[3.25] ❄️ Icicle Mines Deadeye ❄️ Cheap / League Starter / Fast Mapper / 1st Day T16

A lot of people struggling with survivability, and what others already have said:

* Sort out your resistances, cap them.

* Stay on a distance, throw mines while running (have detonate on left click) and instahit & freeze them bastards. Make sure to kite monsters that doesn't die the first second.

* Only ever use flame dash to jump ledges or to get dodge away from monsters, never for the sake of just move faster.

I also want to add the tip to add some phys reduction to your build. I survive most hits with this build that I didn't do last league. I'm more tanky this league than I was last league and I think my clear is almost the same as last league (with whisps included). Last build I used 3abyss shroud of lightless

Also, I want to add the tip of using perfect pain artist and perfect Guardian turtle, for damage and defense. Have convocation on bind somewhere and heal them up every now and then so they don't die.
Perfect Pain artist gives you zealotry, increases damage alot. Perfect Guardian Turtle gives you determination aura and additonal +5% phys dmg reduction.
I only ever get oneshot by weird anabolic kingkong whisp juiced expedition mobs. However you can "farcast" these so they don't ever get close to you.

Here's some inspiration from my PoB. Take note of my armour, which is where a lot of my survivability comes. Also take note of the implicit on my shield. My charms and some jewels could do an ugprade, but I'm happy with the build.

I guess you could go double ventors, sadima's/biscos and divination distillate if you wanna farm t7 cemetery. I haven't tried

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย ChingeR#7404 เมื่อ 30 ธ.ค. 2023 04:37:50
For defenses the build really didn't feel smooth for me until I changed my large cluster jewel. Disorienting display and flash freeze are perfect for the content I run. If you played saboteur and wasn't impressed by his tiny blind aoe, disorienting display will not disappoint. Whenever you are throwing mines you are blinding the screen basically. You can blind things on the other side of doors before you even open them. It's quite nice for build like mine with mid level evasion investments to maximize returns. After that I try to convert as much physical into a element as I can. You can get 8% physical to cold on a corruption on rathpith, use a taste of hate for 15% phys to cold and also gives you 20% less cold taken (that part can scale with flask effect into the 40%s). Just stack phys to cold and run taste of hate, maybe even purity of ice if you want. Overjuicing the league mechanic is gonna cause problems for almost anyone running t16s, so keep that in mind.
ChingeR เขียน:
A lot of people struggling with survivability, and what others already have said:

* Sort out your resistances, cap them.

* Stay on a distance, throw mines while running (have detonate on left click) and instahit & freeze them bastards. Make sure to kite monsters that doesn't die the first second.

* Only ever use flame dash to jump ledges or to get dodge away from monsters, never for the sake of just move faster.

I also want to add the tip to add some phys reduction to your build. I survive most hits with this build that I didn't do last league. I'm more tanky this league than I was last league and I think my clear is almost the same as last league (with whisps included). Last build I used 3abyss shroud of lightless

Also, I want to add the tip of using perfect pain artist and perfect Guardian turtle, for damage and defense. Have convocation on bind somewhere and heal them up every now and then so they don't die.
Perfect Pain artist gives you zealotry, increases damage alot. Perfect Guardian Turtle gives you determination aura and additonal +5% phys dmg reduction.
I only ever get oneshot by weird anabolic kingkong whisp juiced expedition mobs. However you can "farcast" these so they don't ever get close to you.

Here's some inspiration from my PoB. Take note of my armour, which is where a lot of my survivability comes. Also take note of the implicit on my shield. My charms and some jewels could do an ugprade, but I'm happy with the build.

I guess you could go double ventors, sadima's/biscos and divination distillate if you wanna farm t7 cemetery. I haven't tried

Polaric is an interesting choice to boost DPS, but how's Fanning doing for map clear without Nimis? Thought it was pretty much mandatory.
HDVision เขียน:
ChingeR เขียน:
A lot of people struggling with survivability, and what others already have said:

* Sort out your resistances, cap them.

* Stay on a distance, throw mines while running (have detonate on left click) and instahit & freeze them bastards. Make sure to kite monsters that doesn't die the first second.

* Only ever use flame dash to jump ledges or to get dodge away from monsters, never for the sake of just move faster.

