(3.12) Queenliness Wanderfinder | (∩^ᗜ ^)⊃━ - - -☆゚.* | All Content (Power Siphon Kinetic Blast)

Karui ward amulet alone gives me over 1.000 dps in tooltip!Something that 6 linked gems alone give 7.000k dps.Lol thanks for metnioning it because I had forgotten to add it on the list.I dont have capped ressits because I am playin this character like 4-5 days not enough time to get the right equips in all slots.Vinktar is gonne boost DPS from 7.000 to 4.000.000 ??? Where do I buy vinktar?I buy 10 vinktar!!Who has it?The writer of this build has empower linked with wrath, Iam not making out of my mind.I dont understand mechanics so I just copy exactly as the writer sorry :(.Ask writer of build why.
You thing I khare, but I realy dond.
Merciless Izaro in under 10seconds.
LvL 80 chieftain
4 unallocated points
messed up tree
No boots
No rings
No hat
No gloves
No belt
No potions used
No auras used
No charges used
No spell used exept double totem
No buffs used
No summons used
Just AXE (no sockets),
4linked belly with lvl18 gems, not max quality in all
Amulet (I didnt want to use amulet either but I was forced because of requirements)

4M+DPS ele-wander(dead) vs Dual Anc. Totem (just axe,chest,amulet).Yeah legit build man.
Please can a moderator lock it, so it prevents from other people wasting currency on fake build?
Thanks again.
Goodnight sweet prince.
You thing I khare, but I realy dond.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Spacecom#5362 เมื่อ 22 ก.ค. 2017 21:32:13
Spacecom เขียน:

A Conversation requires two participants, in case you didn't know you were talking with like.. 4-5 different People.
I gave up after couple posts, since it seemed like you are either a massive troll or you have max. res. against learning.

You can't expect friendly detailed help if you 1st of all start with accusations, telling that i fake my dps, that i am a liar.

That is really rude, but i (and i am really sorry about that) had to laugh a lot, since it looked like one big troll post.
My Stat's are all 100% true, no fake, no Photoshop, no special effects, no hidden in the bushes aura bot, no nothing.
I played my 3rd Wander in Legacy league, started with 0 Exalts or item's still made it without any problems.

The only Reason why i still reply to you and made this Video here, is because i hate it when people say i'm a liar or not true.


Did you ever thought about how Queen of the Forest works in combination with Jade and Stibnite Flask?
I asked you once, no reply.
Don't come with "it's only with flask" this is a pathfinder i have flask's up all the time.
You also use Different Flask's, Gem's.

Hopefully useful

Pandaroux เขียน:

2. The problem is you.
4. Tooltip is not real damage. This build is not struggling for mana.

Malaugrym เขียน:

evasion and movementspeed stats are with potions obviously its a Pathfinder build

also ever since path of building has been around its easy to check real dps, which is way more accurate than tooltip

and how about you get at least your ascendancy and use the skills of the build before complaining, but then again you obviously didnt read/comprehend the guide

d3so เขียน:

...Also, complaining about movement speed... You don't even have PF ascendancy yet and expect to have 200% MS? Is this a joke/troll or what?
Pathfinder ascendancy is all about flasks and movespeed...

Don't be mad at anybody, you just gotta learn some things about this game and firstly start questioning yourself "what am I doing wrong?" before blaming others.

kieke187 เขียน:

...i dont know what spacecom's problem is...

...im not gonna make you a video, just check my char i did all labs(with uber on a 5L) by myself and have done full key runs. And im sure im not the only one.

look dude you are the only one here who has a problem with the build, either every1 is lying to you and making "fake" screenshots and video's....

Schuewi เขียน:

Im sorry to tell you but.... you are a freakin bad poe-player... with absolute shit gear i was able to delete atziri in a 2week race after 3 days with this build.

The video you posted tells it all... "why dont i have mana when i spam my skill into thin air???? this build sucks" holy crap

most of the dmg comes from ele penetration which doesnt show in the tool tip.... stop hating on an awesome build only because you dont understand the mechanics on it.

And still you think you are the one that truly know's what's up?

Seriously, you are heavy on the woodway.

You thought you can simply take the passive tree, buy the Unique's and boom done!?
This is not Spaghetti, no copy Pasta!
The Rare item's and since this is a Pathfinder build Flask's are important too.
They all have stat's which make's this Build shine.
All the Item's have a Synergy together like Queen of the Forest and a Jade Flask.

Go download Path of Building, import my Pastebin, you can also import your wonky Warchief brotem Build there.
Again DPS of Barrage is showing you the DPS for 1 Projectile, with Dying Sun FLASK and Helm ENCHANT i have 9 Projectiles.
Tooltip is also not showing you Elemental Penetration, Shock from Vinktar, Point Blank.
So you CAN'T rely on Tooltip in Game.

