Tiny's Hideouts - Last Release : Kingsport - All At Sea Hideout - else MTX free

Find all released and future hideouts here: https://hideoutshowcase.com/viewprofile/TinysHideouts

Title: Tinys Kingsport - All at Sea Hideout

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Title: Tinys Pipedream - Cartographer´s Hideout

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Title: Tinys The View - Infinite Abyss Hideout

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Title: Tinys A place to call home - Divided Hideout

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Title: Tinys For the Science" - Cartographer´s Hideout

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Title: Tinys Little crucible" - Cartographer´s Hideout

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Title: Tinys Little Study" - Cartographer´s Hideout

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Title: Tinys "Bank and Court" - Infinite Abyss Hideout

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Title: Tinys "Four Squares" - Cartographer´s Hideout

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Title: Tinys Born on the wrong floor - Brutal Hideout

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Entry for iron hideout contest #10 "opposites"

Title: Tinys Totally Ruins mapping - Stately Hideout

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Title: Tinys Crossroads - Celestial Nebula Hideout

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Title: Tinys Map-le Study - Catographer´s Hideout

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Title: Tinys Magic Oak Inn - Divided Hideout

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Title: Tinys Breathing Cave - Primeval Hideout

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Title: Tinys Wonders of the World Fair - Arboreal Hideout

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MapleWood Map-Device:
Niko found a rare crystal core also known as Heart of the Mountain:
The old weapons of the Gods still hold power:

The famous black widdows and their prey:

Keep your distance:

Buy tinctures for and against everything:
For a "small" fee you can even talk with the dead:
The first complete Gearus GrindySaurus:
Kitavas Head possesed and still active:
Don´t look them into the Eye:
"Alvas Electro cute Shop" Tools and crafts for everyone:
Junk and Joy - Expedition District:
Einhars famous "Friends and Food" show:
Vagans "Dont ask were i got them" Arms:
One of the famous glowing Trees:
They look so harmless ....:
and much more - but hideoutshowcase does not want any more Screenshots :)
youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJ7wDIcRA_w

Title: Tinys Tons of Knowledge - Baleful Hideout

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Title: Tinys Citylife - Divided Hideout (GGG Hideoutshowcase July 2022)

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Title: Tinys Circus Mapsimus - Ghost-lit Hideout (GGG Hideoutshowcase May 2022)

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Title: Tinys Planning Room - Primeval Hideout

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Title: Tinys Past Riches - Baleful Hideout

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Title: Tinys Recent Delvelopement - Celestial Nebula Hideout

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Title: Tinys NO! to War - Celestial Nebula Hideout

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Title: Tinys Loot and relax - Nocturnal Hideout

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Title: Tinys Aquarium "Something Fishy" - Primeval Hideout
red and blue carpet versions available

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Title: Tinys Hell of a Place - Baleful Hideout

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Title: Tinys The Park - Celestial Nebula Hideout

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Title: Tinys Mapsolute Purple - Primeval Hideout

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Title: Tinys RGB - Nocturnal Hideout

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Title: Tinys Donalds living room - Cartographer´s Hideout

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Title: Tinys Celestial GatherRing - Celestial Nebula Hideout

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Title: Tinys Well founded Castle - Immaculate Hideout

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Title: Tinys Holy Fog! - Celestial Nebula Hideout

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Title: Tinys Wood be ok? - Baleful Hideout

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Title: Tinys CoralGarden - Baleful Hideout
based on Mirandas "Cozy Lair"

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Title: Tinys Azurite Springs - Primeval Hideout

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Title: Tinys DelveHeadhunter-Emulator - Primeval Hideout

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Title: Tinys Green Peace - Luxurious Hideout

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Title: Tinys CoralCellar - Primeval Hideout

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Title: Tinys Tortugas Den - Unearthed Hideout
made 7 or 8 years ago - at the time hideouts were freshly implemented

cya Deathtiny
level fast, die young and leave a nice looking corpse!
Tinyshideouts: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3260135
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Deathtiny2266#6783 เมื่อ 13 ส.ค. 2024 19:30:07
ขุดครั้งสุดท้าย เมื่อ 30 ม.ค. 2025 19:47:12
captain placeholder for future updates
cya Deathtiny
level fast, die young and leave a nice looking corpse!
Tinyshideouts: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3260135
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Deathtiny2266#6783 เมื่อ 30 มี.ค. 2022 11:10:10
Title: Tinys Well founded Castle - Immaculate Hideout

