[3.10] Sovyn's Lazy Pally - Tanky Templar with Max Block

Hi everyone, in looking at using this build but i have a few questions first. Firstly I've never played hardcore before so i need one that's really really easy to gear, easy to solo farm with and be just as good solo as in a group. Also what's leveling with this like ? I plan on using heavy strike and reave. I will be doing a 24 hour stream tomorrow for charity and plan on playing this the whole time (if i can survive)
Saviourself เขียน:
Sovyn เขียน:
Stefacle เขียน:
Ok, been having a slow start in the Ambush league, mostly due to lack of play time.

Also, my plan for leveling mainly with Heavy Strike got ruined when a Facebreaker dropped for me quite early on. I tried to ruin it with a Vaal Orb, but that only made it better so now I guess I'm stuck with Infernal blow and Dominating blow.

Don't forget about Cyclone, which is best if you can handle its several issues. Frenzy is an option as well, but I'm not big on it, possibly because I have never leveled it up high or gotten to 7 charges (have to build for that).

Cyclone is an excellent attack for using "curse on hit" with and blind.

eg. 4 link cyclone, curse on hit, warlords mark (or enfeeble or w/e), blind.

Suddenly, you have blinded mobs that give you both health and mana back (no need for mana leech, the warlords feedback will keep you going as long as there is something to hit). Dmg isn't spectacular in late game, but that's for your main attack (infernal + multistrike + speed + mana leech is a solid start).

Thanks for the tips.

I never used cyclone actually, mostly out of fear for desync, lol. However, I might give it a try now and see how it goes.

The 4 link suggestion with cyclone, curse on hit, warlords mark and blind sounds like a great idea, I'll definitely try to get the gems to try that out :)
What do you think of this build (note: i don't play hc)?


+292 to Strength
+224 to Dexterity
+54 to Intelligence
+67 to maximum Mana
+244 to maximum Life
Evasion Rating: 53
+4 Maximum Endurance Charge
+3 Maximum Frenzy Charge
+3 Maximum Power Charge
4% Additional Elemental Resistance per Endurance Charge
4% Physical Damage Reduction per Endurance Charge
5% Attack Speed Increase per Frenzy Charge
5% Cast Speed Increase per Frenzy Charge
50% Critical Strike Chance Increase per Power Charge
63% increased Melee Physical Damage
202% increased Armour
226% increased maximum Life
3.5% of Life Regenerated per Second
31% additional Chance to Block with Shields
40% increased Block Recovery
155% increased Defences from equipped Shield
4% increased Attack Speed with Axes
24% increased Attack Speed with Swords
2% increased Movement Speed
40% increased Physical Damage with Axes
124% increased Physical Damage with Swords
You take 20% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Strikes
130% increased Physical Damage with One Handed Melee Weapons
+18% to all Elemental Resistances
+1% to maximum Fire Resistance
+1% to maximum Cold Resistance
+1% to maximum Lightning Resistance
+2 to Melee Weapon and Unarmed range
0.2% of maximum Life Regenerated per second per Endurance Charge
8% increased maximum Mana
12% increased Attack Speed
6% increased Attack Speed with One Handed Melee Weapons
32% increased Evasion Rating and Armour
Your hits can't be Evaded
Never deal Critical Strikes
Ignore all Movement Penalties from Armour
12% of Block Chance applied to Spells
34% increased maximum Energy Shield
8% increased Accuracy Rating with Swords
12% increased Radius of Area Skills
8% increased Area Damage
Doubles chance to Evade Projectile Attacks
4% additional Chance to Block while Dual Wielding or holding a Shield
+10.8% Energy Shield
+58.4% increased Melee Physical Damage
+448 Accuracy Rating
44.8% increased Evasion Rating
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย foojin#2576 เมื่อ 12 มี.ค. 2014 13:32:20
daish0 เขียน:
I think key here is the shield, we get a lot of defenses from the equipped shield and a lot of base defenses percent.
So for having decent chance to evade the shield should have good evasion rating (aside high block chance).

It is possible to achieve decent evasion (40%-ish) without a high evasion shield. See my current gear. I do run Grace. I also have decent mitigation (thanks to the boots, belt, and determination, and to a lesser extent, the helmet and gloves).
sizekingddd เขียน:
So I beat merciless Dominus the other day and it got me wondering about the survivability of this build. One one hand, you are practically immune to physical hits. Enemies like the titty bitches in act 3 even heal you since you dodge and block all the hits. But chaos damage and spells can sometimes wreck me because I had 2.9k life (also have -32% chaos resist).

Is it just me or is life hard to come by with this build? Say I'm going Lightning coil + Abyssus + anvil. I would think the lack of life nodes would make it a struggle just to break 3.5k. Gearing for more hp while still capping resists is a bitch. Other than that, definitely tankiest build I've ever played, but sadly also the lowest dps.

