Enki's Arc Witch Memorial Page & POE 2 Arc Summary

believers เขียน:
Any idea why Crusader shows up as Unallocated?

Why would it be allocated? Do you have an amulet annointed with it?
UtherSRG เขียน:
believers เขียน:
Any idea why Crusader shows up as Unallocated?

Why would it be allocated? Do you have an amulet annointed with it?


believers เขียน:
UtherSRG เขียน:
believers เขียน:
Any idea why Crusader shows up as Unallocated?

Why would it be allocated? Do you have an amulet annointed with it?


Looks like it's a new bug. I have Undertaker anointed, but that's a node that's connected to the tree. Crusader is not connected to the tree. It looks like all of the non-connected nodes dropped off of the tree.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย UtherSRG#3987 เมื่อ 16 ก.ค. 2020 22:10:31
I started playing POE this league. Im still very new, and havent gone past yellow maps because i havent had the "time" to, so dont take my word on it that any of this applies to "hard" or "big boss" situations as i havent found myself tested in any of them—I plan to work on this next.
I love this build, and want to contribute.

Here's a comprehensive list of general knowledge i've attained on my trek of understanding this build, in a somewhat particular order, and that arent stated in the original guide post:

Is a GOD-TIER item, +SS-Tier item if there was such a thing as tiers of items. Considering how paramount mana is, and how this amulet dedicates itself entirely to be a paragon of mana usage, there is no flaw in balancing your entire equipment around it—its contribution to DPS and survivability is HUGE—, as any replacement for it would be VERY mild and VERY currency-heavy.
Another thing of somewhat minor importance: the 25% less requirement is applied to all equipments/gems, allowing us to wear gems of higher levels than our attributes would allow, and gear normally unaccessible unless we specifically get their needed attributes on another piece of gear.

Is the only only other GOD-TIER item, +SS-Tier. Without it, we couldnt afford having a Wrath Skill Gem elsewhere (as the reserved mana would negate its benefical effects to DPS with detrimental effects to DPS from killing archmage). As such, it is also imperative to balance your entire equipment around using it—its contribution to DPS is MASSIVE.

Is HUGE. S-Tier item. Fixing confusion: Does Transfiguration of Soul affect us if we're using "The Agnostic"? Yes, yes it does. Source: Tested on live by applying a "6% increased max ES" minor passive and seeing a DPS increase on arc's damage. This means even when we get no ES on our life bar, modifiers to it remain "hidden" from sight within the game's engine to contribute to other formulas.

Is one of our major supports. As we have no built-in tankiness, we rely on Block Chance from using a shield and having a permanently-enabled Bone Offering, and The Agnostic (passive) life regeneration. Rumi's Concoction enables us to almost cap Attack Block Chance on its own (and leave Spell Block Chance somewhere around ~55%). Getting this flask makes any granite flask useless (their effects dont stack).

5. The Agnostic. To take or not to take? Some people choose not to. Here are some pros/cons:

Not taking it?:
-Makes ES a welcome stat (but not desirable. No synergies in the build mean it has a standard value outside of "it-came-slapped-into-this-rare-i-found" situations. Its value only sways a little on the positive side because of the interaction that % global ES (and only % global ES, not item %ES or flat ES) has with Crown of the Inward Eye. I might be wrong on the assumption within the last parentheses, as i have not tested it thoroughly nor do i know the game's mechanics that well yet. Please correct me with a source if possible).
-It extends your effective health points, making you less squishy to big hits (except for chaos-type damage, as it bypasses ES and straight up drains life).
-The build has 0 life regen, and by not taking this passive you're bound to make up to it by either finding a reliable source of life/ES leech and/or carrying a life flask at all times.

Taking it?:
-All types of ES have their value plummet to an absolute 0 (except % global ES and its interaction with Crown of the Inward Eye). You can only rely on life for survival, your ES points are exactly 0 no matter what you do.
-HUGE life regeneration that depends solely on your total amount of unreserved mana. This creates a very large synergy with the Mind over Matter passive, but more importantly with the "mana" stat, further forcing the build into rely more on mana and mana regeneration than it otherwise would. This has the upside/downside of making mana more necessary.
-Life regeneration granted by it is so large, it accounts for having upwards of ~2 life flasks running at all times. This allows the risk of abandoning a life flask in favor of some other type of flask.

