(3.12) Queenliness Wanderfinder | (∩^ᗜ ^)⊃━ - - -☆゚.* | All Content (Power Siphon Kinetic Blast)

I'd like to say a few things. It's been a hella long time since I've made any comments.

Is it Spacecom? I don't really care what the name is, but I must ask a few things if you happen to read this, Or anyone who thinks badly about this build simply because you don't know how to play.

1. Firstly, I have played with writer of the Guide. His stats are no lie, and none of it is fake. I have done countless maps with them aswell. You know how many times this Wander has saved me from uncertain XP loss? Many many times. The build is very very good if you know how to play.

2. If you just stand there and barely move, things won't go well. I didn't watch the video {Spacecom/whatever] posted, but I know that with each build, each character there is a Playstyle. There are a number of people I know that enjoy the builds where you do little to nothing. That's like running through already cut grass with a mower. There is no challenge, there is no skill.

First question. If you judge and complain about a build, and you're not even lvl 85+, What exactly does that say about you as a player? It's almost like complaining to a child who cannot walk, that he's not running.

My first advise, Read. Read the build guide very carefully. Look up uniques on the wiki.
Instead of complaining, Ask simple questions as to why this item and not another, or How does this work like this?

For those of who are just looking at this build guide, This is a wonderful Wander guide. Alot of details, and very good infomation.

Be well, my fellow exiles.
Let me summarize.
Lvl 76 now.Clear speed is ok.Movement speed is good.You kill things fast at white maps.If you encounter magic monsters you need to make 2-3 extra hits.If you encounter normal monster with higher health you need to make 1-2 hits more (like those big statues or those mosnters that cast curse and revive skeletons).If you encounter rare monsters is like fighting a boss, you will stay there for more than 10 seconds trying to kill it.I just skip arenas alltogether it's a gurantee loss of 10% which is not fun at lvl76.
Build dies at bosses.At that is at white bosses.The maps I run hve no mods or are just plai nblue ones with modes like "you have pointblank" lol.There is no confidence on this build yet to try any boss in any map.I see arena and I avoid it.When I try it because I am greedy I just lose 10% xp.Simple as that.
I never experienced so much dying at bosses with my other builds.
I never had to skip any content with my other build and say "you know what lets skip this one and come back in 10 levels".Never!Just went in and melt it.I dont know why this build struggles so much. There is no more improvement.I have the best items, my gems are all lvl18/20% quality.The DPS are simply not there.The life is really low at lvl 76.When I die somewhere I log in another character, remove more thna half of my equips , just 3link they main skill, enter portal, click skill , things die isntantly.
I never had problems with monsters with increased life modes in packs or rares.All monsters were the same to me untill this build.Now I see them comming from a mile around the corner, they stand out as a big lighthouse.
This builds goes up in levels and damage stays the same.I still have the same damage as I did like 10 levels lower.I never experienced something like this before.WIth my dual warchief, 1 level= 1 axe node = 10% more DPS tooltip.Just by 1 level.This build actually has no scale.
This build made me learn all the modes monsters have and how they are called.I play this game like 3 years, never had to read the letters over the monsters.I thought it was some kind of lore or their name untill now.My other builds made no descrimination on the killing speed of any kind of monster.With this build now I know all modes all colours what they mean just by the seconds it takes to kill a monster!!!I am serious about this.I thought monsters had colours just as a variant up untill now.I am was used just to summon 2 totems or 50 SRS and things melt, no time for reading.
That is the feeling of the build so far.
I recommend this build to people who want the following:
1)If you like doing content at lvl 99-100 when other builds do the same at lvl70 go ahead.
2)If you like invensting huge currency and still feel that build lacks go ahead.
3)If you enjoy having "bis" items at each and every current level and still drag go ahead.
4)If you want the rush of adrenaline in your system, then this is for you.Every rare monster is a big challenge, every essense-holder is 95% possibility of death, yellow maps will rekt your xp bar, strong monsters from beyond will give you end-game-boss-like experience.
5)If you want a build that at level 100 does what other builds do at lvl80 with no items go ahead.
6)This build should be an option at the beggining of the creation of a new character.Choose name, choose class, choose if selffound, choose which league, choose if hardcore and then the super super extra hardcore option, choose this build.

Final thoughts.
I have achieved so much more with so much less.I literaly have achievent so much more, with nothing, like naked.
My final thoughts.
Make this build if you like killing normal monsters with no mods fast and feel good .If you dont do bosses or end game stuff it's for you.
You thing I khare, but I realy dond.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Spacecom#5362 เมื่อ 23 ก.ค. 2017 21:01:29
Still comparing totem builds and SRS (where you don't fight anything yourself, therefore you are slow as a blind turtle) vs a beastly speedrunner :D
If you drive a bike and fall down, do you blame the guy who invented the bike? No. Think the same about this build. If you are bad at something (which you really are), blame yourself first.
BTW, since you still don't understand... TOOLTIP MEANS LITERALLY NOTHING. [Removed by Support]
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Ben_GGG#0000 เมื่อ 23 ก.ค. 2017 21:53:17

Piscator is good for beginning, a rare wand is better later, also Piscator wants a lot of int.
Prismweave is good for leveling, since you will want a rare leather belt for a lot of life.

Starkonja is a good Option until you get good Life rolls on the Rare items.

So far 3.0 brings little to no changes to the build.

