[3.22] Hexblast Miner Sabo | Dissolution + Rathpith | ALL CONTENT | LEVELLING

I'm using Vitality for life regen
Hello exiles.

I dont understand the interraction between rathpith and dissolution. When u cast mine and detonate your life is reserve until 1 hp. So you are always at 1hp. How can you sustain/don t die on this situation ?

Are you just blasting map and never getting hit or did i miss something?

Thanks for your help!
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Pokoboumbo#2146 เมื่อ 13 ก.ย. 2023 03:20:14
quantondev เขียน:
BlastyFoil เขียน:
Hey mate, thanks for the guide ! really looking forward to try, what do you think about sandstorm compare to a crafted helmet tho ?

I really doubt sandstorm will be easy to achieve. If it is as common as when we were in sanctum. it will be cheap and it's a very good solution for us to fix crit. In that case we can forgo rathpith and get a good wand instead of it. and go 6 link etc. since we won't need that much life for rathpith scaling anymore.

how would your tree look without rathpith?
Pokoboumbo เขียน:
Hello exiles.

I dont understand the interraction between rathpith and dissolution. When u cast mine and detonate your life is reserve until 1 hp. So you are always at 1hp. How can you sustain/don t die on this situation ?

Are you just blasting map and never getting hit or did i miss something?

Thanks for your help!

Dissolution reserves max life, not current HP. You gain an entire HP bar of reserved life before death, so total HP -1HP = Dissolutions limit.

you have some tips about tatoo ?

Can anyone help me with the basic Hexblast Miner build? I'm at around 320k dps on POB but can't figure out why there's such a difference between this and Palsteron's build.


Thanks for anyone's input, just returning to the game. :)
Why do we use Frostbite over Despair? Seems like chaos damage would be the thing to optimize being its the primary focus of our damage.
icornish89 เขียน:
Why do we use Frostbite over Despair? Seems like chaos damage would be the thing to optimize being its the primary focus of our damage.

There's a line in hexblast's tooltip/description that you overlooked: Chaos Damage with Hits is Resisted by lowest Resistance instead
wildturkeybruh เขียน:
Can anyone help me with the basic Hexblast Miner build? I'm at around 320k dps on POB but can't figure out why there's such a difference between this and Palsteron's build.


Thanks for anyone's input, just returning to the game. :)

Start stacking crit multi and + skills asap, also sandstorm will boost ur dps greatly.
After u'll get some currency I strongly advice to switch to low life version, I'm currently sitting with 320 million DPS and around 20 div investment overall (all was grinded from scratch using Palsteron's build).
As soon as ull get sandstorm and can afford 6l belly of the beast, rashpit and dissolution - switch to low life, it'll boost u astronomically.

Link to my build: https://pobb.in/YkSd9VcIG1j0

Also take a look at balance of terror - u can skip wither & totems and just use Despair to apply Withered effect. This is huge QOL improvement (cast it anywhere and wither is applied for the next 10 seconds automatically).

Advices on how to improve my setup are appreciated :) Thinking about jewels, and +1 chaos +1 all spell amulet.

I've recently transitioned from Palsteron's to a variant of this. I've gotta say that this does exactly what I wanted it to do, blows up bosses. I am having a couple of issues though:

1. Mana - I am running out of mana FAST!

2. I've spent a lot of time and div fleshing out my defenses and I still pop when I get touched for more than 2 seconds consecutively. Bosses also kill me with a whisper.

If anyone has advice I'd love for you to send me a PM so we can get into the details.