7. Interesting Items i have tried on with this build.

Healthy Mind Cobalt Jewel (Base Jewel): A-Tier. Situational Jewel that turns all of your % life modifiers within range into mana ones, doubling their value. This makes your health pool small, but your mana pool grows 3 times that in size. It's very good until you get one shot, so most people recommend taking it off for big boss fights.

Indigon Hubris Circlet (Headpiece): Garbage. The increased mana cost increases arc's cost to upwards of 8k mana (decreasing DPS, and outright making arc's usage impossible without a mana pool that large), and eliminates synergies with Mind over Matter (no mana to tank damage with) and The Agnostic (no mana to regen with). All other stats are irrelevant because of it.

Omeyocan Carnal Boots (Boots): B-C-Tier. Is very multidimensional. First, the increased mana looks good on paper, but a pair of boots with 55 flat mana give you double that. With only upwards of 30% Lightning resistance available, only wear these if you can cover other resistances elsewhere. The mana-into-dodge conversion effectively means a permanent 20% dodge to attacks/spells with at least 5k mana (build synergy). Giving free permanent Onslaught when above 35% mana is huge, but considering wearing these boos alone makes you lose 7% of your mana per second, the item is pretty niche. Will you sacrifice your mana synergies and resistances for 20% attacks/spells dodge and a quasi-perma Onslaught? Up to you.

Shroud of the lightless (Body armor): A-Tier. It's a 5L chestpiece with 1 Abyssal Jewel socket. It comes with a level 20 elemental penetration to all socketed gems (effectively replacing giving the effect of a "Lightning Penetration" gem without using of a gem socket). It gives a ton of % life/mana, giving a further 1% more of both for every Abyss Jewel affecting you. One of the thing that makes this chestpiece so great is that it's very cheap, coloring its 5 blue sockets isnt hard as it's an EV/ES armor, and that it's a very easy way to get a 5L that actually is a 6L (the recipe takes 150 fusings, compared to the 1500 from an outright 6L). The last thing that makes it great is it's synergy to the last item:

Darkness Enthroned (Belt): Cheap 1c belt with no innate stats but with 2 Abyss Jewel sockets that have an increased utility of 175% (every jewel you put in here will be 75% stronger). It builds a synergy to Shroud of the Lightless, essentially giving you a free 2% life/mana by virtue of wearing both.

Any unique items not listed here are either too expensive for me to have bought, or i dont know them yet.

8. Other setups.

In the world of theorycrafting, there are always valiant people who strive to push limits forward. These are some of their nameless setups:

8a. Curse-botting your Orb of Storms:
This setup disables Orb of Storms as a DPS-factor, in favor of turning it into a means to weaken:

NOTE: You can only have 1 curse up on an enemy at all times, unless you expand it. Cue in the notable "Whispers of Doom", which increases your curse cap to 2. This notable is located directly above Minion Instability, next to the Large Cluster Jewel Socket in the tree. The path to it can either be a 4-point efficiency route, or a 5-point min-max route. The difference is the 5-point one makes your curses 10% stronger, whereas the 4-point one essentially gives nothing but 1 free passive point of difference.

With this setup, enemies you hit with orb of storms will essentially have 90% reduced resistances to your arc.

8b. Adding
to the build:
This setup merely includes Righteous Fire itnto your build. Where exacly? Possible sockets to put it on:
A) Replacing Arcane Surge from your Flame Dash: This is the best course, as this gem will become useless by the time your Arcane Cloak is linked to a 20/20 Increased Duration/Second Wind supports, granted you use Arcane Cloak on cooldown every time it's available, as doing this has the effect of giving you a 100% uptime on your level 20 Arcane Surge.
B) Using it in any kind of Unset Ring, perhaps even a

Why include RF?
It's a powerful gamble: it increases your DPS by a multiplicative of a whooping 40% (as it gives "more" spell damage). Its contribution is almost as big as the Essence Worm & Wrath setup, only coming from one single gem. Its Vaal version grants a short on-demand (but vaal limited) buff for ANOTHER multiplicative bonus of 29% on top of that.

All that good doesnt come for free, as RF eats your health poolvery fast. Because of the nature of the build, however, this damage is not felt in the life bar, but instead on the mana bar: if you stand still without doing anything and with RF on, you will notice your mana bar go down at a steady pace, your health bar following after at a VERY slow pace (might take a whole 2 minutes for you to drop to 1 life and have RF be automatically taken off).

