[3.8 BUFFED] Demi's TWO MILLION+ DPS SAFESTLEMON Low Life Righteous Fire/Scorching Ray Guardian

LotusBlade เขียน:
Thanks for reply, hyper_ch, it explains a lot.

Question 1. If i took that nod, isnt all my life regen automaticly becomes es regen? Then why would i buy those jewels to convert life regen into es regen any further?

a) Yes, http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Zealot%27s_Oath, , so no life regen.
b) The jewel (i guess http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Energy_From_Within) converts life to ES. Dont buy it unless you have good gear. In my opinion it is pretty useless (for the price) since the nerf.

LotusBlade เขียน:
Thanks for reply, hyper_ch, it explains a lot.
Question 2. When i invested a point into 0,4 life regen / 5 sec, it gave me +28 extra ES regen/sec. My Max life is 1700, my Max ES is around 7000. 0,4% from 1700 would be 7, while 0,4% from 7000 is exactly 28. What the hell? Isnt it supposed to be a % from LIFE in the beggining of calculation?

http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Zealot%27s_Oath, so no life regen.
grizzly40 เขียน:

this is 122% life without jewels, took only the most effiecient life nodes on the way. with 6 jewels you get 164% life, which means you need around 1800 max life to reach 5k max life and this is easily achievable. 20% of your live pool is changed into FLAT es, meaning you get free 1k flat es off that. simple as that, you must have done something wrong

edit: here, this is my guardian's skill tree, as i said, over 20k es with very mediocre gear, lvl 92


Tested a lot with ES and Life and also your build a little bit but just with 4 Life Nodes:

In no case Life makes a significant increase in ES. Generally 6% ES mean for me 184 ES. In comparison 71 Life mean with the build with the four life nodes 100 more ES.

Lets say i get too rings with t1 Life and 1 Belt and lets guess the two other life nodes from your build are also taken + gems with life. The 70 Life could maybe mean 200 more ES. But that would be 600 more Life for ES (and you have to take the 6 Life nodes, for which you could also take 6 ES-Nodes). No math behind these part, just assumption.

I assume that you have a very high amount of Base ES on your gear with a lot of strength and int. These stats in addition with the ES nodes increase your base ES. Life is just a low or in your build a medicore addition.
Also I guess that you dont have "medicore" gear in the point of view of most of the players of POE, just checked your shop ;-). I could be wrong, but then i want to see pictures of stats and gear.


Gems and Rings for additional testing:

One Addition:
If you are using

Your life is also 10% lower.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Beicrom#7175 เมื่อ 9 พ.ค. 2017 14:52:38
Hi Beicrom.

I've been reading your posts and have found them very helpful, so I'm hoping you wont mind if I ask you a couple questions.

I read where you said you don't suggest Energy From Within Jewels unless someone has really good gear. Can you explain what you mean by that?

Also, with the nerf, is it still possible to hit the 20k ES that draws so many eyes to this build?

I like how you've thought outside the box by using a Scepter with Damage over time on it. I never would have thought of that. May I ask what your ES total is?

Also, is there any way we could see a screenshot of your stats page and Scorching Ray tooltip DPS? I noticed your very sexy helmet enchant, so I would love to see what your damage is.

Thank you very much and I hope this isn't too much trouble.
Beicrom เขียน:

Tested a lot with ES and Life and also your build a little bit but just with 4 Life Nodes:

In no case Life makes a significant increase in ES. Generally 6% ES mean for me 184 ES. In comparison 71 Life mean with the build with the four life nodes 100 more ES.

Lets say i get too rings with t1 Life and 1 Belt and lets guess the two other life nodes from your build are also taken + gems with life. The 70 Life could maybe mean 200 more ES. But that would be 600 more Life for ES (and you have to take the 6 Life nodes, for which you could also take 6 ES-Nodes). No math behind these part, just assumption.

I assume that you have a very high amount of Base ES on your gear with a lot of strength and int. These stats in addition with the ES nodes increase your base ES. Life is just a low or in your build a medicore addition.
Also I guess that you dont have "medicore" gear in the point of view of most of the players of POE, just checked your shop ;-). I could be wrong, but then i want to see pictures of stats and gear.


