GhazzyTV - Essence Drain & Contagion (or Bane/Soulrend) Trickster [SC/HC/Uber Elder/Shaper]

Currently running t15 maps advice on what I can improve is appreciated.
so it seems the consensus is to go with a bow? I have around 340k ED dps on my current dual wield wand setup..can anyone using a bow share their numbers? Tried to plug in a bow on pob but it kept giving me lower dps than my current set up.
My 60% iiq exalt minting version of the build. My gear are fine tuned to farm T10 burials as fast as possible. Gotta get that headhunter asap. Currently a headhunter cost a mirror already, god forbid the price doubled in a week or 2.

M1St3R เขียน:
Finally managed to 6link my chest, but i've been doing just fine with tabula so far.

I just cleared t12 maps and i think i'm low on damage from now on.

What do you reckon i should invest on next?


Sell your perfect form for 8-10ex and get a 5 linked one(1ex). Then buy the bow for 7ex or craft it yourself.

WingsOfDomain เขียน:
everdream2k เขียน:
WingsOfDomain เขียน:
Could somebody explain/link on how to multimod a bow and how much it costs?
I can't find the related post in this thread anymore.

if you buy it arround 7 EX,

if you craft it:

get yourself a 6 link bow above ilvl 50.

alt it until you got +1 socketed gems, regal it. annul it till you got a rare bow with only +1 socketed gems.

Afterwards you can multimod it. Costs for that are 2ex+2ex+ arround 75c incl. tip for crafter.

So if youre lucky you get get below that 7 EX for a allready crafted bow. Needless to say that you need the right colors aka 3b 2g 1r . this can also be pain in the ass ( or in my case get lucky and buy a 6l bow with allready that colors)

I have no idea how to get that kind of currency though and I'm about to hit red maps.

Just alch and go white maps and run it as fast as possible. If a single cast of contagion -> essence drain doesn't wipe out 95% of the legion mobs after the timer ends, move down 1 tier. Legion mobs spawn in a circle around the monolith, so to maximize the number of legion spawn, only run maps with open space.

My list of maps that synergize well with legion mechanics.
T1 Sulphur Vents
T2 Alleyways, Glacier
T3 Ashen Wood, Fields
T4 Beach, City Square, Strand
T5 Burial Chambers, Peninsula, Tropical Island
T6 Mud Geyser, Primordial pool
T7 Graveyard, Racecourse
T8 Dunes, Estuary, Iceberg
T9 All crap / or run Shaped T4 maps listed above.
T10 All crap / or run Shaped T5 maps listed above.

ThuperAwethome เขียน:
so it seems the consensus is to go with a bow? I have around 340k ED dps on my current dual wield wand setup..can anyone using a bow share their numbers? Tried to plug in a bow on pob but it kept giving me lower dps than my current set up.

Your first 6 link should be your bow, period.

Make sure the skill is socketed in correct slot in your pob if you want accurate number of your essence drain dps in your pob.

Playing this build, still at the begging of the game (just finished act 5), but so far a feel the build so clunky. It's just me? Or it takes time to the build to shine? Not that the DPS is bad, but the gameplay doesn't feels fluid.

Already thinking about changing the build to something else, or creating another char.

So, you that have played it till the late game, does it get better? Or still the same?

Never mind I didn't pay close enough attention and got scammed
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย DamagePlanX#3169 เมื่อ 20 มิ.ย. 2019 23:48:39
GingerBeast เขียน:

So I got this bow, but I have NO IDEA what to do to it now. I have never multi-modded anything and beyond adding random rolls, I don't really craft much. Any advice on what to do or links on where to look to learn?

Side note: I see a lot of talk about Phase Acro, but can't seem to find what's going on. Are we supposed to be using it or not?

Because of the high dex on this bow, you are going to have a really hard time getting the right colors. That's why people are buying show bows, the dex requirement is very low and easier to off color. 3 blue, 2 green and 1 red.
Pretty fun build, but the damage is really poor compared to many other builds. Not enough to kill rares in one cast of ED with a 6L, even in a T12. I even added a second wand for more damage, and same deal. With higher tier maps, it rarely takes half of their health. Even with Contagion spreading everywhere, it doesn't really matter if you can't break out the good (rare) targets. Having to stop and use Blight for single target isn't an option for this league. If you can't keep moving, it's lost time and currency.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Blood_Sail#2593 เมื่อ 21 มิ.ย. 2019 00:12:00
Blood_Sail เขียน:
Pretty fun build, but the damage is really poor compared to many other builds. Not enough to kill rares in one cast of ED with a 6L, even in a T12. I even added a second wand for more damage, and same deal. With higher tier maps, it rarely takes half of their health. Even with Contagion spreading everywhere, it doesn't really matter if you can't break out the good (rare) targets. Having to stop and use Blight for single target isn't an option for this league. If you can't keep moving, it's lost time and currency.

Sell your 6-link queen, buy a bow (see posts above) and your problems are solved. I can easily break all mobs out of stasis on T16 maps.
Faendris เขียน:
This is my first league playing ed/contagion, so I might be off on some points but I do think that in the discussion here dodge/spell dodge is not properly appreciated.

I am currently farming uber elder with this build:

Many items can still be improved upon significantly but I am fairly certain that Ire is an extremly good option for this build and that EB is very good even if one does not yet have the proper life/es+mana balance. EB just makes sure that you can ALWAYS cast even if you mess up your timing/aiming of ed in fights where it is very important that you get you cast off.

Just some basic information about gameplay: on T16 maps with ANY mods I will free the whole legion encounter and then charge right into the mess. With 50%/61% dodge/spelldodge + flesh and stone i can do this even on the hardest maps.

One importat point that should be in the guide: the first expensive item you should invest in is a properly multi modded bow - this makes all the difference.

Finally: I do think that the 30% more ed duration is an extremely strong enchant for this build. In all situation where it matters (freen legion, uber elder) it is basically a 30% more mod.

what results do you archieve on Domain ? You allready mastered a 4/5 faction battle with satisfiying results?

and may i ask about your hideout tooltip dps ?
everdream2k เขียน:

what results do you archieve on Domain ? You allready mastered a 4/5 faction battle with satisfiying results?

and may i ask about your hideout tooltip dps ?

I want my gear fully optimized before I start doing 4/5 way battles - they just require so much investment that I want to get the best possible results. I can not report on this, yet.

My tooltip ED DPS in hideout with no flasks is 46.626 (this is the number given in the "offence" tab). The dps given by mousovering over the skill on the skillbar is 438.387. Not sure why they are different by almost an order of magnitude.



