[3.21] Cold Conversion Summoner | Build guides for all budgets | (Ghazzy Zoomancer)
Deadandlivin, I'd appreciate if you could explain what kind of blueprints we want to run in a few words, I think it's worth of manually revealing blueprints only with unusual gems and replica items. Enchanted Armaments seem to be complete trash and not even worth running with 1 revealed room, at least so far for me I didn't see anything good. Trinkets/Currency probably worth running with 1 room but nothing more, I don't think it would have 10 exalted in a room or a mirror, but I might be wrong.
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It's my first time playing a minion build. Feeling really good so far, but 1 quick question: should I keep using quickening, fortress and unending hunger jewel, or replace it with 3 primordial jewels or maybe something else? I'm running medium budget version with 2 large cluster btw
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" Your PoB shows your dps per projectile. Depending on how many projectiles hit the target, your dps varies. So if you're doing 750k dps per projectile and one of your spectres manages to hit the target with, say 6 projectiles - It's dps is 4.5 million. With GMP your spectres fire 12 projectiles. With Awakened GMP your spectres fire 14 projectiles. How many projectiles are hitting your target is based on how close they are to the target and how big the character model is. Long story short: Big targets(Like bosses) are easier to shotgun with ALOT of projectiles at close range. Small targets will take zero dmg from projectiles. This is how Operative SO projectiles behave: ![]() With small targets you DON'T want to position your spectres in melee range, but kinda close because of the deadzone. ![]() Here's a Gif of the Deadzone in action: ![]() In the video you can see the SO alternate between its default melee swing and the secret police dagger spell. When he melee swings to monster takes dmg, when he shoots projectiles the mob takes zero damage. This is evident in the end where the SO shoots projectiles 4 times in a row when the monster is at 1% health and all projectiles miss. Then he finishes the monster with a melee hit. On big targets you want to position your SO right on top of the monster because the large hitbox extends outside the deadzone which causes more projectiles to hit the target: ![]() In the image to the left you see how proper position ensures that maximum amount of projectiles hit the target. The image on the right only show 7 projectiles hit the target. With all that being said, it's impossible to determine how many projectiles will hit a target. Factors like positioning and enemy hitbox are the primary factors which decide it. But in theory your spectres CAN do: 750 000 x 12 x 4 = 36 million dps. However, don't count on your spectres hitting with 12 projectiles. That's very unlikely. I like to downsize the estimated dps against large targets by just taking the media. So personally I say that my spectres probably are hitting with 6 Projectiles with GMP and 7 projectiles with AGMP if you convocate ontop of the target. If you convocate "away" from the target due to it being small - it usually hits with around 3-5 projectiles. Against very large targets you're easily hitting with around 9-11 projectiles depending on if you're running woke GMP or not. Luckily, boss models, which are the ones with high HP, usually have large models so it's easy to shotgun them. So in your case I would estimate that your spectres do around: 750k * 6 * 4 = 18 million assuming you're positioning properly. This is only an estimate though, the dps could be much higher or much lower in the end. As for leveling: You shouldn't be dying too much with that gear. My advice would be to not run bosses like Guardians. If you're close to leveling, ask for a Sirus carry if you're afraid of dying. I can do it for free if you pm me ingame. If you really want to avoid dying I would suggest that you specc Mistress of Sacrifice and equip a Divergent Bone Offering instead of Flesh Offering. I suggest you get a Grace Watcher's Eye with 10% attack dodge and 15% movement speed aswell. Swap your Evasion Flask for a Quartz Flask with 10% attack/spell dodge. You could also drop 1 large cluster and get Sanctuary and more Life points from your tree. Try playing around with the amount of clusters you run to see how you can boost the survivability. |
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" I run all Gem blueprints. Outside of them I run all fully revealed blueprints I've gotten. After that I only run blueprints with "good" rooms. This mainly include blueprints with alot of divination and fragment boxes. As for final reward rooms: Unusual Gems > Trinkets/Currency >>> Replicas >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Enchanted Arms I rarely run enchanted arms. When I run my blueprints, majority of currency is made from the smaller rooms, not the one at the end. With proper Heist gear it's easy to end up with 2 ex+ per blueprint, only from reward rooms if you choose to reveal the correct rooms. |
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" Keep running the Covenants and Unending Hunger imo. You want to replace them with very expensive Eye Jewels in the future. |
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" Anyone can help me?... haha.. |
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" Thanks A LOT! That makes lots of sense, because now I understand that SO projectiles might be clipped inside an enemy, we can skyrocket their DPS by positioning them correctly, I thought they're weaker and I focused on carrion golems as their dps calculation is pretty straightforward. Now with all that it's pretty understandable why we'd want to start stacking AS & minion dmg on ghastly eye jewels & 12 points clusters in the end game on this build. Speaking of leveling, I don't feel like speccing into Bone Offering, I'm pretty satisfied with what I can do. It just annoying that I die sometimes due to some random game mechanics such as mobs that explode after they die, invincible guards in Heists that blast with their bombs and some other stuff, as I said it's not a fault of this build, I'm pretty sure now. I'm just asking if anyone knows how to gather a large amount of exp per hour, heard that ROTAs is a good way to do that. |
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" Yes. It's either 3 carrion golems+1 stone golem or 4 carrion golems but then you lose regen. You're getting 1 golem limit from the base skill gems, then you get +1 from Golem Commander annointment/from the skill tree, then you get +1 from Anima Stone and +1 from Anima Stone again if you're running at least 3 primordial jewels (primordial eminence/primordial harmony/primordial might, any of them). แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย aquarose_#5126 เมื่อ 26 พ.ค. 2021 10:24:25
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Thank you very much for such a deep guide!
Can I ask you, am I right, that we supposed to run with only one blade flurry just for the Elemental equilibrium and it forces us to run almost into the boss hitbox to proc it? And the second question: if we have a +2 weapon, isn't it better to be an Elementalist due to +2 golems (5 versus 3)? |
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" Yeah, for bosses you do it like this: 1. Dash ontop of boss. 2. Convocate your minions. 3. Run away. It's very important to convocate your spectres ontop on a boss to maximise their dps. Necromancer is better once you get Anima Stone and Primordial Might. Elementalist is only good early on when we lack golems. As you get gear, necromancer start outscaling elementalist alot. |
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