[3.21] Cold Conversion Summoner | Build guides for all budgets | (Ghazzy Zoomancer)
Question of the day: Convocation counts as "if you've used a minion skill recently"?
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" It does, if there is a minion tag. |
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" Thanks. So that is why we use ghostly eye jewels for minmaxing. |
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Hello everybody!
First of all, I want to thank everybody for helping eachother out during my absence. I will try my best to help people out but I can't be as detail in my responses any longer and will have to be more picky with how I choose to help you guys. There simply was too many questions to answer and unfortunately it became very hard to keep up with everyone. I'm sorry for my absence lately. I decided to take a break from PoE for ~10 days, mostly due to the disatisfaction with this league and its endgame. I personally didn't find too much enjoyment in the endgame once the atlas was finished, mainly due to the scarcity of map consumeables like scarabs and the limited options we have for farming now. The crafting also feels completely flacid right now which annoys me to no end. Eitherway, I decided to start playing again and have found some new stuff to the build. I will be adding options for more defensive layers for those who want to go that route. I'll also be working on an endgame version of the build with some crafting guides. I'm not sure whether I will minmax this league though due to the sad state of crafting and literally every minmax item requiring hundreds of exalted orbs for Harvest crafts that currently are non-existant in the game due to how nuked harvest was. I started playing again yesterday and decided to invest some into my build. Nothing crazy, I just wanted to see how much defenses I could add to it while keeping offensive pressure in check. In short, I've added: - Vaal Grace to the build replacing Vaal Haste. - Auls Uprising with Hatred mana reservation removed to fit Grace Aura. - A watchers eye with 15% MS and 10% attack dodge. - Skin of the Lords with Phase Acrobatics. - Additional Block Wheel, Glancing Blows and Lifewheel. Playing this setup is close to unkillable while mapping since we have massive amounts of 16k Evasion, 45% attack Dodge, 50% Block, ~80% phys dmg reduction, Spell Dodge Cap et.c. You basically never get hit so I've opted to even remove the Stone Golem from the build and run with 4 Carrions instead. For the open socket I linked Elemental Army to my Zombies which gives them Cold Exposure on hit for additional dps and max elemental resist which makes them close to unkillable. I've made a video to show how the gameplay looks. Running this build, we don't care about anything. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFBL61eQMnc I apologize for the horrendous framerates. Unfortunately texture loading and framerates are wack this league and my framrate drops to like 10 FPS while recording. But hopefully you can see how this version of the build looks. The gear I'm using is somewhat above a medium budget. As most probably have noticed this league, items and clusters are extremely expensive which is very unfortunate. We don't need too much to make the build feel really strong though, but defintely more investment than in past leagues. This is the current gear I'm using:
I'm also only using 1 cluster for now. Will fit another one later, but for now 1 is enough due to the lack of end game content. I hope everyone are still enjoying the build this league. I will be making some changes to it though, mainly by adding more options in the gearing. Thanks everyone! :) แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Deadandlivin#2745 เมื่อ 7 พ.ค. 2021 16:22:01
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" Hi! The best way to add more damage is to add more medium clusters to the build. We scale uncontrollably from the mediums due to how Hatred and Crit multi works. For item upgrades, go for a ~20 ex wand with +2, minion dmg, trigger and minion attack speed. If you find a +2 wand with ~50% minion dmg and garbage suffixes you can save it. If it has 1 free suffix, craft Prefixes cannot be changed and scoure it, then craft multimod, 15% minion attack speed and trigger. If the wand has 3 bad suffixes, get a harvest Reforge keep prefix craft and keep rolling it until you have 1 free suffix, then do the prefix cannot be changed stuff. The large clusters aren't even that important for damage. The primary purpose of our Large cluster jewels is to proivde 2 sockets so we can fit in 2 medium clusters into the build. The only really valuable noteable in the large clusters is vicious bite. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Deadandlivin#2745 เมื่อ 7 พ.ค. 2021 16:39:00
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I've asked this question a few days ago, but haven't got any answer, so, when you came back, i'm asking you directly. Why do we use BV instead of Storm Brand? Brand seems much better for me because it's much more safe, procs EE without adding any element to spells mod on the gear and can be upgraded by an alternate quality (chance to chain an additional time). |
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" It's strictly a playstyle preference. If you like Storm brand more you absolutely can run it. However, you can't use storm brand with a trigger wand though. It'll be super inconsistent since you only can spawn 1 brand every 8 sec. The reason I prefer Blade Vortex is because it allows me to just automatically apply debuffs everywhere and I never have to stand still. The worst part with storm brand is that you have to stop and cast the ability and aim it ontop of your targets and stuff. I prefer to just constantly be moving. If you want to be "safe" and apply debuffs from range, you can use Vaal Blade Vortex against bosses. I don't find BV being an issue to debuff bosses. I always Dash into a boss to trigger BV, convocate my minions and then Phase Run away so it's just second nature to me. If you want to run Storm Brand instead I would suggest you do this: Have Offering + Raise Zombies + Feeding Frenzy in wand. Have convocation + Storm Brand + Frost Bomb in Shield. Frost Bomb adds nice additional dps to bosses. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Deadandlivin#2745 เมื่อ 7 พ.ค. 2021 16:59:04
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" I haven't tried this build this league, but isn't it deadly to try to activate EE on rare monsters in Ultimatum? Especially when we try to be as far as possible from enemies to make our SO shoot and not to get ourselves one-tapped? |
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" It's fine. You can see the gameplay here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFBL61eQMnc Just go to 3 minutes when I do the ultimatum. |
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Hi Deadandlivin!
Welcome back! and THANK YOU for all your help to everybody who asks :) Do you have a new path of building for the extra defensive layers? I made some huge investments (I got my new helm yesterday) but I'm still dying all over the place. I'm stuck at lvl 93 without being able to progress. Strange headshots, very weird deaths from rare monsters even what should otherwise be no problem. So I'm very very interested in Grace, etc. Thanks!! Here's my current gear and links: ANY TIP IS MORE THAN WELCOME! :) |
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