I thought about removing all the Pages (4!) with your post's because they simply are full of wrong accusations but maybe you get it someday and learn from your mistakes you just filled 4 pages with.
Spacecom เขียน:
Please can a moderator lock it, so it prevents from other people wasting currency on fake build?
Thanks again.
Goodnight sweet prince.

its stuff like this is whats making ppl annoyed we ALL dont have a problem with this build it's only YOU. So just walk away man, just walk away.
Jim Evgenich
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย fabianz#3987 เมื่อ 23 ก.ค. 2017 02:03:41
All I know is documented facts captured in video:
I made your build exactly as you posted it.I wasted over 4 exalts just to make QotF 6s-6l and 4 offcolours, leveled to 72, went to Merciless Izaro 4 times and the outcome is death:
here it is:https://youtu.be/-rYm3BWZQ98

Then I make another build from other thread.I remove hat, rings, boots, gloves, belt, auras, buffs, summons, charges, spells, only 4linked and I go to merciless Izaro 7 minutes later.I kill it in 10 seconds exactly being NAKED.
here it is:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rYm3BWZQ98&t=4s

Nobody says something about this.Everybody says I am troll.I have invested so much time and currency on this build and it just doesnt cut it.And everybody accuses me that I am a troll.I go naked with other build does it with eyes closed.Nobody says anything.Nobody posts any video.Nobody shows any equips.Nobody commentns on my finds or videos.
Your build is fake.Busted.If anyone wants to follow your guide be my guest.I just do harder content naked.NAKED!

The person who speaks with video and poors so much currency on a build that cant kill act3 merciless content is a troll.
But the people who speak with no evidence, just theory building out of their mind, say that they are the specialists who udnerstand deep mechanics, but never post any equips, never played the build, nor are they willing to make a video.
Good luck guys.
The videos speak for the builds.You can keep making fun of me, accuse me, call me names, call me a troll. But everybody knows that your build is fake.
I dont understand if you are such a specialist on mechanics, why you dont try to explain why your build fails fully equiped on Izaro and another build does it naked in 10 seconds.Comment on this my friend.What happened there?
You thing I khare, but I realy dond.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Spacecom#5362 เมื่อ 23 ก.ค. 2017 08:30:02
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Malaugrym#4523 เมื่อ 23 ก.ค. 2017 09:02:46
Spacecom เขียน:
All I know is documented facts captured in video:
I made your build exactly as you posted it.I wasted over 4 exalts just to make QotF 6s-6l and 4 offcolours, leveled to 72, went to Merciless Izaro 4 times and the outcome is death:
here it is:https://youtu.be/-rYm3BWZQ98

Then I make another build from other thread.I remove hat, rings, boots, gloves, belt, auras, buffs, summons, charges, spells, only 4linked and I go to merciless Izaro 7 minutes later.I kill it in 10 seconds exactly being NAKED.
here it is:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-rYm3BWZQ98&t=4s

Nobody says something about this.Everybody says I am troll.I have invested so much time and currency on this build and it just doesnt cut it.And everybody accuses me that I am a troll.I go naked with other build does it with eyes closed.Nobody says anything.Nobody posts any video.Nobody shows any equips.Nobody commentns on my finds or videos.
Your build is fake.Busted.If anyone wants to follow your guide be my guest.I just do harder content naked.NAKED!

The person who speaks with video and poors so much currency on a build that cant kill act3 merciless content is a troll.
But the people who speak with no evidence, just theory building out of their mind, say that they are the specialists who udnerstand deep mechanics, but never post any equips, never played the build, nor are they willing to make a video.
Good luck guys.
The videos speak for the builds.You can keep making fun of me, accuse me, call me names, call me a troll. But everybody knows that your build is fake.
I dont understand if you are such a specialist on mechanics, why you dont try to explain why your build fails fully equiped on Izaro and another build does it naked in 10 seconds.Comment on this my friend.What happened there?

1. First of all, YOU FAIL, not his build. Only YOU. Your thinking, playstyle and everything is wrong. On one of your videos you compared the Area size on Split Arrow - aoe skill vs Barrage, which is linear skill. What kind of dumb logic is that..?
He made a video so you could understand where the build power comes from. Yet you failed to understand that again (or refused to understand, who knows).

2. If you call 4 exalts "so much currency", then endgame (maybe even PoE itself) isn't for you. And I am serious.

3. You are trying to compare a totem build (where your char is literally only a doll running around trying to avoid absolutely everything) which has literally non existant clearspeed ws a build which breezes through maps without stopping. You cannot even compare such builds due to them being absolutely different. Warchief is a noob-friendly build, where you need no investment and no skills. Maybe you should stick to that kind of builds if something else is too difficult for you to understand?

4. You call that Izaro kill? That was the one phase, boy. Also, "naked" means "naked", you weren't naked in your poor video (which also doesn't show/prove anything aswell).

5. You ain't following the "documented facts" at all. If you think one chestpiece and no knowledge how this build works can make you faceroll everything...well, that's probably some kind of mental problem there.

Spacecom เขียน:
But everybody knows that your build is fake
Show me at least one person in this thread who is supporting your misunderstood nonsense. Thanks.
Spacecom เขียน:
But everybody knows that your build is fake.

you are the only one lol anyway im done with you, happy trolling.

just stick to builds where you have to do nothing.
Hello !
Thank you for that build !

I really wanted to try a famous "Wander" build, and decided to give a shot a yours.

I'm nowhere near the stats you wrote for now, but it feels sooooooo good to play !
I'll make it my League Starter for 3.0 ! Is that possible ?

Also, i'd like to ask a bunch of questions :

- Why are you not using Piscator's Vigil ?
- Why are you not using Prismweave ?
- Are those viable choices ?
- My HP seems pretty low actually. Do you think Starkonja's Head is a safer idea ?

I juste realize those are FAQ, sorry but here is the true question :

- Do you think your build will have interesting variation for 3.0 ?

Thanks again for sharing that build, thanks for eventually answering and sorry for my english !
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Arhyuu#4787 เมื่อ 23 ก.ค. 2017 16:51:46



