The Trial of the Ancestors Hideout Competition

Name: Primeval Gardens (Timekeeper's Hideout)
God: Tawhoa, Father of the Forest (Rongokurai, Father of Night, Omnipresent at Night)


The main part of this hideout is a primeval-themed cave with a tropical water area in a ghostly style. A warp-rune provides access to a small transition area that leads further to a mystical garden.


According to legend, a well-known pirate was once stranded on the coast of this empty island after a strong storm. Apart from him there is only one chest with selected manuscripts from his last raid that did not sink into the sea. Over many years he built a primeval shelter. There is even said to have been a device for traveling through the stars.
The wisdom he acquired allowed him to open portals to any location in the world. The shelter soon offered no room for any more wealth and his library was second to none. But for what he considered to be his greatest treasure he built a fabulous garden. It is said of his last expedition that he discovered a place where he was faced with a decision. One of the most persistent theories about him is that his last expedition resulted in him leaving the physical world as we know it.
Since then, people have repeatedly claimed to have seen him, but it was always either foggy, dim, or they were overtired or even asleep. However, all cultures and eras agree on the name of this fable: "The Timeless Keeper"

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แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Vigurian#0362 เมื่อ 28 ก.ย. 2023 23:13:00
Hideout Base: UNDERCITY
Category: NATURAL

DESCRIPTION: The powers of 2 Karui God's merged into this Undercity hideout and it became a powerful synergy between Life and Death. The hideout is based around the Karui God's with the skulls, death, nature and life. My hideout designs are always functional, as this is where your exile spends a lot of his/her time. The waterfall sounds of the undercity, fits in perfectly with the theme.
Enjoy as this is my first ever upload to the public.

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย h3idiXtreme#3674 เมื่อ 29 ก.ย. 2023 05:28:48
Morinmeth เขียน:

Rite of Spring - Submission for the Premium Category, Cartographer's base.

This is a tribute to Tawhoa, God of the Forest. Reading through Maata's dialogue, I couldn't help but notice that the essence of the forest is not just nature, birds and leaves; it's the cycle of life. Birth, Death and rebirth. One of Kitava's blasphemys was actually eating the birds Tawhoa sacrificed in celebration.

So what better way to portray Tawhoa than a forest temple with a sacrificial altar? I chose to be inspired by various ideas, but what made this hideout eventually was Stravinsky's Rite of Spring. A play about young girls choosing to dance and be sacrificed in the heat of spring, as a symbol of acceptance towards the cycle of life and its inevitability.

The map device room is intentionally shaped like a Maori tiki I have tattooed on my arm sleeve.

Download link is here.

Video Showcase!

Thank you for looking!

Is the hideout name a nod to the band, or just a coincidence?
Hideout Name: Moonlight Karui
Hideout Base: STATELY
Karui Gods: Tkiaho Arohongui (Daughter of the Moon)

The moon goddess must be cleansed under the open sky in her silver glow.



Hideout Link:
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย blackhartpl#0524 เมื่อ 30 ก.ย. 2023 12:31:19
Hideout name: Ngamahu's heated home

God: Ngamahu, Mother of Fire

Category: Natural

Hideout Base: Immaculate Hideout

Hideout Link:'s%20Heated%20Home.


แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย fordyslawz#3488 เมื่อ 30 ก.ย. 2023 12:44:30
Hideout Name: Moon Grotto
Category: Natural (Primeval Base)
Karui God: Arohongui, Daughter of the Moon


"Alone among the gods, she has no agenda of her own."

Hideout name: Coastal tribe of Tasalio
Category: Natural
Karui God: Tasalio, Father of Water
Hideout base: Coastal Hideout

Hideout Showcase link:


Celestial Dream

Chosen Gods: Ramako, Father of Light and Tawhoa, Father of the Forest

"Tawhoa is the Son of the Forest, and its Father. His alone is the perspective of the ages, of centuries of life, growth, and decay. We exist withing a grand cycle... . Inner peace can only be attained by accepting that life and death are inevitable."

