[3.25] ❄️ Icicle Mines Deadeye ❄️ Cheap / League Starter / Fast Mapper / 1st Day T16

jddc78#1131 เขียน:
can u tell me if this build can run juice maps t16? (like red beast, harvest or that kind of things that have strong enemies.

It definitely can. It almost plays like a bow character once fully geared out. Not as much power as a high end bow build, but also significantly cheaper. The gear you need will be quite attainable in a 1 month event.

I will add that it doesn't just push you into end game without investment, though. IMO there are 3 stages.

1) League start - aim to get Bitterdream, Mutewind whispersteps & Heatshiver ASAP. These will carry you into red maps. You will be squishy, but that should be expected on no investment. Here's my day 2 of settlers gear. It's bad and mostly self found/made except the uniques. https://poe.ninja/builds/settlers/character/jddc78/Mined_Yo_Elders?type=exp&i=14&search=class%3DDeadeye%26skills%3DIcicle%2BMine&timemachine=day-2

Worth saying that the reason many of the people in this thread love this build is because this starter version doesn't require a 6 link or any really expensive uniques to get you to red maps like other builds.

2) Rathpith/Dissolution - This is where you will spend almost the whole league. Don't make the switch until you have ALL of the uniques. At this point you get off the Bitterdream and put Icicle Mines in your boots. Early on you will get the basic versions of these uniques. But aim to get the 2 socket Shroud and a corrupted pair of March of the Legion boots when you can. Double corrupted boots are a big upgrade and there are lots of options for the double corruption. 3 socket Shroud is expensive FYI.

For a one month league most of us will never leave this stage. It slaps at this stage and all the little additions & levels help.

Here's my day 4 gear with basic pieces: https://poe.ninja/builds/settlers/character/jddc78/Mined_Yo_Elders?type=exp&i=14&search=class%3DDeadeye%26skills%3DIcicle%2BMine&timemachine=day-4
Here's my 1 month gear: https://poe.ninja/builds/settlers/character/jddc78/Mined_Yo_Elders?type=exp&i=14&search=class%3DDeadeye%26skills%3DIcicle%2BMine&timemachine=week-4

You could upgrade those pieces much more, but I spent week 1 until week 6 farming up a mageblood to make the final transition.

3) When you are rich you go Mageblood + Nimis. This build already has a 50% Nimis due to ascendency. But a Mageblood requires dedication or luck if you are going to pull it off in a 1 month. I never had the best gear & never claim to. But the build in this version zooms & crushes content something fierce.

TY SO MUCH!! All is very helpful!! I definitely will play this build.
For any reason u don't use icicle mine of fanning?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย magick2#7865 เมื่อ 19 ก.พ. 2025 18:09:05
You can use it. I found it great for bossing early on when my build was weak in settlers.

I probably wouldn't for this event. We get a nimis-like effect through our ascendency in this event. So number of projectiles is super useful and fanning gives you less.
jddc78#1131 เขียน:
1) League start - aim to get Bitterdream, Mutewind whispersteps & Heatshiver ASAP. These will carry you into red maps. You will be squishy, but that should be expected on no investment. Here's my day 2 of settlers gear. It's bad and mostly self found/made except the uniques. https://poe.ninja/builds/settlers/character/jddc78/Mined_Yo_Elders?type=exp&i=14&search=class%3DDeadeye%26skills%3DIcicle%2BMine&timemachine=day-2

Why not Belly of the beast? Even decent rolled one is like 3c on day 1.
Go for it. It's not a must have unique, but no harm in using one.
For crafting the endgame wand: would you guys go for recombinating it?

About the event, what skill are we going use until icicle? I saw that without charged mines sucks, so stormblast until 34? or any suggestion

A friend of mine said that he will level up with venom gyre
Amannu#1860 เขียน:
About the event, what skill are we going use until icicle? I saw that without charged mines sucks, so stormblast until 34? or any suggestion

I'll use Poison Concoction just like Ranger version.
I'll use Poison Concoction just like Ranger version.

There is no flask charges nearby as ranger, my best bet is stormblast/pyro until icicle (like hexblast)
Amannu#1860 เขียน:
There is no flask charges nearby as ranger, my best bet is stormblast/pyro until icicle (like hexblast)

It's literally 13 points vs 11 of Ranger.


And you can go into entropy -> fangs of the viper right after for more chaos damage and movement speed.

Poison Conc got huge benefit: you don't need to loot wands etc. Just get a shield with ms implicit/life/res and you're good.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Hornsent#1110 เมื่อ 20 ก.พ. 2025 09:21:52
So our build still good in Legacy Event?



