[3.25] Ivory Tower attribute stacking LL Ice Spear CoC Inquisitor

Thanks for the wonderful build. This will stay the pinnacle of my PoE career for a good while.

Approximately 1 mirror invested. Big number thirst quenched. Can't tank slams but otherwise fine in all content (Purity of Elements is needed for Simulacrum).

Fun so far I think I just hit the attack speed CD recovery threshold. Looking for some easy upgrades any ideas?
Deklnu เขียน:
Fun so far I think I just hit the attack speed CD recovery threshold. Looking for some easy upgrades any ideas?

Your skill tree looks like it could use some tweaking. Check the big post from Page 7.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย TomcatsRevenge#4049 เมื่อ 18 ก.พ. 2024 12:40:10
Hey, Thank you for a very detailed build.

I have so far followed the build and observed some other players.


here's what I got so far. Currently, thinking of upgrading the build a little bit more.

Could you advise me what I should get next? I have a few hundreds divine stored up.
Upgrade your belt to a hunter or hunter/crusader stygian, it depends on whats on the market and what it'll cost, Ideally you want life/%life/%es/str/int/%attri but if a hunter/crusader is too expensive or just not available you can go for life/%life/str/int/%attri and the last prefix can be basically anything. Additionally you are missing an enormous damage multiplier in a +1 projectile glimpse of chaos. Nimis and ice spear of splitting do not work very well together as the splitting functionality conflicts with nimis return in that the projectiles must still exist to return, once you have nimis you are better off running a pierce somewhere on your gear (either hunter/shaper|crusader boots to upgrade from stampede -> this hurts your movement speed a lot but is a ridiculous dps increase under the right circumstances or from anointing piercing shots or getting pierces on your greatwolf) and running normal ice spear, this causes your initial projectile to double dip on damage and the four splits from snipers mark to return to hit the initial target. Furthermore divine shield and your es mastery are basically worthless in terms of investment, use those to grab the barbarism wheel. Depending on what content you aim to do you may also benefit from swapping your armor and reservation related nodes to life and crit wheels and getting a lot of phys taken as elemental, as armor is really inefficient vs large hits and much of the content this build excels at (juiced delirium and uber bosses) tend to throw around massive physical hits. If you've got a few hundred divines saved up one expensive and moderate improvement is getting an emperors mastery, however I would recommend getting most other upgrades first, its not as large a damage jump as most others and is very costly.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย CarbotZergling123#2587 เมื่อ 2 มี.ค. 2024 14:41:27
Thanks for a very detailed reply my good sir. Divine shield and ES Mastery are really worthless thank you for pointing them out for me.

I'll start looking for a Stygian Vise or Boots.

However, trying to squeeze in Ice Spear with Pierce Support greatly affects my mana sustenance. I am still confused as it shows 25.6m DPS in PoB for Ice Spear of Splitting+Inspiration and only 20m DPS for Ice Spear+Peirce. Is it me doing something wrong or is it the way it was shown?
you should never run pierce support for ice spear, get your pierces from either an anoint or your gear, pierce support is a huge damage loss, the stats on your stygian should be enough to let you drop utmost intellect for piercing shots and remain crit capped, for mana management there are two things you can do, lvl 1 ice spear, as all that increases with level is the flat damage and most of that comes from eb + spellblade, and if that is still insufficient run either inspiration support or sanctuary of thought fff, sanctuary of thought is super expensive but is functionally the MB for this build in that it provides a huge pile of massive all around boni, including 50% less mana costs and a bunch of extra reservation efficiency and mana to es, you don't need both and inspiration is almost always less damage then increased crit damage.

Edit: pob does not calculate nimis returns at all as the calculation is unreliable and nightmarishly complex(returning and outgoing projectiles overriding each others shocks, exact hit rate dependent on positioning and enemy hitbox, etc.), however since you were already running nimis the damage loss is likely the result of swapping inspiration support for pierce, which has a significantly smaller multiplier.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย CarbotZergling123#2587 เมื่อ 3 มี.ค. 2024 15:09:48
CarbotZergling123 เขียน:
you should never run pierce support for ice spear, get your pierces from either an anoint or your gear, pierce support is a huge damage loss, the stats on your stygian should be enough to let you drop utmost intellect for piercing shots and remain crit capped, for mana management there are two things you can do, lvl 1 ice spear, as all that increases with level is the flat damage and most of that comes from eb + spellblade, and if that is still insufficient run either inspiration support or sanctuary of thought fff, sanctuary of thought is super expensive but is functionally the MB for this build in that it provides a huge pile of massive all around boni, including 50% less mana costs and a bunch of extra reservation efficiency and mana to es, you don't need both and inspiration is almost always less damage then increased crit damage.

Edit: pob does not calculate nimis returns at all as the calculation is unreliable and nightmarishly complex(returning and outgoing projectiles overriding each others shocks, exact hit rate dependent on positioning and enemy hitbox, etc.), however since you were already running nimis the damage loss is likely the result of swapping inspiration support for pierce, which has a significantly smaller multiplier.

I followed your guidance, and now I'm melting uber bosses like cheese. Thanks man.

The Sanctuary of Thoughts Jewels is really good. It allows me to tweak the other aspects more freely.
CarbotZergling123 เขียน:
Additionally this is not a build that stacks a meaningful amount of armor, iron reflexes is not worth it really, with the advent of guardian's blessing it is possible to run an additional aura but the build is not well positioned to run an additional offensive or defensive aura, as there is just not enough armor available in the build for it to be meaningful at the content that this build excels at (sim, super juiced deli and ubers) instead I would recommend looking for phys taken as ele corrupts on rathpith and a phys taken as ele watchers to massively boost survivability.

Very late reply, but I very disagree:

- Iron Reflexes is worth it. I reach ~50k Armour without too much investment (just Grace + Determination + IR) and this makes the build very tanky for majority of physical damage.
- Guardian's Blessing is clunky (in whatever way you set it up) + it requires at least 2 additional sockets on already a socket-starved build.
- Phys taken as ele is practically unreachable on this build. Too many uniques and too high pressure for other mods. Watcher's Eye is most likely the only sensible option (which I do recommend if you can't afford anything better).
IGN: Free_hugging
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Are we gonna able sustain mana with flask affix being removed?



