[3.22] Hexblast Miner Sabo | Dissolution + Rathpith | ALL CONTENT | LEVELLING



If you are a beginner Check Palsteron's guide on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duthvbnuNu8


Please if you find anything comment about it. we can look for a fix for that. Always appreciate improvements and feedback.

I also plan to do a higher investment version of the build. But I don't know if I will play this build that much since I am pretty much a buildhopper and cant play a build longer than a week.



Explanations are in leveling section of this guide.



With this gear I tested which is ~10-15 divine budget I was able to kill feared 50+ quant and all other invitations. This build was the first time I was able to kill Maven deathless and phase almost all bosses instantly. I also was able to kill uber shaper with 4-5 deaths(it was my first time doing uber shaper)



full showcase of the build

Pros and Cons of the build


-~10 million pinnacle dps with no investment(50+ million dps on 10 divine investment)

-Can do all map mods with no exception

-Fast clear with detonate mines bind on movement(Hexblast mines autotarget enemy location and mostly one-shots them)

-Hard to die while mapping(Freezes most enemies and bosses)

-Preloaded damage on pinnacle bosses

-Damaging ailment immune

-Damaging grounds can be a problem (chaos pools and shaper pools)
-Need adjustments to dissolution of flesh playstyle
-Mine playstyles
-Hexblast mines sometimes do not trigger if you get stunned and continue to hold on movement but can be negated by holding again(we bind detonate mines to movement)

Leveling, pantheons, bandits, ascendancy order:


To play Hexblast you need to curse enemies. We start cursing enemies with blasphemy(use frostbite for freezes)

at level 31 get blasphemy from the library quest and you can start using hexblast at that moment.

after that try to get a curse on hit glove with any curse on hit(preferably elemental weakness). type of glove doesn't matter
If you can get a Doedre's tenure with elemental weakness on hit it can go well even in end game.

Other gear pieces are resist and life.

Also, try to get Kaom's while finishing the campaign if you can't just get a high life 5link chest

Gem setup for levelling:
Hexblast - High impact mines - Swift assembly - Crit chance

Do not use minefield until you get some mine throwing speed it will feel awful.

Ascendancy Order:

First two(based on preference order doesn't matter):
-Explosive expert
-Demolitions Specialist
-Born in the shadows


Major Pantheon:
Brine King - Take freeze immunity ASAP
Then chill effect reduction
Minor Pantheon:
Abberath - Take burning ground immunity before you go dissolution


There is an order while gearing for these items. When you first reach maps try to get Profane Proxy ring and replace blasphemy with Summon skitter bots. Also get kaom's heart when you have enough strength to equip it. After that you can get Militant faith jewel with Dominus to get inner conviction on tree.

Important lowlife transition:
Get Rathpith Globe and Dissolution of Flesh at the same time. Rathpith gives ~250% spell damage and spell crit chance also keeps you on low life. Dissolution of Flesh has a unique interaction with the game you can watch this video about it to understand further.https://youtu.be/3Nvc43buj-8


This piece is very important. In the early game try to get a shaper helmet with hypothermia + spell crit chance by rolling it with harvest and if you can craft +1 aoe gems it would be great as well.

For later stages of the game check this thread on how to craft high stat helmet (Very Expensive)https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/zwj0v8/craft_hexblast_question_how_do_i_craft_this_helmet/

Cluster jewels:
For large Cluster jewel(chaos one) for budget purposes you can get 2 passive skill version
Wicked pall - unwaveringly evil - unholy grace

for medium cluster jewels get mine version
Surprise Sabotage - Guerilla Tactics

abyss jewel:
this is important. We need full damaging ailment immunity to play with dissolution of flesh
check the jewel inside the belt

-avoid poison
-avoid bleed

avoid bleed implicit with move speed, resist, life
also crit enchant for free 120% crit

Doedre's tenure with elemental weakness on hit.

-Crit multi
-spell damage
-+1 chaos spells and +1 all spells
-mine throwing speed craft

Try to get +1 chaos skill gems with resist if possible with strength.
for anoint you can either go for life anoint or Corruption

The rest of the gear is life resistance and attributes.

Extras and faq:


Zevilos เขียน:
Thank you for the time you put together to make this. I will spec into something very similar into the endgame if sandstorm visage becomes too expensive to buy.
Does the ele pen from 'surprise sabotage' help at all? Could there be a better passive to get instead?
Thanks again.



For this I specifically checked how it works in both POB or reddit(https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/iu8ekg/comment/g5jjkao/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)

It works.

BlastyFoil เขียน:
Hey mate, thanks for the guide ! really looking forward to try, what do you think about sandstorm compare to a crafted helmet tho ?

I really doubt sandstorm will be easy to achieve. If it is as common as when we were in sanctum. it will be cheap and it's a very good solution for us to fix crit. In that case we can forgo rathpith and get a good wand instead of it. and go 6 link etc. since we won't need that much life for rathpith scaling anymore.



How You doing?
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย quantondev#0472 เมื่อ 18 ส.ค. 2023 10:42:46
ขุดครั้งสุดท้าย เมื่อ 20 ธ.ค. 2023 18:14:50
thank you for the guide.
Thank you for the time you put together to make this. I will spec into something very similar into the endgame if sandstorm visage becomes too expensive to buy.
Does the ele pen from 'surprise sabotage' help at all? Could there be a better passive to get instead?
Thanks again.
Hey mate, thanks for the guide ! really looking forward to try, what do you think about sandstorm compare to a crafted helmet tho ?
Zevilos เขียน:
Thank you for the time you put together to make this. I will spec into something very similar into the endgame if sandstorm visage becomes too expensive to buy.
Does the ele pen from 'surprise sabotage' help at all? Could there be a better passive to get instead?
Thanks again.

For this I specifically checked how it works in both POB or reddit(https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/iu8ekg/comment/g5jjkao/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)

It works.
How You doing?
BlastyFoil เขียน:
Hey mate, thanks for the guide ! really looking forward to try, what do you think about sandstorm compare to a crafted helmet tho ?

I really doubt sandstorm will be easy to achieve. If it is as common as when we were in sanctum. it will be cheap and it's a very good solution for us to fix crit. In that case we can forgo rathpith and get a good wand instead of it. and go 6 link etc. since we won't need that much life for rathpith scaling anymore.
How You doing?
Hi i'm planning to start as Palsteron's version.

How many divines would you suggest to save before switching to this one?

For e.g would getting rathpiths and the jewel on their own, and then respeccing to your tree brick the build without the helmet for e.g?

or are is the rathpith and jewel only needed items?
Nevzat เขียน:
Hi i'm planning to start as Palsteron's version.

How many divines would you suggest to save before switching to this one?

For e.g would getting rathpiths and the jewel on their own, and then respeccing to your tree brick the build without the helmet for e.g?

or are is the rathpith and jewel only needed items?

for this build the feel good. you will need at least 5k life for rathpith scaling and also dissolution of flesh to feel good. the easiest way to get life is using kaom's heart. If you are poor you can just go 5Link helmet no problem.
Then get the timeless jewel. after that clusters and rare items. Don't forget profane proxy that's very best item for this build.
How You doing?

sorry if u got this asked already :P
I started with palsterons guide (probably like most). Saved up some divines, so i could switch either to sandstorm now or rathpith.

Which version is stronger ? For the cost of one sandstorm i could get whole setup for rathpith going.
Just switched from the midgame hexblast build. I got the dissolution, rathpith and the timeless jewel. The thing is, im really struggling with mana. I cant sustain throwing mines. Any help with that?



