Driinja Random League - Community Race ! Chill event with challenge, rewards and some positivity :D

Hey guys ! Driinja here, french streamer trying to create some nice event for the community, I've called it, the Random League ! (No worries, everything has been translated in English !) ==> Repost here because I didn't see this thread !

It will start the 27th of August at 7pm Gmt+2 and will last until the 6 of September at the same hour !

The concept is simple, a build will be assigned to you at the start of the league and you will have to complet several challenges with it ! I wanted to offer something that may give everyone a goal while creating some challenges with a "race" aspect.

It's more than 70 challenges that have been selected for this events ! You will find some regarding leveling that are pretty easy, and some others that you may find trickier !

Did I talk about the reward system ? These points will give you access to differents reward "tier", for instance having 11 points will unlock the first tier of rewards with some lootboxes and etc ... For now we have 60 microtransactions available for this event !

To sum it up, you play the game at your pace, and you have some rewards !

I will not spoil everything here (because it wouldn't be fun, and also too long) but I hope you may find some fresh air and fun during this event :D

If you are interested (or just curious), give a look to the little trailer I've made, it has the inscription link in the description, and the gdoc with all the informations in it !

I'd love to have your feedbacks, that's a first time for me with an Event of this size, and it would be nice to hear what you think :D

Gdoc : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1YnipG2WFP5Zhu1reedgmdsquEsAUB8ZoEP0GU5QfQTM/edit?usp=sharing

Trailer :

Twitch channel :

The first event with the build selection will start this saturday at 7pm Gmt+2 on the twitch channel ! I'll reveal the challenges this Wednesday at 6pm Gmt+2 !

I wish you a good day guys :D
ขุดครั้งสุดท้าย เมื่อ 21 ส.ค. 2021 20:55:58
Yeahhh cool !!!
yoyo I love stuff like this! Random roll skills/builds are literally the most fun leagues in my opinion as it forces you out of your comfort zone
"Life isn't a problem to solve but a reality to experience." - Frank Herbert



