[3.25] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything
I just hit the frenzy generation - could this be a option. If you take the 100 % Charge duration on the Charge cluster mastery and the +1 Frenzy Charge notes, you can have 4 Frenze Charge up. |
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8000 chances later
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gz, i still postponing this torture |
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I finally got the staff with all 4 nodes. I started with 42 divines and left with 12 divines. Here are my learnings (do not make the same mistake i did ~ unless u are rich).
1: Do not use Primeval Remnant that can corrupt your weapon or add a "Change item sell value" node in your tree! Double check and tripper check it before pressing that forge button. Using them is a death sentence. I bought primeval remnant in bulk for 10c each and sell the bad ones back in the market for 9c each. 2: always go Left to right (front to back). It's cheaper that way if you follow the rules below. I know there are some youtube videos/streamers saying go back to front, that's actually more expensive. A: Always imprint if u get 2 or more successful nodes. Imprint cost 1-1.1 divines. This will save you from any mutation and starting from 0 is gonna break your heart/mind and you will quit the league. So start when you get around 10-15 raw divines. That should be enough for 4 nodes. B: Always unallocate all the skill from the weapon that will be deleted. This will make sure your existing successful nodes doesn't get fucked by the weapon that is about to be deleted. Remember if you allocate the node in the weapon to be delete, it will fight for the node in the weapon that is not to be deleted. This includes the first node (i.e. starting point of the tree!!). You can unallocate node via scouring orb. C: Do not follow this dead passive shit, it makes buying item super expensive. Just follow rule B. it gives a fair 50 - 50 chances of getting a new node and we always have imprints for fk ups. Single node can cost from 10c to 30c. 2 nodes (as mentioned in dead passive shit) can cost around 1 divine and more. that's too much money for very little gain. I got from 3 to 4 node with just 3 tries. https://i.ibb.co/c8KxQc8/Mdt-sbdvktx-BK1am-Y-Iesh-EMue-A1-OVVwo-S8-Iip-XFTw.png ![]() D: Make sure your nodes can link before buying the item. https://i.ibb.co/44SM6Jn/asdadsd.png ![]() E: Do not be confused by the fact that on POE trading website it feels like sometime tree is starting from top and sometime it is starting from middle and sometime it is starting from bottom. It's just a bad design (or illusion if intentional) https://i.ibb.co/D7ZDHpK/asdadasdasd.png ![]() TLDR: Get 10 divines -> Get vile staff -> Get 2nd item for merge with the node we want -> unallocate all nodes on the 2nd item we wanna merge -> imprint vile staff if u already have 2 or more good nodes -> open forge that doesn't have corrupt or item sell node map mod -> forge. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย gruumine#5054 เมื่อ 24 เม.ย. 2023 04:43:24
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" alright! ty very much! this one added an extra 1k energy shield and 1kish evasion over the last one so i wasn't too worried about the craft for the moment |
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My damage feels very low for the stage of the game I'm at.
Here's my PoB: https://poe.ninja/pob/ZJo Could I get some advice on how to proceed, please? |
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done some upgrading, running alot better now, switched my split personalities to the other side and removed some passives i didnt need, huge boost, thanks all
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" You don't have int on your rings, or whispers of doom |
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I spend 10 divines for 2500 tries of converting to unique. I failed. I guess its time to farm 20 divines and try this process again with 5000 tries. So lets assume you can get one in 5000 tries, that mean you need minimum 40 divines to convert both to unique. :)
on the bright side, i have the tree, 30 quality and white sockets. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย gruumine#5054 เมื่อ 24 เม.ย. 2023 15:27:21
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I'm not looking forward to the task of trying to make that staff although it looks so good to have! In the meantime I still have smaller upgrades to do...
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