots. Gonna double / triple make sure I have even more regen and chaos res on him next time. No doubt it was from a poor convocation, where I likely convocated a split second early, and he got caught in both a red pool and a quad laser situation while convocation was down. He died and one or two zombies. It was a rather unlucky streak plus poor play. Regardless, I think he lives if I have a +3 ring and not a +2.
Deadandlivin เขียน:
Kaevar เขียน:
I am slowly approaching first Sirius encounter with this build. I only fought him once ever before, so I am not sure if it makes sense for my char (HaqimGolems). It is very prone to 1-hits in T14+ Ultimatums (but I managed to get down Phoenix/Chimera and Eradicator deathless), so I am a bit worried if going to Sirius will not be just a waste of XP. Would anyone be able to take a look at my char and let me know if my dps is up to the challenge?

If you know the fight you should be able to defeat him without any problem. If your mechanics are dicey, you might want to level up before. Your HP seems rather low so you're very prone to oneshots if you don't dodge all attacks properly.

The worst part about Sirus early is that we're lacking Chaos res so his Rain of Stars ability oneshots us. But that's usually easy to dodge.
Other than that, dodging his die beam is basically the only thing you need to care about in the last phase.

If you hit me up @Otroligdojps I can carry your Sirus.

Thx man, I'll add you to friends in game. I will try by myself and if I am down to 3 portals, I will hit you up :)
Incredible gear and guide. Your commitment is commendable.

I completely understand your philosophy regarding going more or less 100% damage in every aspect of the build - and you certainly have in your final iteration of the build. I have been tinkering with using damage spectres instead of buffing spectres for the past two leagues as well, but my results have been mediocre. I will never be able to get anything near your endgame gear, as i simply do not have the available time, but I love seeing that it is actually possible.

I have been trying to make a Guardian version of a cold conversion golem build using damage spectres (CO) as I want to try out hardcore next league, but i haven't been able to make anything that was good enough.

I realize that I am asking a lot, but I would love your thoughts on a defensive golem/spectre build. Guardian seems like it could have respectable damage, but not like a Necro i guess. Do you think Scion is an option?
Thanks for the guide, finding this build super fun :D

Up to lvl 96 and have done Sirus 9 deathless, Feared/Formed and Maven with only 1 clumsy death. Been going pretty hard and had decent enough luck so far, so my gear is pretty solid. +1 curses chest to free up an anointment would be sweet, otherwise I'm quite content. Honestly thought the build would be more squishy, sure you can still get one-shotted in juiced delirium maps and stone circles are a pain in the ass but kiting around things is easy enough and most my deaths have been where I've been rushing it and badly positioned. I quite like having some utility on the abyss jewels, I find having blind and taunt to be quite nice. Having one jewel with cannot be hindered is also very convenient for Ultimatum, makes you immune to some of the slowing ground effects.

My stuff:


แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Ridman#0986 เมื่อ 26 เม.ย. 2021 22:17:39
Deadandlivin เขียน:
XxNoScopeWeed420xX เขียน:
Hey again,
I love how responsive you are on the thread. I've been having a blast, so thanks again. I have one question, though. Could you look at my PoB to tell why the DPS is so low compared to even your medium budget POB? I know I don't have ultimate min-maxed gear, but my headhunter,wand,and helmet are pretty much as good as I'm going to get this league, and I can't imagine that adding a couple more jewels would add 100 million more damage.


I would appreciate it VERY much!

You don't have any cluster jewels and you might not have your AG in your PoB. You're also missing stuff like Awakened melee phys.
I'll see if I can fix it.

This is how your PoB should look:

- I added correct clusters.
- I added primordial emminences to new sockets.
- I added Animate Guardian to your flask (You don't have +2 or +3 on your AG ring, you should look into it)
- I added Awakened Melee phys for intimidate to build and Divergent Hypothermia for 6% damage to frozen targets (4% from gem, 2% more because of AG helm)
- I fixed your tree a little.

Things you want to look into:
You need more life, playing below 4.2k feels extremely bad. Even playing below 4.5k is questionable.
You also want to fix a +3 ring for your AG to make him stand on atleast ~60k health.

Adding 100 million more damage to your build requires ALOT of investment.
Your current helm is a 7-link. My helm is a 9-link.
My min maxed version also uses a God shield and has 40% hatred effect with 5% dbl dmg on the wand.
I'm also running 3 curses, Assassin's Mark, Elemental Weakness and Frost Bite.
My build also uses GOD cluster jewels that add 140% damage and 40% attack speed PER large cluster jewel.
Each Eye jewel adds ~10 million dps to my build aswell.
That build also uses a weapon swap which adds Frost Exposure from Frost Bomb and Flesh Offering.

There's ALOT of things going on to get to those numbers.
awesome, thanks!
Does the crafting jewel section still apply? Friend said he thought augment harvest crafts were gone but maybe just been unlucky and havent seen one?



