Design a T-shirt Competition

deebe เขียน:

Greed, Envy, Insanity

This "Essence-Shirt" is awesome !!!
Here is my entry, simple Divine Orb idea, hope you will like it!

If the image does not work, here is url to imgur:
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย MemphisOriginal#7975 เมื่อ 19 ก.ย. 2022 16:59:52
This took me waaaay more time that what I thougt it would take, GGG really need to at least half arch mods, although some in this T-shirt are legacy (i think).

The condensed meme is HERE!!! Random Mob The Destroyer!!!

Layered version and font available, PM mm if you want them.

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย LOSTVM#0682 เมื่อ 19 ก.ย. 2022 17:15:00
I would love to submit this slogan (bit of a meme):
In the game.
In the game.
Not a big fan of the veiled chaos orb...
But literally just a shirt with the veiled text would be cool.

LOSTVM เขียน:

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย TelvanniPoE#3414 เมื่อ 19 ก.ย. 2022 21:11:50
To me PoE is all about skill trees upon trees upon trees.
A lot of the trees have their unique looks and colours that are recognizable at a distance - the hexagon shape of the Passives, the 2-point structure of Ascendancies, the Atlas Tree's light blue. The webs of the Atlas of Worlds, the world maps of Wraeclast and Oriath.
It would be cool to have a mashup of these trees spanning out from the center, with a few nodes/branches each.
Cool geometric patterns for people who don't know PoE, cool patterns for those who do and it's one of the most universally appreciated draws of the game.
Two Ideas:

1st one:

Let customer chose:
Socket Notches: Default, Small Notches, Large Pattern
Number Sockets: 1-6
Links: 0-6
Color: RGBW
Socket Slotted: Yes/No

This could be an printed on the shirt itself or socketed on a selected armor art asset.

2nd one:

Customers selected POE character modeled on a t-shirt
This character would be taken from a selected in game character with what they currently have displaying

Would allow the customer to pick items earned in the league or purchased from the store displayed on their t-shirt

Could have poses preset with options of in game assets like backgrounds/hideouts, slaying mobs / using selected skills