To do endgame with reasonably high DPS it does take some investment, but that is pretty much the case with most builds. The difference is we have the survivability already. Chaos resist is fixable with the right gear as well. In the guide, I do suggest swapping out some gear for chaos-specific fights (museum, etc) in the endgame tips.

Block is an alternative approach is taking only life nodes, which is very dull indeed.

If you run lightning coil, you just need to overcap your lightning resist a bit and you will be quite tanky. Consider running purity of lightning while grouped as others are likely to have grace or determination covered. Or perhaps you are strong in evasion or armour already and can just swap auras.
sizekingddd เขียน:
Yeah I used Infernal blow as my main AoE skill for the whole game, but it's gotten way to slow now that all the crucial mobs resist elemental. Leveling up a cleave right now, but with 240dps axe the clear speeds are too low to farm wealth at an ideal rate. And I'm broke after buying lightning coil then regearing to compensate for the lightning res

Make a newbie shadow and get your reave gem from the first quest. Swap it to templar. Grab your best sword or claw out of the stash. Better than cleave with sub-par weapon (like mine).
Stefacle เขียน:
Thanks for the tips.

I never used cyclone actually, mostly out of fear for desync, lol. However, I might give it a try now and see how it goes.

The 4 link suggestion with cyclone, curse on hit, warlords mark and blind sounds like a great idea, I'll definitely try to get the gems to try that out :)

No problem mate. Desync is still a problem, but you are far more likely to survive it as a Lazy Pally then most other builds.

Sovyn เขียน:
Make a newbie shadow and get your reave gem from the first quest. Swap it to templar. Grab your best sword or claw out of the stash. Better than cleave with sub-par weapon (like mine).

Saw a dagger on the trade chan the other day (I know your self found ;) that made my 300 dps axe look like a joke... 730 odd DPS platinum dagger...

I don't think keyboards are meant to deal with that sort of sudden rush of drool... \8 |
LazyZunde เขียน:

i lose out on abit of life but surely the massive stun and block recovery out weigh that and if i do use stun linked to sweep the extra stun threshold reduce will compliment the other stun related nodes i have

also the other posts in this thread discussing how the shield is a major factor in this build's survivability have got me thinking, will i lose out on to much evasion and just die constantly?

I plan on getting Carcass Jack and a high evasion helm over the BoR option with possibly the anvil ammy but im not sure tbh

again Sovyn your awesome and thanks for your time

Stun - only take fewer life nodes than in the default build (274% at lvl100) if you know you can stun lock bosses like Dominus (not likely). I'd say adjust it after you have at least killed dominus in merciless without dying a couple times, and if you then feel confident that you can do it with lower life. Again, not a likely scenario. :)

Evasion - nope, my shield has no evasion on it (44) and I do OK. Does put stress on your other gear to compensate, but possible. I have 40%ish evade with Grace, which is plenty for someone with some block and armour as well.
qualopeqh เขียน:
Hi Folks!

Just a little update...

I stopped playing my lazy pally for a while, and leveled a incinerate-scion to 77.
I was getting bored playing melee, and so i tried something differend (very nice build btw).

But today i got back to my old friend and i have to say, that the patch really didn't hurt.
I now have 4k life (with little help of my new gauntlets)
and finally switched from heavy strike, to reave.
Reave is still only at lvl 16, but it works really fine, even in a 4-link.

When i manage to get a decent 5-link, i will try knockback with reave.
I've read this in another thread. Maybe it is an alternative for us too.
With knockback, we won't get any damage from melee attackers, while we hit them all the time.
It seems, that the range of reave, is always higher, than the knockback effect.

We will have protection against range (ondars), plenty of spellblock (lazwhar) and melee (knockback).
In theory, it sounds amazing.

Maybe one of you could test it out.

Hi qualopeqh! Thanks for checking in, always good to hear from someone who is a lazy pally vet.

As I don't take any plain melee shots I can't handle currently (usually trouble areas are more complicated than that!) I would imagine that I'd stay with the higher damage of my setup. The knockback idea sounds fun though. :)
K0rrupted เขียน:
So I was wondering, does this build work with a Duelist too? It seems like you go right up to the start of the Duelist's part of the tree.

In any case, I plan to run it with ST: Heavy Strike, AoE: Ground Slam, Utility: Leap Slam, Decoy Totem, Curse: Temporal Chains or Enfeeble.

Also, should I run this with a Bringer of Rain, or with a 6L Chest + good Helmet? My BoR is a pretty crappy roll and not a legacy, but I don't have a 6L or even a 5L Chest. Should I use this BoR until then? ......

Definitely use BoR until you get a good 6L chest and helm, since you already have it.

The build works fine as duelist, especially if you already have a leveled up duelist to just respec.

You do lose the 42 or 60% damage at the start of the Templar area, which could be hard to make up. Probably go ahead and grab Crusader when you are up there for Amplify. The other 42%, well, you get
27% at the duelist start. That only leaves you with one point though. Maybe take one more point from somewhere (the templar 1% regen node probably) and get Fencing.



