[3.10] Sovyn's Lazy Pally - Tanky Templar with Max Block

NSolcz เขียน:


Thanks so much for the build and guidance, I use it and love it.


Any suggestions with this build in the apex of sacrifice?

Anyone have similar experiences?

Thanks again, incredible guide

Hi NSolcz :) Glad you are out there enjoying your lazy pally. I have not made it into the Apex yet as I don't have a lot of spare time currently. However, generally when I encounter a chaos boss in a map I can just swap out a couple pieces of gear for something with 30-40 chaos resist on it and win.
Saviourself เขียน:
Cyclone is an excellent attack for using "curse on hit" with and blind.

eg. 4 link cyclone, curse on hit, warlords mark (or enfeeble or w/e), blind.

Suddenly, you have blinded mobs that give you both health and mana back (no need for mana leech, the warlords feedback will keep you going as long as there is something to hit). Dmg isn't spectacular in late game, but that's for your main attack (infernal + multistrike + speed + mana leech is a solid start).

Great tip for those willing to use two attack skills. Thanks, for mentioning this again Saviourself. :)
crestidgecko เขียน:
Hi everyone, in looking at using this build but i have a few questions first. Firstly I've never played hardcore before so i need one that's really really easy to gear, easy to solo farm with and be just as good solo as in a group. Also what's leveling with this like ? I plan on using heavy strike and reave. I will be doing a 24 hour stream tomorrow for charity and plan on playing this the whole time (if i can survive)

Sorry if I'm late for your event, but this build does work well in hardcore, for a melee build anyway. I do suggest skipping the area bosses in the new hardcore league (have not tested them with this build yet, but most people have to skip, maybe we can handle). I do suggest ground slam instead of reave for just starting out. We don't really get a lot of dex right away to level reave with, although you can take the 20 dex precision node, and maybe get some dex on gear, but I don't think it would be enough.

This build is pretty easy to gear as no uniques are absolutely required, and you have the option of using any weapon except wands or bows, so finding upgrades is a little bit easier. Of course, you have to trade to get an endgame worthy set of gear in a reasonable time as with any build in PoE. This is mostly because you have to max your resists in merciless and you need pieces that fill out any gaps. Secondarily, you want those pieces to also have high defenses and some life. Still, I get by with the very modest items I show below the guide. Probably nothing there worth more than a few chaos.
Sovyn เขียน:
K0rrupted เขียน:
So I was wondering, does this build work with a Duelist too? It seems like you go right up to the start of the Duelist's part of the tree.

In any case, I plan to run it with ST: Heavy Strike, AoE: Ground Slam, Utility: Leap Slam, Decoy Totem, Curse: Temporal Chains or Enfeeble.

Also, should I run this with a Bringer of Rain, or with a 6L Chest + good Helmet? My BoR is a pretty crappy roll and not a legacy, but I don't have a 6L or even a 5L Chest. Should I use this BoR until then? ......

Definitely use BoR until you get a good 6L chest and helm, since you already have it.

The build works fine as duelist, especially if you already have a leveled up duelist to just respec.

You do lose the 42 or 60% damage at the start of the Templar area, which could be hard to make up. Probably go ahead and grab Crusader when you are up there for Amplify. The other 42%, well, you get
27% at the duelist start. That only leaves you with one point though. Maybe take one more point from somewhere (the templar 1% regen node probably) and get Fencing.

Thanks for the response!

I decided to run it as a Templar, as aside from the reasons you mentioned, he is closer to block and elemental resist nodes that don't require you to spend too many travel nodes. If we were Dualwielding, I think Duelist is the best choice, because Dervish is such a broken node.
So I've been running this build, I'm up to level 40, but I suck big time. I do no damage, I am not that tanky, I am CONSTANTLY running out of mana. I assume it gets better at higher levels, but so far, I am having a rough go of it.

My gear sucks. I hate to bother trying to actually search out mid level crap to replace it, but at the same time, I can't seem to effectively level without joining a pub party and being a leech.

My gear:

Any advice? I just took the Armor and Life node near Steel Skin.
monkeydave เขียน:
So I've been running this build, I'm up to level 40, but I suck big time. I do no damage, I am not that tanky, I am CONSTANTLY running out of mana. I assume it gets better at higher levels, but so far, I am having a rough go of it.

