The Endless Delve Event Starts Soon - Cursed Supporter Pack Available on Nexus

Console players are now the new lower class… great job GGG!!
Really nice Pirate theme but man... No Forum banner and only 200 coins. I'll wait for one with official release.
The armor design is pretty cool and I like the monke, but the ammount of points you get is lower than any other pack, including those of lower price, and to be honest if you have money for a supporter pack you also have money to donate to your favourite streamers. If the streamer cut was better and with no middle man AND if we got as close to 1 to 1 value between cost and points that would be much better and people would actually be happy to get this.
Would love if there was regional price for these. As it stands it costs multiple times the price of any set.
yeah i was all in till i seen only 200 points also if you would have kept it the same as all the other packs you would of had a sale.
i try it
gg ggg
Endless Queue event is pretty cool so far...weird how all streammers are still on
Can I get into the game so I can have fun on my free day off work?
I don't give a damn about your events, thanks.
Cheers <3
Maybe dedicate some more time towards server stability... this is quite annoying to have this happen every time



