Elemental Buzzsaw & Static Strike - Solo the entire game, quickly and cheaply 1.1.0 update

Sources เขียน:
Hi all, I'm a 84 Scion on Ambush. I have collected some pretty decent overall gear, however my stats are kind of weak:

3.7k Life
~120% stacked res in merci w/purity (currently lacking fire since gear swap)
4.8k DPS, 4.2k No Haste
34% Dodge
34% Evasion

Same node path as OP. I just found my first exalted and a few other goodies, want to make an upgrade. What should I replace first, second, third, etc.

I haven't attempted any higher maps, I usually just speed clear 70-74 maps, not including rares.


Depends on what you want to bump first. If you're aiming for higher dps replace FA with WED since WED > FA when it comes to numbers. Also, rechroming Alpha's and putting there Wrath will considerably improve your damage output. If you want more survability there's not much to do but replace jewellery with WED + life since your life pool is pretty low.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย borek664#0255 เมื่อ 9 เม.ย. 2014 19:06:14
Ok so there's over 200 pages in this post and I know I should read it all before asking this, but that is awful lot of reading. So if you don't mind answering (again):

1. Why use sword and board? Other than defensive and extra gem linking business, it seems your dmg would be lower with a 1-hand vs. 2-hand.

2. On the topic of "resolute technique", why? Is hit hard to come by later on?
Was just wondering if there are any decent Vaal gem options for this build to spice it up? I see OP has Vaal Detonate Dead, but are there other options? Would Vaal Cyclone or something else work?

Just looking for options to make things more intresting.

Also for those who cant afford Alpha's Howl, Geofri's Crest also gives +1 gems effect. Using it as my poor man's howl before i can afford one. Tempted to vaal corrupt it in hopes of +1 gem or something nice on it as extra. :)
Would Vaal Cyclone or something else work?

I've been using vaal cyclone. Linking it to lifeleech is mandatory unless you want to die a lot. I use WED + bm + cyclone + lifeleech(not sure if conc reduces sucking in radius so using WED for now).

I've used it up to high maps but it's highly recommended you don't use it solo in double damage maps and up. It can be highly dangerous depending on what exactly you're sucking in.

The safer vaal skill is vaal skellies. They all benefit from your auras and are great against many bosses(like precint boss). Link with skellies + bm + multistrike + Faster attacks.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย kasub#2910 เมื่อ 10 เม.ย. 2014 19:21:22
drunkenspider เขียน:
Ok so there's over 200 pages in this post and I know I should read it all before asking this, but that is awful lot of reading. So if you don't mind answering (again):

1. Why use sword and board? Other than defensive and extra gem linking business, it seems your dmg would be lower with a 1-hand vs. 2-hand.

2. On the topic of "resolute technique", why? Is hit hard to come by later on?

not sure what you mean by board but 1 hander will add much more dps over a 2 hander just from the attack speed of 2.00 + and the power of your auras
drunkenspider เขียน:
Ok so there's over 200 pages in this post and I know I should read it all before asking this, but that is awful lot of reading. So if you don't mind answering (again):

1. Why use sword and board? Other than defensive and extra gem linking business, it seems your dmg would be lower with a 1-hand vs. 2-hand.

2. On the topic of "resolute technique", why? Is hit hard to come by later on?

Actually Mathil answered #1 under his FAQ section; here it is again

Mathil เขียน:

Mathil! I found this .00002 attack speed 2h maul with MEGA elemental damage on it. Time to equip it and pwn face right?

Wrong my friend. This spec relies so heavily on damage from Anger/Wrath and attack speed that what you want is a weapon as fast as possible, in most cases forgoing high amounts of elemental damage even. You want to aim for a foil (1 handed sword) with over 2.0 attacks per second, ideally 2.1+. The ideal weapon has this type of speed as well as elemental damage on it but that may be hard to come by for a lot of people as it is rare and expensive.

I decided to conduct a small demonstration; alas I didn't have a GG 2-hander to go up against my foil, so I chose some low level weapons I had in my stash.


I removed my sword and shield for all tests, kept all other gear equipped. Level 84 Shadow with 2 passives and mercy oak taken instead of skillpoint, as my difference from Mathil's build. Auras used for this demo; Anger, Wrath and Haste in my Alpha's Howl.


Elegant Foil
APS: 1.7
Calculated DPS: 102.85
Tooltip No Auras DPS: 446.8
Tooltip w/ Auras DPS: 5705.3

Ungil's Gauche
APS: 1.54
Calculated DPS: 77.77
Tooltip No Auras DPS: 279.3
Tooltip w/ Auras DPS: 5011.2

APS: 1.35
Calculated DPS: 133.65
Tooltip No Auras DPS: 488
Tooltip w/ Auras DPS: 4689

Geofri's Baptism
APS: 1.10
Calculated DPS: 191.95
Tooltip No Auras DPS: 426.1
Tooltip w/ Auras DPS: 3851

Foe Roar Colossus Mallet
APS: 1.20
Calculated DPS: 229.2
Tooltip No Auras DPS: 443.1
Tooltip w/ Auras DPS: 4351

As can be seen, there is a direct correlation between attack speed and the "w/ Auras" DPS.

As for Question #2; IMO it is important to have RT, not only for 100% chance to hit (vs a possible ~80% chance), but for the 100% chance to Leech! No matter whether you use LL or LGoH.
17/04/2021 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3082616/page/1
"We tell people that Path of Exile league starts are a fair playing field for everyone, and we need to actually make sure that is the reality."

Perhaps GGG should consider a leadership change.
borek664 เขียน:
Sources เขียน:
Hi all, I'm a 84 Scion on Ambush. I have collected some pretty decent overall gear, however my stats are kind of weak:

3.7k Life
~120% stacked res in merci w/purity (currently lacking fire since gear swap)
4.8k DPS, 4.2k No Haste
34% Dodge
34% Evasion

Same node path as OP. I just found my first exalted and a few other goodies, want to make an upgrade. What should I replace first, second, third, etc.

I haven't attempted any higher maps, I usually just speed clear 70-74 maps, not including rares.


Depends on what you want to bump first. If you're aiming for higher dps replace FA with WED since WED > FA when it comes to numbers. Also, rechroming Alpha's and putting there Wrath will considerably improve your damage output. If you want more survability there's not much to do but replace jewellery with WED + life since your life pool is pretty low.

Hey, wow. Took about 60 chromes but I got RRGB and +2 to wrath gave +1k dps. Thanks.

lvl 18 weapon ele > lvl 18 faster attack? hmm I thought ias was king here, or maybe I'm thinking of base APS.
yeah about my post elemental buzzsaw vs spectral throw + hatred physical i was just asking about differences what they can

i know hatred is for physical i am not that stupid ;P
ruzga เขียน:
yeah about my post elemental buzzsaw vs spectral throw + hatred physical i was just asking about differences what they can

i know hatred is for physical i am not that stupid ;P

If you're thinking about a hybrid buzzsaw that also uses phys as well as Wrath and Anger, it wouldn't work - we don't have the points on the tree to extend to physical damage and adding some phys on your foil will be negligible.

Differences with a Hatred Spectral Thrower is that they use different weapons, build differently and play differently, the two specs are not very similar.
IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014
8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015
question - is inner force passive worth it? What does "buff" mean - The Sovereign wheel gives 8% boost to Auras node - does "3% buff" mean 3% boost to auras?