However bad this might sound, it's not: as soon as you have one single corpse up from desecrate, your mana regeneration will fill you up to full in a pinch. Because of the nature of the build, the effects of RF translate to an indirect loss of Mana Regeneration, and makes capping Fire Resistance absolutely mandatory, but as long as we're moving/dashing/arcing/doing-something, it translates into a very tempting tradeoff: a metric ton of DPS for somewhat lower versatility. Just consider you need good mana regeneration to make it sustainable.

8c. Exchanging


No big brain here. Seen other people use it. Im currently trying it out, it has its pros and cons:

-You're less forced to sit in a particular zone (within the orb of storms) when fighting bosses.
-It applies more frequently, affecting many more targets with each tich.

-Less up-front damage. Im not sure if this would translate to lower DPS for Enki's Orb of Storms & Archmage setup, but it would make little to no difference in a cursing setup.
-Less duration, probably more recasting, although tihs is relative because storm brand has to be effective (be causing its effect) to work, whereas orb of storms can just sit there not hitting anyone, so it could be a tradeoff of a pro.

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Yhorema#5647 เมื่อ 17 ก.ค. 2020 01:25:51
GingerBeast เขียน:

3. I'm not completely sure I am following the question. Let me try and explain the Helmet a bit and if it doe snot answer your question then we can go form there:

You explained it perfectly, thank you very much :)
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย realkph#2784 เมื่อ 17 ก.ค. 2020 02:39:16
Two questions:

My helmet has a "Skeletons deal 40% increased damage". Does this apply to our minion damage? Forgot the name, but the one that says that all minion damage increases applies to us aswell?

Also, I have Atziri's Foible with Undertaker allocated, and I can still only summon the maximum 10 corpses, not 12. Anyone has any clue why?
Thanks everyone for keeping the thread alive! I'm reading through all the comments even if I limit my activity mostly to my stream and discord nowadays.

I'm quite impressed how far some people managed to push this current build project and have taken some inspiration for potential improvements for next league. Fingers crossed that the concept survives and I don't need to redo the whole goddamn thing once again.

For now, i've just added some of the gear choices and some of my own ideas to the guide, wouldn't want people to make big changes now. That said, nothing is set in stone in this game and it's always possible to play around with a few passives to adjust a build for your own needs or gear.

I'll also update the Gear Buying and Crafting tutorials whenever I find time, might be later this day, might be tomorrow but it will be soon.


realkph เขียน:
Two questions:

My helmet has a "Skeletons deal 40% increased damage". Does this apply to our minion damage? Forgot the name, but the one that says that all minion damage increases applies to us aswell?

Also, I have Atziri's Foible with Undertaker allocated, and I can still only summon the maximum 10 corpses, not 12. Anyone has any clue why?

1. No, the game is very literal. If the wording is not "Minions deal #% increased Damage" or "Minions deal #% reduced Damage", it will not affect you with Spiritual Aid.

2. You're getting 12 corpses. If you go by the Essence Glutton indicator, it's because Essence Glutton gives you 5 flat mana regen/s per corpse, up to 50, so that's capped at 10. The two extra corpses come to play during bossfights without adds, where we end up with 7 instead of 5 corpses after Bone Offering. Now add in Kitava's Teachings and it becomes even more of an advantage.
I'm using the Crown of the Inward Eye but I'm not sure I entirely understand how it works. Do I still benefit from x% increased energy shield even if my ES is then set to 0? Is there any prefix I should prioritize or stay away from by using this unique?
Solsagannn เขียน:
I'm using the Crown of the Inward Eye but I'm not sure I entirely understand how it works. Do I still benefit from x% increased energy shield even if my ES is then set to 0? Is there any prefix I should prioritize or stay away from by using this unique?

Well you still get the life and mana, which is what's important. It also gives you damage when you get #% increased mana or life. And mana is what we aim to get a lot of so that's perfect.
Solsagannn เขียน:
I'm using the Crown of the Inward Eye but I'm not sure I entirely understand how it works. Do I still benefit from x% increased energy shield even if my ES is then set to 0? Is there any prefix I should prioritize or stay away from by using this unique?

Crown of the Inward Eye
Transfiguration of Soul: Increases and Reductions to Maximum Energy Shield also apply to Spell Damage at 30% of their value

"+16 to maximum Energy Shield" - do nothing

"55% increased Energy Shield" - do nothing

"8% increased maximum Energy Shield" - increases spell damage by 8%*30%=2,4%

Similar for "Transfiguration of Mind", but with "#% increased maximum Mana".

The Agnostic does not chage this behaviour, since it's not "reduction" of maximum energy shield. It just set it to zero.