~ There are spectacular moments.
DoubleU เขียน:
Title: Tinys Well founded Castle - Immaculate Hideout


tnx ;)

Well founded Castle was my entry for "Iron Hideout Competition #7 | Theme: Inside"
You should check out all the other amazing hideouts creators did for that one too.
cya Deathtiny
level fast, die young and leave a nice looking corpse!
Tinyshideouts: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3260135
Deathtiny2266 เขียน:

Title: Tinys Aquarium "Something Fishy" - Primeval Hideout
red and blue carpet versions available

I'm obssesed with this. I would love to see you expand upon it!

The waypoint and some other areas seem unfinished and not up to the same creativity/inginuity as your other work.

If you need anything tested hit me up anytime happy to help.
livejamie เขียน:

I'm obssesed with this. I would love to see you expand upon it!

The waypoint and some other areas seem unfinished and not up to the same creativity/inginuity as your other work.

If you need anything tested hit me up anytime happy to help.

Tnx for the feedback :)
Its hard for me to get everything on the same level. Thats what separates the really great hideout-creators from us "rest".
Most times i limit parts ( 750 deco-counter) to have enough to at least finish the raw base as i "visioned" it.
But from time to time (like in this one), i hit the 750 deco-limit early and then had to rework in this case all tanks 3 or 4 times slowly reducing the decos used on each of them.

After i got it down from 750 and then got details on the mapdevice and some on the big tank next to the waypoint, i ran out of steam to "fill" the rest of the hideout with some more details like i org. wanted to.
Thats why it atm only has 707 decos incl. the npcs.
cya Deathtiny
level fast, die young and leave a nice looking corpse!
Tinyshideouts: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3260135
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Deathtiny2266#6783 เมื่อ 19 เม.ย. 2022 12:06:27
Deathtiny2266 เขียน:
livejamie เขียน:

I'm obssesed with this. I would love to see you expand upon it!

The waypoint and some other areas seem unfinished and not up to the same creativity/inginuity as your other work.

If you need anything tested hit me up anytime happy to help.

Tnx for the feedback :)
Its hard for me to get everything on the same level. Thats what separates the really great hideout-creators from us "rest".
Most times i limit parts ( 750 deco-counter) to have enough to at least finish the raw base as i "visioned" it.
But from time to time (like in this one), i hit the 750 deco-limit early and then had to rework in this case all tanks 3 or 4 times slowly reducing the decos used on each of them.

After i got it down from 750 and then got details on the mapdevice and some on the big tank next to the waypoint, i ran out of steam to "fill" the rest of the hideout with some more details like i org. wanted to.
Thats why it atm only has 707 decos incl. the npcs.

Appreciate the hard work and the explanation!

I wonder if there is something that could be done about the Waypoint and/or the Waypoint placement with the last 43 decorations?

It's a bummer especially on a widescreen monitor when me or others come into the hideout for a trade they don't get to see any of the cool shit you've done.

If it's not possible to rework the current version I'd rather lose one or two of the tanks and have a smaller space if it makes room for a more complete hideout. :)

Thanks for your time and for listening to feedback.
i play widescreen on 3440x1440 as you can see on my screens and vids too ;)
more wide like 5k would totally kill my 2070 super gpu - so sorry about not beeing able to create for that at the moment.
Dont want to reduce the tanks - as thats what the hideout is about, but maybe something like this ?


cya Deathtiny
level fast, die young and leave a nice looking corpse!
Tinyshideouts: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3260135
Deathtiny2266 เขียน:
i play widescreen on 3440x1440 as you can see on my screens and vids too ;)
more wide like 5k would totally kill my 2070 super gpu - so sorry about not beeing able to create for that at the moment.
Dont want to reduce the tanks - as thats what the hideout is about, but maybe something like this ?


Sure I'd love to use that.
will update tomorrow if RL is kind :) have to do the other carpet color too

edit: uploaded v1.1 of aquarium in red and blue
cya Deathtiny
level fast, die young and leave a nice looking corpse!
Tinyshideouts: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3260135
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Deathtiny2266#6783 เมื่อ 5 พ.ค. 2022 00:54:03