Gems and Rings for additional testing:

One Addition:
If you are using

Your life is also 10% lower.

you fail to realize one aspect. as i said, you need to invest into life to make it work really well, but you don't sacrifice anything, this is why it's so good and takes the build to another level. life you get from rings and belt is free (no other good prefixes here), %life from jewels takes an affix slot of course, but you still can make room for some op jewels like %life, %es, damage and int+str (for example).

the point of my version of the build is to maximize es at the cost of nothing and it does it. you also can't overlook a huge amount of armour you'll get from reserved life, having extra 20k armour for free is absolutely beautiful.

about your calculations, you didn't probably invest enough into life and life jewels, but i want to make it clear:

i get 164% increased life with my build, 154% with edge, as you've noticed. in this situation, a 100 hp ring (t1 life t2 str for example) gives me 254 max life. 20% of that is transfered to flat es, which means it gives me 51 flat es, so around 300 es i believe. just from life prefix on 1 ring. looks like it's pretty freaking worth it. but let me give you another example:
154% life combined with 2000 flat life (totally achievable) results in let's say 5080 life, so that's 1016 flat es for free with very little investment. now let's say we took away 2 passives, which give 15% life and 30 flat life together. that will decrease your total life by 372, so that is 74 flat es (around 450 total es). so what's better, this or 2 x 6% es nodes? :)

but overall i wanted to point out what people didn't realize, so the fact that you can fit decent number of hp in this build "for free" and profit heavily from it.
btw. my items were veery similar to yours, i just had a bit weaker shield and helmet. of course i had completely different rings, but they weren't expensive at all (except for %es craft). so yeah, if i had 20.2k es on lvl 92 with that gear, then it's definitely possible to reach 24 or even 25k es. but it's only possible thanks to life
NavarreElder เขียน:
Hi Beicrom.
I've been reading your posts and have found them very helpful, so I'm hoping you wont mind if I ask you a couple questions.

Thank you very much and I hope this isn't too much trouble.

Thx and it makes no trouble. Also thank you Demi for this awesome build. As you can see i really have my fun with it.

NavarreElder เขียน:

I read where you said you don't suggest Energy From Within Jewels unless someone has really good gear. Can you explain what you mean by that?

Please remind, that i use shapers touch:
Energy From Within (EFW) pre nerf gave you (as an example) with the melding nodes 23% - 27% ES. Now you get 18% - 21% ES and it lowers your life which is less ES by Chayula Amu (also less armour).
If you get a jewel with 10 to int and str (4%ES), 15 int (3%ES) (or str) and 8% ES you get together 15% ES. Here are not included the addition to flat ES by life (Chayula Amu) and mana (Guardian Skill).
And it could possible have another stat.
A perfect EFW costs arround 3 Ex, maybe lower. As you can see you see the increase (in comparasion) is less then 6% Es and you loose armour. I dont like the invest. Save the currency and buy good gear.

In addition:
using Shapers Touch has one big disadvantage. You have one item slot with no options for resistance and lightning and cold attack on hit (big damage boost with Elemental Equilibrium). I think that resistance is very easy to maintain by jewels and rings and lightning and cold attack on hit by rings. So you are less flexible with Shapers Touch.

NavarreElder เขียน:
Hi Beicrom.
Also, with the nerf, is it still possible to hit the 20k ES that draws so many eyes to this build?

I like how you've thought outside the box by using a Scepter with Damage over time on it. I never would have thought of that. May I ask what your ES total is?

It is easy to obtain if you have the money.
ATM: Level 95
Life: 2109
ES: 18363
STR: 385
INT: 559

With 40% ES Blade:
Level 95
Life: 1956
ES: 18979
STR: 330
INT: 536
With a perfect Blade and perfect rings i would get (i guess) around 600 more ES. I could also switch the ring with dex to a ring with str/int but i dont want to loose item rarity...

I am using a scepter because with culling strike my item rarity support for RF is useless (and it gives me a huge DPS boost).

NavarreElder เขียน:

Also, is there any way we could see a screenshot of your stats page and Scorching Ray tooltip DPS? I noticed your very sexy helmet enchant, so I would love to see what your damage is.

Remember i only have a 4 Link Scorching Ray. Scorching Ray Enchant gave me around 10% increase dps. I was lurking for RF but i gave up after nearly 60 runs with twice enchanted...

With Scepter:

Without Scepter:

It took me some time to get the point why we dont get to the same results

grizzly40 เขียน:

you fail to realize one aspect.

I am not sure about this, see below ;-)

grizzly40 เขียน:

as i said, you need to invest into life to make it work really well, but you don't sacrifice anything,

Life increase is not exponential growth. As ES it will increase with every node and gem.

grizzly40 เขียน:

but you don't sacrifice anything,

You sacrifice the ES nodes, see below ;-)

grizzly40 เขียน:

this is why it's so good and takes the build to another level.

I am not sure about this, see below ;-)

grizzly40 เขียน:

life you get from rings and belt is free (no other good prefixes here), %life from jewels takes an affix slot of course, but you still can make room for some op jewels like %life, %es, damage and int+str (for example).

I totally agree

grizzly40 เขียน:

the point of my version of the build is to maximize es at the cost of nothing and it does it.

Nope, ES nodes. See below.

grizzly40 เขียน:

you also can't overlook a huge amount of armour you'll get from reserved life, having extra 20k armour for free is absolutely beautiful.