I also want to add the tip to add some phys reduction to your build. I survive most hits with this build that I didn't do last league. I'm more tanky this league than I was last league and I think my clear is almost the same as last league (with whisps included). Last build I used 3abyss shroud of lightless

Also, I want to add the tip of using perfect pain artist and perfect Guardian turtle, for damage and defense. Have convocation on bind somewhere and heal them up every now and then so they don't die.
Perfect Pain artist gives you zealotry, increases damage alot. Perfect Guardian Turtle gives you determination aura and additonal +5% phys dmg reduction.
I only ever get oneshot by weird anabolic kingkong whisp juiced expedition mobs. However you can "farcast" these so they don't ever get close to you.

Here's some inspiration from my PoB. Take note of my armour, which is where a lot of my survivability comes. Also take note of the implicit on my shield. My charms and some jewels could do an ugprade, but I'm happy with the build.

I guess you could go double ventors, sadima's/biscos and divination distillate if you wanna farm t7 cemetery. I haven't tried

Polaric is an interesting choice to boost DPS, but how's Fanning doing for map clear without Nimis? Thought it was pretty much mandatory.

I have to aim another mine throw or so sometimes, but that's still more maps/hour because the mobs that do not die by the first mine will die much faster. Also less chance for them to get close to me and make any harm. Harder hits equals stronger freezes also.

Icicle mine of fanning with endless munitions(+2 proj)is more dps, both clear and bossing, than having regular icicle mines with focal point(mark boost) for the sake of faster boss killing. If you think there's an issue with Fanning clear.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย ChingeR#7404 เมื่อ 31 ธ.ค. 2023 03:42:06
99prosorc เขียน:
szybciorek1144 เขียน:
Well, so far build is fine.
Mapping deli maps with league mechanic is fine but for example killing Burial Chamber buffed boss is pain in the ass. I mean I cant one shot her and she can kill me by degens and other shits. Dps for bosses are still decent even with nimis. I know its not boss killer build but still should be strong, kinda cofused. Need to change 21/20 gem and +2 from boots. Got mixed feelings.

I mean I know we can use double curse setup but when mapping there is no time to cast brand + curse on fast moving bosses. When u cast that he can kill u :D also I lost dps bcs I maxed my spell suppres in charms, not sure about it but I hate random one shot and I think it help with it alot.

My items
Wand is decent I craft it quickly for projectile speed in nimis. Also the ring with curse is also decent. Just need it to cap ressist and try nimis.

I can farm 8 mod T16 Burial + Scarabs + Sextants + Delirium.
With 8000 league mechanic juice.
Don't stand in the AoE degen! Keep moving / dash away etc.
Boss shouldn't take much longer than 4 seconds.

got about 200div to work with, would I be able to pivot to your MF version for juicing?

edit: also, why do you not have a 4L setup in one of your armour?
Damn, did this build die D:?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Lurel#3589 เมื่อ 3 ม.ค. 2024 11:01:52
hey just to know can we do uber boss with that build? like with the mid tier build at 20m dps (with nimis)
Soooooo..how would this explody mod work with mines? Miners don't kill anything, but mines are counted as minions right? They show up at the top left where they show minions. Would this explody mod work for our build?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Corwynt#2039 เมื่อ 3 ม.ค. 2024 19:58:30
can someone explain the interaction between Rathpith and Dissolution of The Flesh + this build? I switched from Bitterdream + Sceptre to a wand with Rathpith, and it significantly boosts my DPS, though I basically find myself at 1hp the entire time I am mapping. Is this expected? Is there something I should be doing differently? Thanks for any advice, sorry if this is trivial

What should my links be with Icicle Mine of fanning? Do I change anything with ascendencies?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Hamrfall#1757 เมื่อ 4 ม.ค. 2024 15:51:12
akerpz เขียน:
can someone explain the interaction between Rathpith and Dissolution of The Flesh + this build? I switched from Bitterdream + Sceptre to a wand with Rathpith, and it significantly boosts my DPS, though I basically find myself at 1hp the entire time I am mapping. Is this expected? Is there something I should be doing differently? Thanks for any advice, sorry if this is trivial

Dissolution reserves any damage taken, Rathpith is not dmg taken, you sacrifice HP. So you benefit from Rathpith (and Pain Attunement), while negating its downsides.



