3.19 Trickster Poisonous Concoction theory crafting build + PoB

Spellbreaker is great, the question though is whether or not having to spend an ascendency on Escape Artist is worth it to get there, especially since you're using an ES body.
{for instance Carcass Jack would give 160-180 ES depending on the value of the mod and a decent split stat helmet would give 450 evasion; while single-stat armor pieces would give (using uniques of the highest couple tiers of armor) 350ES from a 2100-ish evasion body and 750-1000 evasion from 150-200ES on a helmet}
To be fair that is a very solid amount of defense, but if Covenent is optimal, then half of that can't be accessed.
What's worth more from two ascendancy keystones, Spellbreaker and 200ES, or an -admittedly very meme-y- damage reduction skill and an immunity to action speed slows and and a slowing aura?

CAKE เขียน:
I play similar build to the pob here which has poacher mark and mark on hit while planning to transition in to dark scorn build after i get rich.(which is not going to happen with this no loot league unless i flip items)

Anyway, i was testing the mark-on hit with poacher mark and it did not actually proc for me. I had 176mana and needed 68for the mark.
to proc i was using poison conc(41mana) which is the main attack (did not work)

I believe that I'm the one doing something wrong here, i never used mark skill before it is new to me so I'm here just to ask how to fix it. My accuracy is 99% at max frenzy 88% without. Are we supposed to apply it with default-attack perhaps?

And if you have some simple suggestions to improve my build let me know.

I feel like god while maping in low tiers (under 10 so far), but at endgame bosses and some nemesis rares it takes too long to kill. I throw out wither totems, spam boss with some poisoned juice and hope he dies before i do.

108% action speed+phasing, onslaught and 9 frenzy charges make me go as fast as i go only with headhunter on my previous builds.

So even in my poor man's version of this it is very fun and can recommend.

I spend few hundred fuses on this and did not even get 5l yet :^D but it is my planned upgrade.

I average at around 200% speed, sacrificing ehp to reach it but it just feels too good.

Mark On Hit-Poacher's works fine for me, applying with Concoction. White enemies die too quick to really have it show visibly, but rares and uniques it should be obvious. Remember you can only have one mark active at a time.
Mark on Hit only activates on rares and uniques. Magic and normal enemies don't get marked by it.
wolfkstaag เขียน:
Mark on Hit only activates on rares and uniques. Magic and normal enemies don't get marked by it.

ah yes, my one weakness. reading.
What is the best way to generate Frenzy Charges?

Iam using only Frenzy Charge and it is annoying ....
PattyWin เขียน:
What is the best way to generate Frenzy Charges?

Iam using only Frenzy Charge and it is annoying ....

From passives we get a chance on kill for charges and a chance when hitting our marked enemy. Poacher's mark itself gives a charge on kill, but since we've established that that's rare and unique enemies only, isn't super often. Blood rage has a chance to give charges on kill.
Perhaps more importantly, with Swift Killer frenzy charges should last at least 25 seconds even with Snakebite at max charges.
I found out that my curse-on hit gloves are screwing my mark over, and after fixing it i am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.
Now bosses that used to bully me get deleted in seconds.

This error came from me reading wiki page that said "Mark skills have its own limit of 1"
but if i read the whole page i'd find out the mark skill has its own limit of 1 BUT also counts towards curse limit so it has 2 limits LOL
I was ofcourse suspicious that this is the case, but i had no spare gloves to try
(I changed it days ago but I'm posting just now)

I wonder what to save up for now.

I have no luck 6linking and covenant is crazy expensive, so I'm looking for upgrades under 200chaos other than chest armor. My helm is nice but no one else is using it, but i do not find rare alternative that great either. Is there unique helm to go for?
I feel pretty, Oh, so pretty,
I feel pretty, and witty and gay,
And I pity Any girl who isn’t me today!
Ok, so I dropped a Covenant in a T1 map (magic) so I guess I am kinda unlucky. My question is one of a hard one, what pantheon should we use with this build?