"Stand still for a moment. You're always running all over the place! Ask yourself: how are you feeling? Are you alright? What is that you truly need? Why aren't you pursuing it? The answers will not bring you peace, but it's a good first step"

"Ramako is both the Father of Light, and Father of the Sun. These are not the same duty. In the early days, he was just the Father of Light, and he brought beauty and warmth everywhere he went... "

Celestial Nebula Hideout




2. Usable Map Device Place
Without NPCs

With NPCs

3. Ramako's altar/side

4. Tawhoa's atlar/side

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Meowlock#6024 เมื่อ 1 ต.ค. 2023 00:20:11
Sacred Shrine of the Karui

BASE: Divided Hideout

At the heart of this Hideout, the ancient traditions of the Karui find life in a symphony of culture, warfare and spirituality. The Sacred Shrine of the Karui pays homage to the legendary gods and their respective Chieftains:
Tukohama, Father of War and Akoya
Ngamahu, Mother of Fire and Kaom
Tasalio, Father of Water and Rakiata
Ramako, Father of Light and Ahuana
Arohongui, Daughter of the Moon and Ikiaho

I tried to create a part dedicated to each of these, representing their essence or some part of their history.



Now without further ado the hideout:

Top Left - Ngamahu:
Ngamahu is Mother of Fire so I thought, what could be better to remember fire and its heat than a volcano? I created representations of lava and fire everywhere with lots of karui decorations and shades of red.


Bottom Left - Tukohama:
For the Tukohama part I thought about what the war leaves behind, for many I asked the answer was destruction, so I built the beginning with flags and well-dressed people (the people from Expedição and Alva) and I built a deterioration of the environment until there were dead people left, blood and destroyed things.
Although Akoya's colors are green, I didn't find it very combinative with the environment to insert them.


Bottom Right - Ramako:
“Like Ramako in stories, Ahuana is a ray of light in this dark place.”- Akoya.
I tried to create a bright environment, with lights from all points, I used a lot of blue as it is a very present color in Ahuana.
As Ikiaho says: "The Ramako Tribe, like us, often uses ice and cold in their warmaking. That is because Ramako has long loved Lani Hua, Arohongui's mother, in secret. He fights not for himself, but for her. His people do the same. I don't understand it at all, but it is what it is." I thought about creating a space for meeting and reflection for Ramako.
Due to the use of the bow by this tribe being a tradition, introduced by Hyrri and practiced by Ahuana, I introduced statues with bows.


Top Right - Tasalio:
I tried to create something that was very reminiscent of water, but I wasn't having much success in creating a cool environment, until I had the idea of doing the bottom of the sea, I introduced beams of light as if some pieces of shipwrecks and some other things were coming from the surface. related to water, fishing and boats.


Front/center - Arohongui:
It was the hardest part for me to do, I worked a lot on the blue, gray and white, and I made the entrance to this part, I made the Primeval Floor Light that can be activated in Ramko's part from various places like half of the moon, and covering the Waypoint as well, indicating a certain connection that the texts in the game tell.
Due to Ikiaho saying that "I have always been fascinated by the pursuit of knowledge. There is a pattern underneath everything we see. This pattern preceded even the gods. " I built some bookshelves and placed a Pulpit where Niko and Tane appear as if they were studying something.
I made the moon in the center with its light and dark side.
I also placed portals because just as we entered through this part, the gods entering the Sacred Shrine of the Karui would also be entering this part.


It was a lot of fun to do this, this is my first hideout, it was a lot of work, but I hope you like it!
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Ricopirata1#7013 เมื่อ 1 ต.ค. 2023 20:44:50
Hideout Name: Overgrown Pyramid
Category: Natural
Karui God: Tawhoa, Father of the Forest
Hideout Base: Celestial Hideout

A meandering, overgrown trail winds through a lush, dense jungle, revealing moss-covered stones and ancient relics along the way. As you follow its serpentine course, the path gradually ascends, guiding you toward the mystical aura of an ancient temple, hidden deep within the verdant wilderness.

At the end of this clandestine route, you approach an overgrown statue, which serves as the elusive gateway to the long-forgotten temple.


Hideout Showcase Link:

Video Link:
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย wolf61206#2353 เมื่อ 1 ต.ค. 2023 23:58:32