My gear sucks. I hate to bother trying to actually search out mid level crap to replace it, but at the same time, I can't seem to effectively level without joining a pub party and being a leech.

My gear:

Any advice? I just took the Armor and Life node near Steel Skin.

Shield builds tend to be pretty low-damage, they make up for it in safety and tankiness. Are you using Enfeeble/Temporal Chains and Decoy Totem? They really make a difference in "tankiness." Also, what's your damage spell?

If going oom is that much of a problem, consider using Blood Magic for leveling purposes too! You can also buy a Mana Leech support for 1c I think (that's how I got mine).
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย K0rrupted#5191 เมื่อ 13 มี.ค. 2014 09:42:30
monkeydave เขียน:
So I've been running this build, I'm up to level 40, but I suck big time. I do no damage, I am not that tanky, I am CONSTANTLY running out of mana. I assume it gets better at higher levels, but so far, I am having a rough go of it.

My gear sucks. I hate to bother trying to actually search out mid level crap to replace it, but at the same time, I can't seem to effectively level without joining a pub party and being a leech.

My gear:

Any advice? I just took the Armor and Life node near Steel Skin.

I don't really have a claw/sword to use with reave, but if you want a decent axe, add Heretictoc to friends (i'll be on tonight Aus time), I've got a few older pally axes that should bring up that dmg a bit.

That claw is 70 DPS, I think at the time I was using a wrist chopper axe that was 150 DPS and stuff was dying very fast. With

and hatred aura, I mow most stuff pretty fast, even in 70+ maps. (note: switch in determination for hatred on hard hitting melee mobs, but it's a great DPS boost)
Sovyn เขียน:
LazyZunde เขียน:

i lose out on abit of life but surely the massive stun and block recovery out weigh that and if i do use stun linked to sweep the extra stun threshold reduce will compliment the other stun related nodes i have

also the other posts in this thread discussing how the shield is a major factor in this build's survivability have got me thinking, will i lose out on to much evasion and just die constantly?

I plan on getting Carcass Jack and a high evasion helm over the BoR option with possibly the anvil ammy but im not sure tbh

again Sovyn your awesome and thanks for your time

Stun - only take fewer life nodes than in the default build (274% at lvl100) if you know you can stun lock bosses like Dominus (not likely). I'd say adjust it after you have at least killed dominus in merciless without dying a couple times, and if you then feel confident that you can do it with lower life. Again, not a likely scenario. :)

Evasion - nope, my shield has no evasion on it (44) and I do OK. Does put stress on your other gear to compensate, but possible. I have 40%ish evade with Grace, which is plenty for someone with some block and armour as well.

ahh good shout ill do that then

would Hyrri's Ire armour be any good for this build? i know you lose 50% of armour and es for acro but the evade you get from it is silly

Lvl 37 so far just got into cruel not rushing to merci tbh got this lill beauty tho :) 1.7k total dmg like 1.2k tooltip dps

but whats annoyed me is that i found this when i dont need it just yet :/

Perandus is a ridiculously good shield for this build with it's enormous amount of block + a great chunk of life.


The second Vaal buckler has been one I've been playing with but the loss of life of it and having less total block means it's a bit underwhelming despite the better evasion.

The 1000+ evasion shield, no block or life... RNG is proving a pain in the butt currently.

On the plus side, managed this score last night!

to replace

Now if only I could bloody find a 300+ dps phys claw.
Saviourself เขียน:

Now if only I could bloody find a 300+ dps phys claw.

That's gonna cost several Exa, right? I'm going for around a 250-ish DPS Phys Sword for a Reave build, I'm not sure how easy or hard it will be to get a good shield though.

I decided to do the Reave build because after 103 Chromatics (I counted), my BoR won't roll all Reds, which I need for Groundslam/Multistrike/Bloodmagic/Added Fire.

Instead I have this.

Which I've decided to use with Reave/ConcEffect/Multistrike/Bloodmagic.

This will be the shield I use to level, but endgame I'm gonna need something better. Hopefully it won't be too hard or expensive to find/make one:

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย K0rrupted#5191 เมื่อ 14 มี.ค. 2014 01:20:58



