Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary
So I'm at level 96 now and I can't manage to kill the "harder" late game bosses like A8 Sirus.
This is my gear:
PoB Skill tree: https://pastebin.com/whXJHcTG What should I do to get better survivability? Or should I change into some other build completely? I am around 6k life and 7k mana. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย believers#3044 เมื่อ 15 ก.ค. 2020 10:07:59
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Hello friends, i recently crafted an my first gloves and idk how many it can cost, so maybe anybody here can help me with price it right? i will appreciate it
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Hey all, was wondering if anyone's done Pale Court yet? if you have at about what level or map tier, and set up where you at? any tricks or advice to make it easier?
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" Hmmm...your level 20 Arcane Surge in your shield is doing you no favors. Dump it and fit another utility gem into your setup. Maybe move Clarity to the shield and put Blood Rage (for mapping) and/or Culling Strike (for endgame bosses) or Conductivity into the cwdt setup. Others may have better suggestions there. Bind Arcane Cloak to left click for almost 100% AS uptime. Corrupt all your juicy 20/20 gems? Overall I would say you need more mana. That will increase offense and defense. 6k life is a bit overkill if you have enough mana and mana sustain; I bet if you just try out Healthy Mind where your Watcher's Eye is and Atziri's Foible with the Crusader anointment, you'll see big improvements. Also, I really think it's worth getting a 21/0 Vaal Arc, but that's not going to make or break boss fights. For perspective, I have like 3.6k life, but with 9k unreserved man's, am still tanky as hell. |
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Hi Guys,
Love the build, Quick question. In path of building configuration tab(for effective dps), do you add shock too when calculating dps? |
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" Yes; make sure you have the community fork version of PoB. Then you can check shock and put in 15 as the effect of shock (even though technically the field should be called "increased damage taken from shock" or something like that). |
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I'm still quite the noob. This is my first character, and I created it back during the Metamorph League. I was having fun with it and getting the hang of it, but once I reached Act 10, I made a pause from the game, because IRL shenanigans. Now I came back for a while, and see that the build is completely upside down. No energy shield? Necromancer ascendency, instead of Electromancer? Having the MP pool serve as shield AND source of spell fuel? No longer dual wield, but weapon + shield? No more golems/minions? There goes a bunch of my hard earned currency, trying to fix my witch to the new build ... I'm currently lvl 75, with 2.8k HP and MP. I can deal with trash mobs just fine, but bosses cause me trouble - once the MP pool goes, I'm a sitting duck. That's the sole reason why I can't finish the 3rd Labyrinth. When I finish casting the buffs and spaming the first chug of flasks (still not used to using flasks), I'm already almost out of MP and a good chunk of my HP is already gone. In the 2 or 3 seconds that it takes me to recast everything again, I'm already eating the dirt. I even put a high level Flesh And Stone gem, for the Sand aura, to see if the bblindness effect could help my survivability, but it seems that it only works against trash mobs, and even so, not everytime. Also, I see in the lvl 80 passives tree that you went for Forethought, instead of Dreamer. I don't understand. Both give a 20% to maximum MP, so why go for a passive that INCREASES the cost of spells, when, for the same skill points cost, one can get the other passive, that gives more MP regen (if I understand correctly, there is no such thing as too much MP regen for this build) and reduces the cost of spells? I'm trying to get some updated gear, but it's tough to replace my current ones. Again, I'm still on Act 10, with only the 3rd Labyrinth and the final boss to kill - if I can't deal with the Labyrinth boss, I expect that Kitava is a no-go as well. I have no access to Maps yet. The Incursions and the Syndicate stuff confuse me, I have no idea of what it's all about or what I'm supposed to do, other than killing stuff ASAP, but it seems that it's important to finish them. But I digress. This character was supposed to be a SSF, but I made a mistake when I created it, and realized too late that it's not SSF after all. Despite that, I'd like to keep playing it with the SSF spirit in mind (means no trades, can only use what I find). As such, what can I do to make it less squishy (inb4 git gud)? Thanks for any help. |
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" the new build is a complete 180° of what it was. you'd honestly be better off just starting a new character altogether reasoning behind stacking all that mana is because of archmage support, giving more damage the larger the mana pool. increases to skill mana usage also directly factor into archmage, to push damage forward. other talents give huge regeneration based on mana, too. because of huge mana needs, there's huge mana regen needs too. this build is basically a mana battery. also its necromancer because there's better bonuses, and because of a notable called "spiritual aid" we benefit off of everything that has "minion damage" increases. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Yhorema#5647 เมื่อ 15 ก.ค. 2020 23:18:57
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" The problem is that I get absolutely rekt by end game bosses. Not sure more mana would help with that. What end game content do you do with 3.6k life? That amulet looks interesting and I hadn't even thought about the gem in the shield. Conductivity in the cwdt sounds good. I'll try the amulet and see how it feels. แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย believers#3044 เมื่อ 16 ก.ค. 2020 02:41:40
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" Honestly this will sound quite a bit coky but the main part is getting better at the game and the mechanics. Once you have about 6-7k effective HP(actual HP + Mana + ES(if you dont use Agnostic)) you should be more then tanky enough, especially with a build that provides close to 70% block uptime at all time. For example Sirus 8 is the perfect example of a Boss where you won't take any damage once you know the fight well. And even if you end up getting hit by his laser(eg. unlucky offscreen snipe) there is a quite high chance you will block it and even if not you might survive. If you could tell us with what bosses you struggle and to what extend we might be able to provide a more detailed explanatipn and suggestions. Alot of the fights require niche tuening to be able to execute them perfectly. |
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