Trial of the Ancestors Content Update - New Tattoos

The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men.
This Mid League Micro update with crazy power kinda dope thanks for being gold standard ggg (and those 5-10 poor bastards in charge of this league :P )
Really cool tattoos, love the mechanic of them, also like the trial. Exp is a bit to low, some really overtuned and stupid bugs.

overtuned enemy side:
Rightousfire this does way to much damage. almost not able to react to it if the monster spawn in your face. Not even righteous fire builds can take that heat.

speardancer, insane speed with a oneshot from a screen away.

Kahuturoa, I dont even see the skill he uses that oneshots me, he isnt even on the screen.

Goliath of the night, their armour overpower just destroys the attackers.

Stuff that disabbles player to revive should probly be more limited, not very fair when you cant revive for 40 seconds cos they spam some purple circle.

Titanic Turtle makes all totems even its own invulnerable. consider it can take more punishment than a pinnacle boss.
Cursed totem stuns the channeler.
I like it.
random keystone pog, poe in nutshell
Linus1985 เขียน:
Really cool tattoos, love the mechanic of them, also like the trial. Exp is a bit to low, some really overtuned and stupid bugs.

overtuned enemy side:
Rightousfire this does way to much damage. almost not able to react to it if the monster spawn in your face. Not even righteous fire builds can take that heat.

speardancer, insane speed with a oneshot from a screen away.

Kahuturoa, I dont even see the skill he uses that oneshots me, he isnt even on the screen.

Goliath of the night, their armour overpower just destroys the attackers.

Stuff that disabbles player to revive should probly be more limited, not very fair when you cant revive for 40 seconds cos they spam some purple circle.

Titanic Turtle makes all totems even its own invulnerable. consider it can take more punishment than a pinnacle boss.
Cursed totem stuns the channeler.

well looks like league mechanics are more rewarding now. Login
still no turtle fix...
GGG, please consider adding a tattoo with "+1 extra targets with strike skills" for 7 adjacent passive nodes similar to the "+1 extra projectiles" tattoo.
This would help melee strike skills significantly.
Unarmed for life! (although I do like maces too recently)
Super disappointing that the turtle bug was not fixed yet.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย rathaya#7013 เมื่อ 1 ก.ย. 2023 14:05:49