I have arround 60% armour. Physical damage cant kill me.

grizzly40 เขียน:

about your calculations, you didn't probably invest enough into life and life jewels, but i want to make it clear:
i get 164% increased life with my build, 154% with edge, as you've noticed. in this situation, a 100 hp ring (t1 life t2 str for example) gives me 254 max life. 20% of that is transfered to flat es, which means it gives me 51 flat es, so around 300 es i believe. just from life prefix on 1 ring. looks like it's pretty freaking worth it. but let me give you another example:
154% life combined with 2000 flat life (totally achievable) results in let's say 5080 life, so that's 1016 flat es for free with very little investment. now let's say we took away 2 passives, which give 15% life and 30 flat life together. that will decrease your total life by 372, so that is 74 flat es (around 450 total es). so what's better, this or 2 x 6% es nodes? :)

Jesus, this took me some time. I could read your math and i couldnt find the mistake. I couldnt explain where you get the high amount of ES from life, but my test couldnt prove it. Because of that I mentioned before, I wanted to see screenshots.

I found the problem:
In my build (little changes to Demis build) I already have 54% increase life. Ok, its 60% i also have one jewel with life.
The life from jewels, str, rings, belts will also go for every build with the Chayula Amu:
So your flat increase in comparasion will be much lower (around 60 to 70% less).

grizzly40 เขียน:

but overall i wanted to point out what people didn't realize, so the fact that you can fit decent number of hp in this build "for free" and profit heavily from it.

See above. But I dont think life is useless.

Life is no useless stat. If you have Shapers Touch Str is very important for ES like Int.
Do i believe it is possible to achieve arround 24 k? Maybe, but i think yes, because i can achive with my gear already around 20k (just have to use Ephemeral Edge and better ring enchants).
Str and Shapers Touch will help a lot.

Is your Life-Build superior? Nope, maybe a little.
Is my little changed Demi-Build superior? Nope, maybe a little.

Should someone give your build a try? Yes, if you have very much life jewels and life on rings and belts and dont loose important secondary or primary stats.

แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Beicrom#7175 เมื่อ 10 พ.ค. 2017 15:37:37
Beicrom เขียน:

You sacrifice the ES nodes, see below ;-)

it's not really called a sacrifice, when you just exchange 20k es for 24k es and a lot of armour, is it?

Beicrom เขียน:

Nope, ES nodes. See below.

see above

Beicrom เขียน:

I have arround 60% armour. Physical damage cant kill me.

look at demi's uber atziri video and tell me that armour isn't useful

Beicrom เขียน:

Life is no useless stat. If you have Shapers Touch Str is very important for ES like Int.
Do i believe it is possible to achieve arround 24 k? Maybe, but i think yes, because i can achive with my gear already around 20k (just have to use Ephemeral Edge and better ring enchants).
Str and Shapers Touch will help a lot.

Is your Life-Build superior? Nope, maybe a little.
Is my little changed Demi-Build superior? Nope, maybe a little.

Should someone give your build a try? Yes, if you have very much life jewels and life on rings and belts and dont loose important secondary or primary stats.

i'm pretty sure that life version of this build is superior to the others. if you want i'll make precise calculations, but i find it obvious that you can reach way higher amounts of es this way and as i said before, don't underestimate huge amounts of armour you get for free from it
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย grizzly40#2276 เมื่อ 11 พ.ค. 2017 07:15:57
Please do the math! I did!

Cost me some time, but i am now able to complete calculate the ES of my complete armour (i have an error about <0,5%).
And I found your math error and the reason why it would not fit to my test results.

I didnt know (i guess you too), that Presence of Chayula will not convert 20% life to the same amount of ES.
See here: http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Presence_of_Chayula
I stumbled about it when i tried to proof my calculation. You get arround 70% flat ES from the reduced life.

I took my build and gear and added:
55 Str to the belt, both rings and my weapon.
79 and 99 life to the belt and the rings.
6% life to all 5 jewels.

Here my build with your 6 additional Life Nodes
ES: 19750

Then my build with 6 ES nodes:
ES: 20600

And yes i know its Level 101

Like I mentioned before:
Should someone give your build a try? Yes, if you have very much life jewels and life on rings and belts and dont loose important secondary or primary stats. Not to forget Str and Shapers Touch.

I did not test it with Ephermal Edge, but i will try.
Someone wanna know the maximum possible ES? :-)
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Beicrom#7175 เมื่อ 12 พ.ค. 2017 00:40:46
Hi, good guide!

Question, could we substitute presense of chayula for skyforth?
syafiq92738 เขียน:
Hi, good guide!

Question, could we substitute presense of chayula for skyforth?

Yes, for arround 20s then your ES is down and life is reduced to 1.