Guys let it be, this is a prime example of the Dunning Kruger Effect


Although it feels like a little witchhunt calling me a liar/faker, even on his professional youtube video's but oh well.. this will just keep people like him away from my Build Guide..which.. is a good thing right? (at least)
I really wish there was something like character lending.I would have lend you one of my characters to feel and experience what I am talking about.I also wish your insults were working too.Actually bring more insults, I might try them to the next rare monster I encounter with your build.Might boost the DPS. They just might.
You started with a build guide and you wrap it up with insulting posts.I see right through you.With each post of mine you know I am 100% true.I am so accurate in all my findings.Because you played this build also, you know exactly what I mean.When I say "Rare mosnters feel like boses" you know it deep down that they do.
When I say that the "build's damage doesnt scale".You know it too.You have experienced it.You have all your gems 21/20% in order to squize in some damage.
I ve played this build in a 6linked with 20% quality gems from level1.Tabula Rasa to 6L QotF.And it fails me always on bosses and strong monsters.The only node that keeps this build from falling apart is Vaal Pact.
You said low life actually aint low because it has "many layers of defence", well I just died 3 times in a white map (no mods, not at boss) -30% xp.My ancestral builds die 3 times per month.
You demonstrate a level 100 character with all gems 21/20% and you fish out people thinking this build is good.Well its not guys.The tree is so thin and so far apart that bust just watching it you understand something fishy is going on.The last 20 levels I am pickign up nodes and the damage stays the same.The death rate rises up because I do higher tier maps.
Everybody unerstands what I am talking about.They encounter the same problems everyday.There is no way to troubleshout them.The build is mediocre not you.Dont take it personally.The build is not viable for bosses from lvl 1 to 76.
I am lvl76 and can do only normal and cruel lab.I will do uber lab with my lvl 80 dual warchief naked just to prove you that you dont need items if a build has strong foundations.
If anyone feels like playing this build I will help him.I also lend my gear look at them:
You thing I khare, but I realy dond.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Spacecom#5362 เมื่อ 23 ก.ค. 2017 23:21:33
Spacecom เขียน:
You demonstrate a level 100 character with all gems 21/20% and you fish out people thinking this build is good.Well its not guys.The tree is so thin and so far apart that bust just watching it you understand something fishy is going on.The last 20 levels I am pickign up nodes and the damage stays the same.The death rate rises up because I do higher tier maps.

You've seen the video with the simulation as level 89 with very little extra damage nodes on tree. Using a pathetic wand with ZERO flat ele damage. Using a 3-link KB and 5-link Barrage. On a Shaped Strand T11 map. You are level 76. Maybe when you reach 89 and have a very similar tree, very similar gear, levelled gems and the proper ascendancy points, you can start to make a factual comparison. Until then I'm not sure there's any point in arguing.

I also lend my gear look at them:

Where are your evasion flasks? Seems like it kinda defeats the point of using QoTF if you don't have those flasks for massive survivability and move speed increase?

If you're having issues with survivability, perhaps consider that you have ZERO flat life on rings and amulet, you have less than HALF the flat lightning on gear compared to the example rare gear shown in this build guide - this constitutes a MASSIVE reduction in damage output so that probably explains why you're not killing things satisfactorily.
Timezone: GMT +10 (Australia). CASUAL player but I play whenever I can.
I found the 4million dps Shaper/Guardians/Uber Lab farmer build.
I am stuck at Merciless Lab 2nd phase.

You thing I khare, but I realy dond.
Spacecom เขียน:
I found the 4million dps Shaper/Guardians/Uber Lab farmer build.
I am stuck at Merciless Lab 2nd phase.

For Izaro I would recommend:

* Get rings and amulet with +flat lightning and +life (in general - not just for Izaro. You really do need these mods on jewellery)
* Use a Stibnite flask at the very least and throw in a Granite flask of Iron Skin if you're getting hit a lot
* Keep your flasks up ALL THE TIME. You (should) have Nature's Boon so you get flask charges every 3 seconds
* Use a decoy totem if you need to, and NEVER STOP MOVING
* Only stop momentarily to hurt Izaro when he's not trying to kill you (this part is obvious)

The fact that you get limitless flask charges means you just have to be patient and you will wear him down eventually.

Literally the only way you can get hit by Izaro's attacks in any of the stages is if you stand still.
Timezone: GMT +10 (Australia). CASUAL player but I play whenever I can.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย systemdown#7535 เมื่อ 24 ก.ค. 2017 00:21:32
Spacecom เขียน:
I found the 4million dps Shaper/Guardians/Uber Lab farmer build.
MY REALITY because i dont know how to play anything that involves me pressing more then 1 button builds.
I am stuck at Merciless Lab 2nd phase.
build works just fine

edited it for you
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย kieke187#5311 เมื่อ 24 ก.ค. 2017 04:12:50

when i was 15 years old i wanted to be able to skateboard like the pros. i tried for weeks and weeks and in the end i wasnt even able to do a simply jump. so i gave up... i accepted that i simply cannot do it and that other people are way better at it than me and that i will never be as good at it as them.
so i walked away and didnt call everbody else fakers/liars/cheats

why the f**k do you keep insisting thats its the builds fault when you are the single person who cant make it work and everybody else says its fine. just accept that this isnt your playstyle/build/mechanic/whatever, resell your gear and stop posting/hating that this build doenst work, when it perfectly does for other ppl. thank you!



